Yale University

Bulldogs over Broadway—Oct 29, 2005

Edited by Mike Wehrman

Packet by Columbia (Nick Flath, Harrison, et al.) and special guest Craig Bucki (ex-Yale, now Columbia Law)


1. Upon learning of her engagement to an asthmatic stranger complete with humpback, she wept for two days. Unsurprisingly, as the daughter of the heir to both the English and Scottish thrones, her 1677 marriage was a political one, as her Catholic father needed to affiliate himself with a prominent Protestant prince. Nevertheless, fears about James II’s Catholicism led her husband to launch a bloodless invasion of England in 1688. FTP, name this woman, co-ruler of England with William III.

ANSWER: Mary II (Prompt on Mary Stuart)

2. Though the artist paints only one tugboat, and a sunset in the distance, eyewitnesses of the event pictured recalled two tugs, and claimed the sunset was invented. Moreover, the title ship had already been stripped of masts, sail and rigging at the time of its final journey, while the artist paints furled sails. FTP Name this 1839 painting of J.M.W. Turner of the 98-gun ship of the line which had been directly astern of HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar.

ANSWER: The Fighting Temeraire, tugged to her last berth to be broken up.

3. Biologically speaking, there is great debate regarding this animal’s reproductive cycle, but it is known that the Hectocotylus of the male can be up to three feet in length. Queequeg is quite certain that this animal portends the nearness of a sperm whale, while Starbuck exclaims “Almost rather had I seen Moby Dick and fought him, than to have seen thee, thou white ghost!.” Also, its eye is the largest of any living creature. FTP name this mollusk which can grow to tremendous size and was first filmed in its natural habitat earlier this year.

ANSWER: The Giant Squid

4. While his work led to the creation of the ideas of “six degrees of separation” and the “lost letter technique”, he is best remembered for his experiements conducted at Yale from 1961-2 which focused on obedience to authority. FTP, name this psychologist who found that two-thirds of studied subjects were willing to administer terrible electric shocks to innocent, protesting human beings when a researcher told them the experiemental protocol demanded it.

ANSWER: Stanley Milgram

5. Lynyrd Skynyrd lead singer Ronnie Van Zant supposedly hit his head on one of these machines in the rental plane he was riding in when it crashed in 1977, killing him instantly. Its original manufacturer won an important Supreme Court decision against Universal, when thee machines were recognized as legal. It involves a magnetic tape and was heavily marketed for home use, especially in Asia, but was superceded by a more successful, yet lower quality rival. FTP name this video recording format developed by Sony, featuring tapes slightly smaller than VHS.

ANSWER: Betamax

6. She was married three times, and her second husband, the son of the king of Naples, was attacked on the steps of St. Peter’s and later strangled. Rumored to have had innumerable affairs, she inspired such works as a Donizetti opera and a Hugo play. Her family figured largely in her love life: her father, Pope Alexander VI, ordered her first marriage annulled, and her brother had her second husband killed. To add insult to injury, she was accused of having an incestuous relationship with both her father and her brother. FTP, name this femme fatale, who supposedly used a hollow ring to slip poison into the drinks of rivals, a member of the notorious Borgia family.

ANSWER: Lucrezia Borgia (Don’t need to say Borgia after it’s mentioned)

7. The particles in the system do not interact with one another, but the necessitated interaction occurs through the symmetry of the N-body wave function of the system. First produced by Cornell and Wieman in 1995, it is characterized by the collapse of its constituent atoms into a single quantum state. Only existing at temperatures approaching absolute zero, its existence was predicted by two eminent scientists , after whom it is named. FTP name this gaseous superfluid “fifth state of matter.”

ANSWER: Bose-Einsten Condensate

8. Chroniclers of his reign stigmatize him as avaricious and coarse; however, in all likelihood he was simply frugal and eager to put the finances of the empire on an even keel, after the troubles preceding his reign. As for his blunt demeanor, it likely came from his origins in the equestrian class and long experience as a campaigning soldier. Known for his role in the conquest of Britain and his son’s suppression of the Jewish revolt under his authority, he was the last ruler to take power in the “Year of the Four Emperors.” FTP, name this father of Titus and first Emperor of the Flavian Dynasty, who ruled from AD 69-79.

