From: Garretson Peter Maj AF/A8XC
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 8:19 AM
Subject: We the People: National Open Source Space Architecture Design


I got a chance to develop the idea we discussed over dinner which you said "had legs"--open source design of systems. I've outlined it as if it were a public service announcement as part of a larger American Aerospace Competitive Initiative, let me know what you think:

CSAF: Good afternnoon, today the President, thesecretariesand I announce the largest project in the history of American Aerospace.

POTUS:A project that will accellerate and ensure our competitivenes.

Sec of Education: And help educate our children

[Pan out to see whole group of seated leaders, including the heads of AFSPC, NRO, NASA, NSSO, Commerce, Education, OSTP, House & Senate Aerospace & Science committees, Several University Heads, AIAA, USRA, Technology Adminstration, NIST, Space Congress, SFF, NSS]

CSAF: Today we announce the NATIONAL OPEN SOURCE SPACE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN (NOSSAD) and Competition. Starting today, as a nation, we are going to design an entire space architecture using the open source model.

[Show wind tunnels and lab stations at AFRL, bank of Servers]

Hosted by core servers at AFRL and administrated by volunteer champions across academia, NOSSAD offers anyone who is interested a chance to help design and develop the future aerospace architecture of tomorrow.

[Show website top level: "I want to help design" select space plane - bring up and show rotating virtual space plane, fade out or show website selections as narrator discusses others]

Here if you think you have something to contribute,you as American Citizens can help designSpace Planes, Tethers, Launch Pads, Fuelling Facilities, Space Stations, Space Solar Power Satellites, Orbital Maneuvering Vehicles, Lunar Bases, Asteroid Tugs. Each approved project is hosted on the servers and run by one or more competing champions.

Each sub-project posts what is missing (including top problems like PNG), from rocket nozzles to avionics software to environmental impact statements and legal reviews. As interfaces to projects are complete, they are posted on-line as standards (doors, connectors, etc. like ISO or Net Centric Standards Consortium, Artimis Project)for others to build to. As projects and subsystems are complete, they are available for licensing to US Agencies, US States, Municipalities, and Government Corporations (like COMSAT) at no charge.

Scoring of contributions is done by the community in a voting structure like e-bay, with prizes an recognition going to key contributors and those filling or fixing most needed (like PNG). Opportunities for scholarships, field trips, and White House level awards all exist. There is no money involved, this is to be a labor of love by our citizens who would have us expand our education and economy, a patriotic contribution of the special talents each of our citizens have, whether they be students needing a project, engineers lending their skills in their off-time, or just someone who loves aerospace.

Become part of the effort today at . There you will be able to download a suite of software (itself open source and open to revision) that provides tools for computer aided design [like CATANIA], manufacture, collaborative design [Sharepoint] and distributed computing software for simulation [like BOINC], and Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG like Second Life) simulations to run entitity level studies. As people help out these will growto virtual immersive environments.