Wayland Board of Adjustment

Public Hearing

Wayland City Hall Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. August 16, 2016

Roll Call:

Chairperson Janet Sterling called the meeting to order with the following members present: Janet Sterling, Karen Neff, Mike Bailey, and Brad Shettler. Others present: Beverly Conrad (Zoning Admin), Karole Miller (Zoning Liaison), Gary Messer, Jim Renfro. Absent: Gerry Klopfenstein.

Approve Minutes

Shettlermoved and Bailey 2nd a motion to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2016 meeting of the BOA without any additions or deletions. 4ayes. Motion declared carried.

Public Hearing

Chairperson Sterling opened the public hearing commenting on the scope and duties of the Board Of Adjustment (BOA).

Variance Request

Gary Messerthanked the Board for considering his appeal and spoke to the need for a 5’ front yard setback variance in order to construct a 12’Wx28’Lx10’H frame addition to house at 207 Depot St. The addition would be in line with the north edge of the existing house. The utility and air conditioner location hinders being able to build a reasonable size addition to the house and still meet the 20’ front setback.

Interested Property Owners

Adjoining property owner Robert Meyercalled in to state he had no objections to granting the variance. No other interested property owners spoke for or against the request. BOA Member Klopfenstein (unable to come to meeting) commented that the house was currently 15’ from the front property line before zoning and was fine with an addition that did not extend closer to the front lot line, also noted nearest neighbors were in favor of granting 5’ variance.

Zoning Admin Report

Zoning Administrator Beverly Conrad spoke informing the BOA the building permit submitted was denied by the building permit committee because the proposed construction does not conform to the R-2 District 20’ setback front yard requirement (Section 050-040.A) of the Zoning Ordinance. Messer had submitted a previous building permit with the addition extending north of his house which was denied. He then revised the building to go east instead but still requires a variance to meet the front yard setback. Gary Messer filed an appeal with the BOA requesting a variance.

Applicant’s Rebuttal

Messer has spoken with several neighbors who all had favorable responses to the building addition placement, citing no negative impact on property values and affects to property view.

Res. #2016-01 BOA

No one present having anything further to add, Shettler moved and Bailey 2nd a motion to close the public hearing. 4 ayes. Motion declared carried.

After the BOA discussed the merits of the appeal, Bailey moved and Shettler2nd a motion approving Res. #2016-01 BOA granting a 5’ front yard setback variance with no restrictions. Roll Call Vote, 4ayes. Motion declared carried.


There being no other business, Neff moved and Shettler2nd a motion to adjourn. 4 ayes. Motion declared carried.


Karen Neff, Secretary BOA Janet Sterling, Chairperson BOA