Can you believe it’s time to be talking about Reynolds Revue and registration for next year’s classes?

Please plan to attend the 2012 Reynolds Revue on Thursday February 16, 2012 starting at 7pm in the auditorium. This entertaining and informative evening offers something for everyone – current students, future students, prospective students, and their families. We’ll showcase RJR talent, remind everyone what RJR has to offer, and have a brief PTSA meeting. There may even be a surprise or two. Following the auditorium session, attend a teacher or coach meet & greet, check out the activities fair or the Demon Shop, and/or get answers to your general registration questions from counselors.

Counselors met with the 9th, 10th, and 11th graders this past week to get them ready to register for their classes for next year. Every student was given a registration form with a sticker on the top right corner indicating when their appointment time is with their individual counselor. Parents are welcome to sit in on their child’s appointment, we just are asked to be mindful that each appointment is 15 minutes. If your child was absent when the registration forms were given out, have them go to guidance and get it.

Here’s how we parents can help:

  1. Ask your child when their counselor appointment is.
  2. Help them remember to attend their scheduled appointment!
  3. Help your child select their classes for next year.
  4. Make sure your child requests electives they would really be interested in taking.

Please note Mrs. Beale’s Spotlight on Registration article later in the newsletter. Getting the schedule your child wants in the fall begins now!

Yours in black and gold,

Jean Anne and Scott Semke

PTSA Co-Presidents

This week our PTSA volunteer in the spotlight is Margaret Morrison. We are happy to honor a student this week. Margaret is a junior at Reynolds and volunteers her time to photograph our sports teams. You may have seen Margaret at various sporting events taking action shots and positioning herself wherever she needs to be to get just the right angle. She is a skilled athlete herself and this year she chose to mix her love for sports with her love for photography. Margaret generously volunteers her time and talent to photograph our student athletes and she shares her pictures with the various teams. Her pictures are fabulous! Thank you Margaret for being a student volunteer. The “S” in PTSA stands for STUDENTS and you are a great example that reminds us we can ALL share our gifts and talents with RJR!

The staff at Reynolds will be getting a new email system. While their addresses will not change, the installation of the system will take place Feb. 17-Feb. 21. During this period not only will the staff not have access to email, they will never receive an email sent in that four day period. Please wait until Feb. 22 to email a staff member. Thank you.

The deadline for purchasing yearbooks has been extended.You may purchase one by going online to or by calling 1.866.287.3096. The order number is 10595 and you will need this for either option. Order your copy of the RJR yearbook today!

Your gift makes a difference…and every gift counts!

The School Improvement Team will hold its next meeting on Monday, February 13th and as parents, we’d love nothing better than to enrich the lives of our faculty, staff and students by using Legacy funds to improve our classroom, arts and service experiences! So teachers…please submit your SIT funding requests TODAY to take advantage of this opportunity! We have $119,430 from 242 donors and are ready to share the wealth!

Parents, if you haven’t contributed to the Legacy Campaign, it’s definitely not too late! If you have already donated, DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR COMPANY MATCHING FUNDS. If you work for a company that matches charitable contributions, please remember to submit your matching contribution forms. You can mail your form to the school or drop it off in the main office.

Thanks so much again for all your support!

Please email us with Legacy questions or concerns at .

--Lisa and Greg Carter


Stop by the Demon Shop for your copy of the RJR cookbook, “Amid the Pines” for only $12. Agenda books are still on sale for $3.00 – it’s not too late to get organized! Remember…we are open Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 to 2:00. If you are interested in working in the shop, please contact Lisa Rowell at .

The RJR Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following slate of officers for the 2012-2013 school year:
Presidents:Lisa and William Dull
1st Vice Presidents: Lisa and Greg Carter
2nd Vice Presidents: Jean Anne and Scott Semke
Treasurer: David Hinton
Secretary:Tara Jolley
The slate was approved by the PTSA Board at the January meeting and will be voted on at the general PTSA meeting during the Reynolds Revue.
Thanks to the nominating committee for its work in creating the slate of officers and to the parents for being willing to serve.

Congratulations to R.J. Reynolds Student of the Week Samuel Doughton. He is being recognized by Ms. Morrisey for demonstrating how a great attitude and focus can yield great academic results. Congratulations and thanks for making RJR great, Sam!

Orchestra students, including winds, brass and percussion, are going to a music festival in Williamsburg, VA the weekend of April 20th. We will leave Friday morning and get back early Sunday morning. The trip includes a day at BuschGardens amusement park. Total cost is $255. The non-refundable $50 deposit is due by this Friday, Feb. 10. Call Mrs. Rehder at 336-391-3852 if you have questions. Orchestra students are selling The World's Finest Chocolate to raise funds.

