1. Generals

Names: Guillermo Julio
Surnames: Padrón González
Date of birth: January 19, 1953.
Place of birth: Cienfuegos, Cuba
Citizenship: Cuban
Marital status: Married
Professions: Biologist and editor
Home address: Av. Miguel Bernard No. 555 edif. 5 Dpt. 502
Residencial Escalera, del. Gustavo A. Madero
México, D.F., CP 07320, Mexico
Telephone: (52-777) 186 2642

RESUME: Name: Guillermo J Padrón (born January 19, 1953 in Cuba). Since I graduated with honors in 1976 as Biologist, I have been involved as researcher in several biomedical projects, mainly related to Molecular Biology, Epidemiology, and Clinic features of hepatitis B and C. I obtained my PhD degree in 1994 (Havana University). Since 1995, I’ve been translator, editor and publisher at different organizations, with special emphasis in biomedicine and other natural sciences. I have been editor and executive editor at Biotecnología Aplicada (Cuba, 1986-2001), editor-in-chief at TIPS National Office in Cuba (UNDP Project, 2001), translator and editor at British Medical Journal Latin-American edition (Mexico, 1998-2000), translator at El Hospital (USA, 2001-2003), translator and editor at Strictly Spanish (USA, since 2003), editor at Pan American Journal of Public Health (Pan American Health Organization, Washington, since 2001).

2. Education

·  Biologist. Graduated with Honors. University of Astrakhan, USSR, 1976.

·  Master in Sciences. USSR, 1976.

·  Doctor in Sciences (PhD). University of Havana, 1994.

3. Employment

3.1. Present job

Since January 2006: Freelance translator and editor

Since January 2002: Ciencias Médicas Publishing House
Calle I No. 212 esq. Línea
El Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Telephone: (53-7) 553375
Fax: (53-7) 333063
Post: Director

3.1. Previous jobs (last 10 years)

Since July 2001: TIPS National Office in Cuba
Calle 30 No. 512 entre 5a. y 7a.
Miramar, Playa
Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Telephones: (53-7) 241797-98
Fax: (53-7) 222230
Post: Editor-in-chief

Since March 1986: Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (CIGB)
Ave. 31 entre 158 y 190. Cubanacán. Playa.
Apartado 6162. Ciudad de La Habana. Cuba
Telephones: (53-7) 21 8008 / 21 8466 / 21 8164
Fax: (53-7) 218070
Posts: Researcher and executive editor

4. Experience as publisher

·  Elfos Scientiae publishing house (Havana, Cuba), founder and executive editor since November 1995 until August 2001.

·  Editor-in-chief at TIPS National Office in Cuba (UNDP Project), since July 2001 until December 2001.

·  Director of Ciencias Médicas publishing house (Havana, Cuba), since January 2002.

Among tasks personally carried out as publisher are:

·  Evaluation of scientific journals

·  Development of publication strategies

·  Management of editorial boards and dealings with authors and contributors

·  Organization and management of peer review systems

·  Procurement and evaluation of manuscripts

·  Managing of creative teams: designers, illustrators, photographers, authors and journalists

·  Management of translators and correctors

·  Coordination with vendors and printers

·  Commissioning of jobs from journalists and contributors, and control of their activities

·  Administration of financial resources

·  Managing of electronic publications (online and in CD Rom)

·  Reengineering of editorial activity.

5. Experience as science editor

5a. Experience as editor of scientific journals

·  Journal Interferón y Biotecnología (Cuba), head of section since June 1986 until 1989.

·  Journal Biotecnología Aplicada (Cuba), executive editor since February 1995 until August 2001.

·  British Medical Journal, Latin-American edition (Mexico), member of the Editorial Board, since February 1998 until December 2000.

·  British Medical Journal, Latin-American edition (Mexico), editor, since January 1999 until December 2000.

·  Journal Business Tips on Cuba (UNDP Project), editor-in-chief, since July 2001 until December 2001.

·  Ciencias Médicas publishing house (Cuba), reengineering of 28 biomedical journals, since 2001 until 2003.

·  Pan American Journal of Public Health (Pan American Health Organization, Washington) since 2001.

5b. Experience as editor of scientific books

·  Bases moleculares para el estudio de las hepatitis virales. GJ Padrón, ed. C. Habana: Elfos Scientiae 1998. (301 pp).

·  A Sasson. Biotecnologías aplicadas a la producción de fármacos y vacunas. GJ Padrón, ed. C. Habana: Elfos Scientiae, 1998. (165 pp).

·  EM Bravo. Development within Underdevelopment? New Trends in Cuban Medicine, GJ Padrón, ed. Ciudad Habana: Editorial "José Martí" 1998. (196 pp).

·  A Arencibia y MT Cornide. Biodiversidad y biotecnología de la caña de azúcar. GJ Padrón, ed. C. Habana: Elfos Scientiae 1999. (304 pp).

·  L Fontes. Amebiasis: enfoques actuales sobre su diagnóstico, tratamiento y control. GJ Padrón, ed. C. Habana: Elfos Scientiae 2000. (200 pp).

