Due Dates: (QR1) October 15th,(QR2)January 15th, (QR3) April 15th, and (QR4) July 15th
Agency Name:Contact Person:
Project End Date: / Current Fiscal Year: / Funding Fiscal Year:
Report for Quarter Ending: / QR 1(July, Aug, Sep)
QR 2(Oct, Nov, Dec) / QR 3 (Jan, Feb, Mar)
QR 4(Apr, May, Jun)
Grant Funds /
Total Local Match
Cash / In-kind / Estimated % of Project Completed to Date / % of Total Amount Expended to DateTotal Authorized in OWP
Funds Expended to Date / % / %
Balance Available
- Briefly state what phase(s) your Blueprint is currently in. (e.g. data development, modeling, alternatives development, preferred scenario selection, implementation, etc, or multiple)
2. Please respond to the following inquiries that are applicable to this quarter’s activities:
a. Describe any notable outcomes of your public or stakeholder education and engagement activities performed this quarter, including audiences reached and mediums used.
b. Describe any notable outcomes of your interagency, intergovernmental, or internal coordination efforts this quarter.
c. During this quarter, how have you connected your Blueprint activities with other planning and implementation activities within your region and interregionally?
d. Describe any achievements or challenges this quarter in data collection, improvement, management, or sharing and in modeling development, improvement or utilization.
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Regional Blueprint Quarterly Report – Task Progress
Task# / Task Name / Description of Progress/
Deliverables Completed / Report on Measures of Task Success / % Completed
Instructions: Identify progress and deliverables for each task worked on during this quarter. Report on the Measures of Task Success for each task as identified in your grant application or agreed upon with Blueprint staff. Attach examples of materials illustrating milestones and/or products, e.g., flyer, meeting agenda, newspaper article. (If these are available on a website or through other means, note this instead.)
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