11th FEBRUARY 2015
PRESENT / Eunice Houghton / Acting Chair
Howard Davidson / Parish Councillor
Marion Gelder / Parish Councillor
Alan Taylor / Parish Councillor
IN ATTENDANCE / Jane Lingings / Parish Clerk
Seven members of the public attended
Ref / No. / Item
079/15 / 1. / Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Fenton, Cllr Brown, Cllr Hodson and Cllr Cowburn.
080/15 / 2. / Declaration of Interests
Cllr Houghton declared a pecuniary interest in Item 8
Cllr Gelder, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Taylor and Cllr Davidson declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 14.
081/15 / 3. / Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 14th January2015 were ratified as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.
082/15 / 4. / Public Time
The Chairman adjourned the meeting for public participation and the following queries were raised:
  • A representative attended from San Marco restaurant to offer his assistance with any questions that might arise in consideration of the Planning Application in Item 10. The Councillors and members of the public raised a number of questions in relation to parking which were discussed.
  • Footpath No2 and No30 were reported as requiring attention.
  • It was noted that minutes of the Parish Council Meeting had not been displayed on the notice board.
  • It was reported that there were residual funds from the Village Plan of approximately £200. This item will be added to the March agenda for further discussion.
  • Harry Dalton presented a series of designs for consideration by the Parish Council, for potential modifications to the Cycle Track which could provide a more challenging area for older children. The Councillors thanked Harry for his designs which will be considered in more detail over the next few months.
The Chairman reconvened the meeting.
083/15 / 5. / County and Borough Council
The following items were noted for information:
  • Footpath No2 has not been cleared. It was resolved that the clerk would request an update.
  • Footpath No30: There is an unstable fence panel breaking away from its support along this footpath. It was resolved that the clerk will report to the Highways department for their consideration.
  • The Parish Council had written to South Ribble Borough Council in January 2015requesting clarification on a number of issues in relation to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) scheme. SRBC had responded, the contents of which were noted.

084/15 / 6. / Off Road Cycle Track
Regular inspections are ongoing.
The Councillors discussed the feasibility of modifying the Cycle Track to provide a more challenging area for older children. It was noted that Planning Permission for any changes would have be sought. It was resolved that potential alterations would be explored in more detail and Planning Permission would be added to the April agenda.
085/15 / 7. / Finance
The statement of accounts for January 2015 were received and approved.
The cumulative budget up to January 2015 was received and approved.
It was resolved to approve payment of the following items:
Chq 424: Redleg.net £36.00
Chq 425: Woodstock Signs £72.00
086/15 / 8. / Grant Application
Cllr Houghton left the meeting.
The Parish Council discussed and considered a grant application from St Michaels Parish Church. It was resolved to grant £250.00 to assist with maintenance of the church yard.
Cllr Houghton rejoined the meeting.
087/15 / 9. / Financial Regulations
It was resolved to adopt the Financial Regulations with the following approvals/amendments:
1.14 Remove second bullet point
4.3 £250 approved
11b £60,000 approved
11e £60,000 approved
11g £60,000 remove brackets
11g £3000 and above £100 approved
12.2 £250 approved
088/15 / 10. / Planning Application
The following planning applications were discussed and considered by the Parish Council:
Single storey extension to front and side formation of 20 additional car parking spaces
San Marco
237 Liverpool Old Road
Much Hoole
It was resolved that the Parish Council will forward the following comments: We are pleased that consideration has been given to address the problems associated with parking and therefore the Parish Council has no objection to this application.
Application for prior notification for the excavation of clay to increase height of river bank on farm to prevent future damage to crops by flood water.
The Barrons
Church Road
This planning application was noted.
089/15 / 11. / Risk Assessment
It was resolved to approve the annual risk assessment with the following addition:
Parish Council Electronic Documents
090/15 / 12. / Asset Register
It was resolved to approve the updates to the asset register, with the following changes: The register will identify both value and insurance value.
091/15 / 13. / Transparency Code
It was resolved that the Parish Council accepted the new Transparency Code as circulated previously.
092/15 / 14. / Spring Fair
The Parish Councillors discussed and considered possible future sponsorship for the Spring Fair, which is to be held in the recreation ground in May.It was resolved that the Parish Council will sponsor this event and apply for funding from the Parish Champion for a contribution of £350 to assist in offsetting the costs.It was resolved that the Parish Council agrees a sponsorship grant of £350 from 15/16 budget. This grant application will be brought to the Parish Council in April 2015.
093/15 / 15. / Review of Clerks Probationary Period
It was resolved that the clerk had satisfactorily completed the 6 months probationary period and would move to Salary Point 20 as agreed in the contract of employment.
094/15 / 16. / Local Meetings
The notes of an informal meeting with the Scout Leaders held on 10th February 2015 to discuss the possibility of relocating the Scouts to a new site on the village hall land were noted.
Lancashire County Council Parish Conference - 21st March 2015 Burnley Town Hall. Limited to 2 places per Parish Council.
095/15 / 17. / Items for the Next Agenda
Annual Governance Statement
Village Plan Funds
Spring Fair Update
096/15 / 18. / Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 11th March 2015