YSP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2011

Funding and Budget

Leon Lowenstein

1. Kit committee – more below. 2. Fam Med Program – Dates for Fall 2011 have been set. We will also be taking suggestions on how to get more families involved through YSP scholarships. 3. Women in Science Day – Date for next year will be Nov 2, 2011.


Nothing new to report.

Alumni Association

Annual report was completed and submitted by the January 31stdeadline. Ariel will attend the Alumni Association Meeting on March 7th to talk about the YSP poster.


We will start researching HHMI and possible grant renewal opportunities since we are in the 4th year of our 5 year grant.

YSP Party at Dr. Woolsey’s

On February 10th. Thanks to everyone that attended.

YSP Award from Academy of Science of St. Louis

YSP will accept the science educator award at the annual awards dinner for the Academy of Science of St. Louis on Wednesday, April 13th. We will check into getting a table or seats for the dinner.

20 Year Anniversary Celebration

Will be held on June 6, 2011. We have volunteers signed up for committees to help. If you are interested in helping, please let us know. We will be providing more information as we have it available. Bruce Alberts is booked. We have a few other speakers on board and a past summer focus participant scheduled to speak.

Alpha Omega Investigators

Erica and Elizabeth are working on the planning of this program on July 14 – 16, 2011. They will need volunteers to help with this lab course for middle school students. We are working with the Youth Learning Center to solicit for participants.

Teacher Kit Committee

Urban Futures tried the DNA kits. We are awaiting evaluation feedback. The committee is working on filming the next demo and testing additional kits to get ready.

Mentoring for Summer Focus and TRP

We need mentors especially for TRP. If you are interested, please let us know.

Publication andAssessment – Kate, Devi, or Brit sent a rough draft to Dr. Woolsey and the Holts to read through and provide feedback. Next step is to make edits and begin looking for a journal to submit the publication.

Program Updates:


We interviewed on Feb 19-20 and selected 16 great students for the summer. We are now starting to plan for the summer.


We interviewed in Feb and would like to accept all six teachers, but need mentors. We are now starting to plan for the summer.


We have several teams scheduled to go out in March.

Will need teams to cover some upcoming fieldtrips. Working on scheduling more team visits.

A few Neuro team members will be attending the Spring Brain conference in AZ and providing demonstrations again at Cholla HS.


March 11 – LaSalle MS

March 16 – St. Charles Community College Science camp for Middle schoolers

March 23 - St. Charles Community College Science camp for Middle schoolers

March 28 – Parkway North FT

Community Partnerships: Same info as the teacher kit committee.


Next Meeting: Next meeting Wednesday, April 6 from 12-1.