John Phillips
Thursday, October 28, 2010
MU 588- Internship
1st Period- 7th and 8th Grade Concert Band
Behavioral Objectives-
- Students will be able to play his/her part more accurately with a more confident sound.
- Students will be able to use a unified system of counting.
- Students will be able to play with a good tone and good intonation.
- Students will be able to confidently read his/her part with correct rhythms.
- Students will begin to be able to play in the correct style as dictated by the music.
Content Standard #2: Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
- A. Students perform on at least one instrument (e.g., band or orchestra instrument, keyboard instrument, fretted instrument, electronic instrument) accurately and independently, alone and in small and large ensembles, with good posture, good playing position, and good breath, bow, or stick control
Content Standard #5:Reading and notating music
- B. Students read at sight simple melodies in both the treble and bass clefs
- C. Students identify and define standard notation symbols for pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, articulation, and expression
Content Standard #7: Evaluating music and music performances
- B. Students evaluate the quality and effectiveness of their own and others' performances, compositions, arrangements, and improvisations by applying specific criteria appropriate for the style of the music and offer constructive suggestions for improvement
AL Arts:
1. Produce a characteristic tone in the middle and low register at all dynamic ranges, releasing a characteristic tone that is tapered and on pitch.
- Sustaining a tone without wavers in pitch or intensity for 15 seconds on the flute or tuba and for 25 seconds on other wind instruments
3.Demonstrate adjustment of pitch on personal instruments while playing with a group.
4.Demonstrate choices of breathing places in a manner that prevents breaking a phrase.
5.Identify characteristically out-of-tune notes on personal instruments.
Example:recognizing notes produced by first- and third-valve combinations on brass instruments as being sharp, notes C# and Db on flutes as being sharp, notes in fifth and seventh partials as being flat
Students Prior Knowledge/Prerequisite Learning: Students will have an appropriate knowledge of their instrument and will have appropriate music reading skills.
Materials: Instrument, Pencil, Music from Music Folder, Method Book- TIPPS
- Students will enter the room and assemble their instruments.
- Teacher will make announcements as the students finish preparing for class
- Teacher will lead band through TIPPS warm-up and tuning section. Pp. 3, exercises 7, 1, 2, and 3.
- Teacher will lead students through the following exercises in Bb concert from TIPPS p. 6-7: 23, 24, 26, and 27 using the rhythm pattern of 2 tenuto eighth notes and 1 tenuto quarter note instead of the half note printed.
- Teacher will lead the ensemble through the regular tuning process.
- Teacher will lead the band through TIPPS , p. 8, exercise 32.
- Teacher will lead the band through Rhythm Builders #1- Prelude asking students to focus on keeping a steady beat, exaggerating dynamics, and remaining balanced and blended throughout.
- Teacher will lead the band through A Christmas Cannon, focusing on the following:
- Mm. 1-24 working on playing notes clearly and playing long phrases
- Mm. 57-end working on playing together balanced and blended.
- Teacher will lead the students in sightreading The Challenger using the STARS method. The teacher will only stop the ensemble if there is a considerable amount of people (approx. 30% of the ensemble or one whole section) who get lost.
- If time allows, the teacher will lead the band in The Challenger one last time.
- Teacher will make final announcements.
- Students will be asked to put things away.
Evaluation/Assessment:Evaluation/Assessment:The teacher will listen for and make suggestions for improvement in performance along the way.
Specific benchmarks:
- Students working to have a balanced and blended sound and achieving it with at least 85-90% success during TIPPS exercises.
- Students will be at least 75% successful in keeping time while managing to use proper dynamics and balance during the Rhythm Builders.
- Students make some measureable progress in preparing A Christmas Cannon
- Students successfully sightread The Challenger