Registration information sessions for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors were held on Wednesday, February 8th and Thursday, February 9th. Hopefully, your student shared the information that was distributed. Individual registration appointments will begin next Wednesday, February 15th! Please check with your student to find out his or her assigned appointment time. Parents are welcome to join their student during the assigned registration time. Hard copies of the 2012-2013 High School Registration Handbook will be distributed early next week; in the meantime, view or download an electronic copy from the RJR Student Services website or at

Please begin discussions with your student (and his or her current teachers) about appropriate courses and alternates. We look forward to working with you and your students throughout the registration process.

will be taken on Feb. 15.
can also be ordered on Feb. 15.

11th grade students who have taken the SAT or the ACT prior to January 1, 2012 and have scores for each subtest that meet the college readiness benchmark standards may request an ACT testing exemption andopt out of taking the ACT on March 6. (The bench standards are listed below.)

If you are interested in opting out of this test, you must fill out the ACT Testing Exemption Request Form. This form may be picked up in the Guidance office and must be given to Dr. Paschal by February 15th.

SAT college readiness benchmark scores include all of the following subtests:

Critical Reading 500

Mathematics 500

Writing 500

ACT college readiness benchmark scores include all of the following subtests:

English 18

Reading 21

Mathematics 22

Science 24

Writing 7

Please go to the Student Services page on the RJR website and complete the student/parent contact form to receive scholarshipupdate emails. Please complete the Resume and Scholarship form ASAP to begin being considered for scholarship opportunities.

The National Guard will be here all three lunches to see students in the cafeteria area on Monday, Feb. 13th.

The 2012 RJR Academic Team is coached by the following teachers:

Science - Tim Scott (RJRadviser)

English - Nikel Bussolati

Math - Sue Freitag

Social Studies - David Friedman

General Knowledge - Scottie House & Nicole Beale

Matches begin at approximately 4:20 in the library and last 1-1.5 hours. Come and see our talented students. Schedule is as follows:

2012 Academic Match Schedule
Date / School (visitor) / School (HOME) / Score Results
1-Feb / RJR vs / W. Forsyth / Won : 251-166
8-Feb / Glenn vs / RJR (HOME - Library) / Won: 287-156
15-Feb / RJR vs / Parkland
22-Feb / Atkins vs / RJR (HOME - Library)
29-Feb / Reagan vs / RJR (televised from Educ Bldg)

Congratulations to the following students who made the 2012 Northwest All-District Honors Band:
Anita Patel
Sammy Luo
Arjun Patel
Maggie Kennedy
Agnus Jalayah
Niko Reingold
Matthew Shafer
Jeremy Sexton (1st Chair)
Dustin Sneed (1st Chair)
Henry White
Rose O'Brien
Grace Craig
Kyle McGee
Pierce O'Brien (1st Chair)
Yanal Tchelepi
The following students are eligible to audition for the 2012 All-State Honors Band:
Anita Patel
Sammy Luo
Jeremy Sexton
Dustin Sneed
Henry White
Pierce O'Brien
The next payment for our 2012 trip to Florida is due February 16. If you have questions, please contact Mr. James at

A group of parents is working tirelessly on having a stadium built for RJ Reynolds High Schoolat HanesPark. Your support is needed!

The group has partnered with the Winston-Salem Foundation while completing its own non-profit status.

Development of a website is in the works and should be rolled out in the next few weeks.

If you cannot donate financially, your donations of time or resources are just as important and helpful.

The group is looking for people who have all types of skills and experiences including writing grants, working on websites and contacting RJR alums who have moved away from Winston-Salem.

If you would like to donate, you can contact the Winston-Salem Foundation and refer to the RJR Home Field Advantage account.

Feb. 13Spring Sports Tryouts Begin
V Boys Basketball, Conf. Tournament at Reagan, Time TBA

Feb. 14V Girls Basketball, Conf. Tournament at Reagan, Time TBA

Feb. 15/16/17Check the website and twitter for updates on the basketball tournament

Feb. 18V Wrestling, Regionals

Spring sports tryouts will begin on February 13. All athletes must have a current physical to try out. Physical forms can be downloaded at

Baseball tryouts will be Mon/Tues/Wed from 4-7.

Tennis tryouts will be Mon/Tues from 4-6.

Soccer tryouts will be Mon/Tue/Wed at Whitaker Elem from 4:15-6:00.

Golf tryouts will begin Monday at Winston Lake Golf Course

Softball practice will begin at 4:00 at the field.

Track practice will be at HanesPark at 4:00.

For lacrosse practice times and locations, please contact the coaches.

Listen to R.J. Reynolds Boys Basketball Games Live on the Internet at