Last Name / First Name / Date of Birth
Phone / Email / Nationality
List, In order of preference, the grades, subjects and/or positions for which you are applying
1 / 2 / 3
How did you hear about this position?
Education & Professional Qualifications (List highest degree first)
1 / College/University / Address
Degree / Specialization
2 / College/University / Address
Degree / Specialization
Certification (Teaching license, certification or credentials)
Area of Certification / Issuing Organization / Issuing Country / Date Issued (MM/YY) / Expiration Date (MM/YY)
IB professional training and experience (List most current training first)
Year / Training/Experience
Employment History (List most current employment first)
1 / Employer / Address
Job Title/Position Held / From-To (MM/YY - MM/YY)
Grades / Reason for Leaving
2 / Employer / Address
Job Title/Position Held / From-To (MM/YY - MM/YY)
Grades / Reason for Leaving
3 / Employer / Address
Job Title/Position Held / From-To (MM/YY - MM/YY)
Grades / Reason for Leaving
References (Including supervisors or principals who have first-hand knowledge of your professional competence and your personal qualifications.
Experienced teachers should include the superintendent and principal of the two most recent schools in which employed.)
Name / Position / Telephone / Email / Institution/Country
Dependents (Lawful spouse, children under 18 age)
Name / Nationality / Gender / Date of Birth / Relationship to Applicant
I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief there is nothing, from a child protection and safeguarding perspective, in relation to my conduct, character or personal background that would adversely affect the position of trust in which I would be placed in relation to my appointment to any teaching or non-teaching position at Branksome Hall Asia.
Within a child protection context:
· I understand by accepting a positon of employment at Branksome Hall Asia I acknowledge that any breach of child protection and safeguarding is a cause for immediate dismissal.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Your application should include:
1. Completed Branksome Hall Asia application form
2. CV
3. Letter of interest/cover letter
Only completed applications, including all the documents listed above, will be considered. Please return your application to
234 Global edu-ro, Daejeong-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63644, Korea
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 대정읍 글로벌에듀로 234 (63644)
Telephone +82.64.902.5000