·  A Sasson. Cultivos transgénicos: hechos y perspectivas. GJ Padrón, ed. C. Habana: Elfos Scientiae 2002. (372 pp).

Among tasks personally carried out as editor are:

·  Copy editing of scientific articles, with special reference to Biomedicine

·  Copy editing of books on science

·  Translation of scientific texts

·  Copy editing of texts

·  Writing of abstracts and synopsis

·  Supervision of illustrators and designers

·  Preparation and supervision of arts for printing

·  Correction of printer’s galley

5c. Other activities as science editor

·  Member of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)

·  Member of the WAME committee for electronic publications from September 1997 to September 2001.

·  Assessor for the reorganization of the Editorial Ciencias Médicas, from November 2000 to August 2001.

·  Member of the Consultative Committee of the Cuban Virtual Library of Health, since February 2001.

·  Coordinator of the Cuban Consultative Committee of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), since May 2001.

6. Experience as translator from English to Spanish

·  British Medical Journal, Latin-American edition (Mexico), since February 1998 until December 2000.

·  El Hospital (journal, USA), since October 2001 until November 2003.

·  Strictly Spanish Communications LLC. (USA), since June 2002.

·  Pan American Journal of Public Health (Pan American Health Organization, Washington) since August 2001.

7. Published papers on science editing and publishing

1.  M Limonta, GJ Padrón. The development of high technology and its medical applications in Cuba. Latin American Perspectives 1991; 18 (2):101-113.

2.  GJ Padrón. Editorial. Biotecnología Aplicada 1999;(Esp):I.

3.  GJ Padrón. Cambios de algunos paradigmas de las revistas científicas en la era post-Gutenberg. Biotecnología Aplicada 2001;14:201-208.

4.  GJ Padrón. Editorial. Biotecnología Aplicada 2001;14:145.

5.  GJ Padrón. Algunas consideraciones sobre la organización del trabajo de los comités editoriales de revistas científicas. Rev ACIMED 2003;1.

6.  Padrón GJ. Traducción y edición. En: Traducción: contacto y contagio. Actas del III Congreso El español, lengua de traducción; 12 a 14 de julio 2006; Puebla, México. Bruselas: Esletra; 2008. Hallado en

8. Main conferences delivered on science editing and publishing

·  Peer Review and the credibility of scientific journals of developing countries. GJ Padrón, V. Costales. Third International Congress on Peer Review in Biomedical Publications. Praga, septiembre 17-21 de 1997.

·  Propuesta de política y estrategia en relación a las publicaciones científicas y su vertiente comercial. GJ Padrón, E Orozco, F Rojas Ochoa, J Hernández Ojito. Informe presentado al Consejo de Directores del Polo Científico de La Habana, 1998.

·  La reingeniería en las publicaciones científicas: el caso de Biotecnología Aplicada tres años después. GJ Padrón, Y Moya. Taller Diseño y Comunicación. Centro Capitolio. C. Habana, mayo de 1999.

·  El editor como guardián de los principios éticos. GJ Padrón. Taller sobre Bioética. ISCM de La Habana, octubre del 2000.

·  Sistema automatizado para el control del flujo de documentos en una editorial. J Acosta, C Millares, V Costales, GJ Padrón. IV Encuentro Internacional de Editores de Revistas Científicas. C. Habana, octubre del 2000.

·  Authorship criteria among Cuban biomedical professionals. GJ Padrón, J Bacallao. Fourth International Congress on Peer Review in Biomedical Publications. Barcelona, España, septiembre del 2001.

·  Scientific electronic publishing in Cuba: A chalenge that turned into a win. GJ Padrón. International Conference on Scientific Electronic Publishing. Valparaíso, Chile, octubre de 2002.

·  SciELO: los desafíos, dudas y deseos. Visión de un editor científico. I Reunión Regional de la Red SciELO. Valparaíso, Chile, Octubre de 2002.

·  Padrón GJ. Traducción y edición. En: Traducción: contacto y contagio. III Congreso El español, lengua de traducción; 12 a 14 de julio 2006; Puebla, México.

9. Professional experience in research

·  Population studies in fish

·  Hygienization of fish products using ionizing radiations

·  Immunochemical characterization and purification of recombinant Hepatitis B surface antigen

·  Immunochemical characterization of Hepatitis A virus and use of immunochemical and molecular methods for its detection

·  Molecular biology of Hepatitis C virus

·  Epidemiology and molecular biology of Hepatitis C infection in Cuba

·  Development of an indigenous diagnostic system for Hepatitis C infection

9a. Main results

·  Use of immunochemical methods for population studies in Cuban fish species

·  An ELISA method for Salmonella detection from fish, meat and sewage water

·  Hygienization of fish and meat products by gamma irradiation

·  Hepatitis B surface antigen (recombinant) characterization

·  Development of an Hepatitis B recombinant vaccine

·  Use of radioactive and non-radioactive methods for protein and antigen detection

·  Epidemiological characterization of HCV infection in Cuba

·  Partial cDNA sequencing of HCV

·  Development of diagnostic means for hepatitis C virus infection

·  Characterization of the HCV infection in Cuba

9b. Published papers (30, see Annex)

9c. Papers delivered at scientific congresses and conferences (54, see Annex)

9d. Patents

·  Method for obtaining recombinant surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HEP B) of higher immunogenic capacity and use thereof in a vaccine preparation. European Patent No. 98202021.6-2105.

