Mustang Flyer 1-19-17

Hello MPE!

Thank you for your outpouring of support for the Schupbach family this week. We continue to send our love, prayers and positive thoughts for Tristan. That is what is needed at this time.

Lucia’s Spirit Night has been rescheduled for February 7th. We will send reminders. We look forward to the PTA General Meeting and Kindergarten performance next Thursday.

Take care,

Stacy Perlman


5th/6th Grade Transition Dates

Submitted by Stacy Perlman


·  Thursday, March 2, at 6:30 PM — parent meeting at Crabapple Middle School for parents from MPE and Roswell North

·  Monday, March 27 — Wednesday, March 29, 9 AM-noon – Crabapple Middle School PTA hosts 5th grade parent tours of CMS (CMS)


·  Monday, May 8, 9-11:30 AM — Rising 6th grade tour (students only at CMS) (10:30-11:30 AM – MPES tours)

·  Thursday, May 11, at 1 PM – Bridges students speak with MPES 5th graders – students only at MPES

PTA Volunteers Needed!

Submitted by Traci Hartog

Have you been wanting to get more involved at MPE and don’t know where to start? Check out the following volunteer opportunities to see where you can make a difference:

1. Now seeking graphic designers and photographers who want to put their skills to good use helping us with some special projects.

2. Positions are now available on the 2017-2018 PTA Full Board and we’d love to have you join us! All positions offer excellent opportunities to have fun while meeting new friends, a chance to be part of a great team and the ability to help your school. No experience required.

Contact Traci Hartog at to find out more about our volunteer needs.

PTA Highlights

Submitted by Sabrina Howry and Susan Westbury

Next Thursday, January 26 at 6:00PM, there is a general PTA meeting featuring our Kindergarten performance. At this meeting, we will vote in the PTA Nominating Committee and make two budget amendments. The budget amendments will use extra funds received from profits and budget savings to fund much needed books for all grade levels and to discount Spring Fling while securing the Varsity for catering. If you have any questions or comments on the above issues, please contact Sabrina Howry at or Susan Westbury at .

Registration Now Open for RHS Boys’ Soccer Clinic

Submitted by Ernie and Tina Cameron

Roswell High School Boys’ Winter Soccer Clinic for boys ages 6-14 will be 1-4 PM, Saturday, Feb. 18, at the Roswell High School Stadium. The clinic, run by RHS Coaches and Players, costs $75. Have serious fun and improve your soccer skills! Register online: Questions:

Registration Now Open for RHS Girls’ Soccer Camp

Submitted by Traci Burke

Join the RHS Girls’ Soccer Coaches and players from 1-4 PM, Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 4-5, for a Girls Soccer Camp at the RHS Stadium. The camp is for girls in grades K-5. To register, please visit and complete the online registration and payment.

Did You Miss a Link?

·  Check out the new PTA website at

·  For more information on Digital Citizenship and Common Sense Education, please visit

·  For more information on Box Tops for Education, go to To learn more about Labels for Education, visit, and for details on My Coke Rewards, go to For questions on any of these three programs, please contact Christine Finch at .

·  Order a yearbook at, validation code 1014080408472412.

·  To enroll in Kroger Community Rewards, please visit

January/February Calendar

*Fridays are Spirit Days!

·  Jan. 20 | School Governance Council Meeting, 7:30 AM

·  Jan. 26 | PTA General Meeting, Kindergarten performs, 6 PM

·  Jan. 27 | Parent coffee, 8 AM

·  Jan. 30-Feb. 3 | Staff Appreciation Week

·  Feb. 3 | School Governance Council Meeting, 7:30 AM

·  Feb. 7 | PTA Executive Board Meeting, 8:30 AM

·  Feb. 8 | PTA Full Board Meeting, 8:30 AM

·  Feb. 10 | Parent coffee, 8 AM

·  Feb. 14 | Valentine’s Day Parties (K-2),

·  Feb. 17 | NO SCHOOL

·  Feb. 20 | Presidents’ Day, NO SCHOOL

·  Feb. 22 | Katha Stuart Community Board Meeting, 9:30 AM Esther Jackson ES

·  Feb. 22 | Peter Pan Jr. Dress Rehearsal

·  Feb. 23-24 | Peter Pan Jr. Performance, 6:30 PM, Milton Center

·  Feb. 25 | Peter Pan Jr. Performance, time TBA, Milton Center

·  Feb. 27-28 | Book Fair Preview

·  Feb. 28 | Zaxby’s Spirit Night

·  March 1-3 | Book Fair

·  March 1-3 | Donuts with Dads and Dear Ones, 7:15-7:40 AM

·  March 3 | School Governance Council Meeting, 7:30 AM