ANSWER: Titus Flavius Vespasianus

9. He has two sons, Hati and Skoll. Stationed at Gioll, the footfall of a cat, the beard of a woman, the roots of a mountain, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird make up Gleipnir, the chain which binds him. The offspring of Loki and Angrboda, eventually he will be slain by Vidar, who will rip his jaws asunder. FTP Name this wolf destined to swallow up Odin at the battle of Ragnarok, who bit off the hand of Tyr when the Gods refused to untie him.

ANSWER: Fenrir, or the Fenris Wolf

10. Originally built in 1397, its most famous feature is its reliquary topped by a statue of the phoenix, a thee-story square building overlooking a reflecting pond. It was meant be the retirement villa for the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. The actions Mizoguchi a young Zen monk in a work by Mishima were inspired by its actual burning in 1950, though it has always been rebuilt after fires. FTP Name this temple of North-Western Kyoto, known for being covered in gold-leaf.

ANSWER: Kinkaku-ji or Temple of the Golden-Pavilion or equivalents, Rokuon-ji)

11. Moschellandsbergite is a naturally occurring form of this type of substance, which can be regarded as solutions even though both solvent and solute are metals at room temperature. Used in the mining of silver and gold, pouring the ore down a copper trough lined with a certain substance would produce a rather pure and easy to obtain metal. In 1816, August Taveau first used them in dentistry, with tin and silver being a large portion of the modern mixture, though they have largely been replaced by resin fillings. FTP give the general term for these metallic alloys of mercury.

ANSWER: Amalgam

12. This Pomona College drop-out’s Cheap Imitation is an homage to Erik Satie, and Roaratorio uses lyrics from Finnegan’s Wake. An early proponent of aleatoric or chance music, he later studied composing with Arnold Schoenberg. Inventor of the “prepared piano” in which he attached screws, wood, and other items to piano strings, FTP, name this composer known for such works as Imaginary Landscape No. 4 in which he used twelve radios tuned to different stations, and his most famous work, 4’33.”

ANSWER: John Cage

13. At the very end of the saga, Duncan sees two people through a “web”. It is possible that they represent Face Dancers with the ability to create their own identity, but they also may represent the author and his wife. In earlier books, we see such occurences as one man’s transformation into a giant worm and, even earlier, his grandfather’s jihad which conquers the known universe. FTP name this series of six books by Frank Herbert, named for a desert planet.


14. Born in Virginia, he was adopted into the Cherokee nation where he was given the name “Black Raven” and protested to Washington about their mistreatment by government agents. After a distinguished political career including a stint as congressman and governor from Tennessee, in 1823 he moved to area with which he is more associated, also becoming a governor there. FTP name this man, better known for his military victory over the Mexican at San Jacinto, and his presidency over the republic of Texas, the namesake of the state’s largest city.

ANSWER: Sam Houston

15. They recorded a song called “Hey, Schoolgirl,” which they performed on American Bandstand and first played together as a group called Tom and Jerry. In an episode of Futurama, one of the two musicians performs with a robot facsimile of the other. This could be construed either as a dig at the talents of the second or as a reference to the constant conflict between the two, and the taller one perhaps resembled a coffee stain on Elaine Benes’s shirt. FTP, name these two folk-rock pioneers, composers of the songs “America” and “The Sound Silence.”

ANSWER: Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel

16. Memorable scenes include Kolya Krassotkin’s visit to the invalid Ilusha, where he presents him with a toy cannon, and the death of the monk Zosima, who presents a response to the ideas of one of the title characters. At the end, Dmitri sacrifices himself for the community, accepting penal servitude in Siberia, and it is famous for Ivan’s repudiation of God in the “Grand Inquisitor.” FTP name this masterpiece of Fyodor Dostoevsky, whose title characters are Ivan, Dimitri, and Alyosha.

ANSWER: The Brothers Karamazov or Bratya Karamazovy

17. In July, the 12th edition of this book was panned by New York Times reviewer Alexandra Jacobs, who disliked the pink cover, the new edition’s sharper editing, and new policies towards BDSM, transsexualism, and other issues.” Condemned as “obscene trash” by Jerry Falwell, when first published in 1970 by the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, it was originally titled Women and Their Bodies. FTP name leading reference on issues of women’s health and sexuality

ANSWER: Our Bodies, Ourselves

18. The Russian fleet had traveled through tropical waters, but didn’t have time to clean the bottoms of the hulls of their ships. Thus, their opponents had an advantage in speed, and also in gunnery, as they used a superior kind of gunpowder. Admiral Togo’s superior tactics also came into play, as he was able to “cross the T” of the Russian line twice. FTP name this decisive final battle of the Russo-Japanese war, named for the strait where it took place, between Korea and Japan.

ANSWER: Tsushima

19. In the southwest of the country is a Four Corners-like intersection known as the “quadripoint” though the exact boundary is disputed. Another of its borders follows the Luapala River, to the Pedicle, which nearly divides the country in half. In 1964, its legislature voted to secede from the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, of which it was the northern section. It shares the man-made Lake Kariba and Victoria Falls on the Zambezi with neighboring Zimbabwe. FTP name this African nation with capitol at Lusaka.
ANSWER: Zambia

20. She shares her name with the mother of the goddess Iris and the harpies, as well as with the mother of Dardanus. She eventually married Pylades, her brother’s friend, and the Erinyes did not torment her like her brother. Ordered by the Delphic oracle to slay Aegisthus, her mother’s lover, and her mother Clytemnestra, for their roles in slaying her father Agamemnon, FTP name this sister of Orestes.

ANSWER: Electra


Professional players can expect to become extremely successful, for instance, Nada signed a 3-year contract for $500,000 in 2004, and, the most famous player of all, Boxer, can expect to make $780,000 if he keeps up his characteristically dazzling play style, which caused his fans to dub him “The Terran Emperor”. The steady popularity of this game is remarkable among its genre, as it came out in 1998. FTP, name this “national sport of Korea”, an RTS game featuring conflict between humans and two alien races, developed by Blizzard software.

ANSWER: StarCraft

This chemical element was one of many discovered by Glenn Seaborg. It is highly radioactive and its most stable isotope has a mass of 251 A.M.U. Its atomic number is 98 making it one of the actinides,* beneath dysprosium of the lanthanide series. FTP, name this element named after the U.S. state in which it was discovered, and which has the chemical symbol Cf.

ANSWER: Californium

For a planet orbiting a star, it is perihelion. For a moon orbiting a planet, it is perigee. *For an Apollo mission orbiting the moon, it is pericynthion. FTP, name the general term for when a celestial body in an elliptical orbit comes the closest to the central body.

ANSWER: Periapsis or Pericenter.

This man was born in 1878 in Vienna. A fervent Zionist, he edited Die Velt, but eventually came into conflict with Theodore Herzl’s politics. After emigrating to Palestine in 1938 he taught at Hebrew University. He is most known for a philosophy of religion as a Dialogue of mutuality, openness and directness between man and God. FTP Name this philosopher, known for his masterpiece I and Thou

ANSWER: Martin Buber

This here’s a poem

Known for its syllables, G.

For ten, name the form


Yale University

Bulldogs over Broadway—Oct 29, 2005

Edited by Mike Wehrman

Packet by Columbia (Nick Flath, Harrison, et al.) and special guest Craig Bucki (ex-Yale, now Columbia Law)


1. Answer the following questions about elections that will take place in the United States on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 for ten points each.

A. On November 8, Kwame Kilpatrick will run for re-election as mayor of this Midwestern city, whose economic doldrums and consequent population losses have caused it to lose its status this year as one of the United States’ ten largest cities (10).

Answer: Detroit, Michigan

B. In Virginia, Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Jerry Kilgore will battle in a close race to replace current Governor Mark Warner, whom term limits prevent from running. How many terms has Warner served as governor (10)?