·  Procedimiento para la obtención de antígeno de superficie recombinante del virus de la Hepatitis B (Hep B) de superior capacidad inmunogénica y su uso en un preparado vacunal. Certificado de Autor de Invención No. 22 290. Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Intelectual, República de Cuba, 1994.

9e. Teaching

·  Tutor of 15 diploma theses for technical education, Havana, 1981-1985.

·  Tutor of 3 university diploma theses, Havana, 1984-1986.

·  Lecturer and coordinator of 2 international courses on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis C Virus, International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy, 1998 and 2000.

·  Lecturer on scientific writing at several post-grade courses, Havana Medicine School, 1995-2002.

10. Work experience with international organizations

·  Coordinator of international projects (UNDP; UNESCO; IAEA), 1986-1989.

·  IAEA Scholarship, 1991.

·  Head of an IAEA Research Contract, 1993-1995.

·  National Coordinator of the IAEA Regional Project “Diagnostic of viral Hepatitis”, 1993-1996.

·  Editor-in-chief at the TIPS National Office in Cuba, as part of a UNDP-INDEVNET project, 2001.

·  National Coordinator of SciELO in Cuba, a program sponsored by PAHO, since 2000.

11. Work languages

·  English: Cambridge Proficiency Level Certificate, 2000.

·  Russian: Excellent

·  French: Good

·  German: Regular

11a. Work programs

·  MS Office (Ms Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access; MS Publisher)

·  Adobe CS2

·  Page Maker

·  Trados 2006 Freelance and MultiTerm 7.0

12. Professional experience in marketing

Among tasks personally carried out in marketing activities are:

·  Director of international afairs and public relations

·  Corporative identities

·  Policymaking in marketing

·  Management of advertising and promotion campaigns


Published papers

1.  E Pozo E, GJ Padrón. Recursos pesqueros del Pacífico Centro-oriental. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Pesqueras. 1976;2:23-26.

2.  GJ Padrón. ¿Por qué el krill? Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Pesqueras. Ciudad de La Habana, 1977;3:47-51.

3.  H Roeper H, GJ Padrón. Untersuchung der Einzatzmoeglichkeit hydroakustischer Gerete zur Bestimung der Planktondichte (Estudio de utilización de equipos hidroacústicos en la determinación de la capa de plancton). En: Produktion des Oeffentliche See. Institute fuer Hochseefischerei. Rostock: Wilhelm Pick Verlag (RDA) :41-46.

4.  GJ Padrón. Estudio de maduración del pargo del alto. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Pesqueras. 1980;5:.

5.  E Valdés E, GJ Padrón. Pesquerías de palangre. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Pesqueras 1980; 5:38-91.

6.  GJ Padrón. Aplicación de métodos inmunoquímicos en la diferenciación de poblaciones. In: Recopilación de métodos bioquímicos para el estudio de poblaciones. Manual de métodos. Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Ciudad de La Habana, 1983.

7.  GJ Padrón, MI González, M Valdés, M Zayas. Método de detección de Salmonella en agua mediante el test ELISA. Proceedings of II Cuban Seminar on Interferon and I Cuban Seminar on Biotechnology. II. Havana, 1986: 245-253.

8.  GJ Padrón, R Pérez Rey, R Ramos, M Zayas. Utilización del ozono como agente desinfectante de aguas contaminadas con salmonelas. Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología 1986; 24(4).

9.  GJ Padrón, M Zayas. Higienización de pollo mediante el uso de radiaciones gamma. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Avícolas. 1990; 17.

10.  M Limonta, GJ Padrón. The development of high technology and its medical applications in Cuba. Latin American Perspectives 1991; 18 (2):101-113.

11.  T Goeser, H Mueller, GJ Padrón, E Pfaff, WJ Hoffman, B Kommerell, L Theilmann. Hepatitis C virus replication. N Eng J Med 1992; 326:64-65.

12.  E Galbán, GJ Padrón, E Arús et al. Anticuerpos contra el virus de hepatitis C en donantes voluntarios. Gen 1992; 46(1):10-14.

13.  E Galbán, GJ Padrón, E Arús, O González, Z Rodríguez, S Moya, M Brito. Prevalencia del virus de la hepatitis C en donantes de sangre de Ciudad de La Habana, 1991. Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral 1992; 8:324-329.

14.  L Blitz-Dorfman, F Monsalve, L Porto, J Weir, M Arteaga, GJ Padrón, P León, JM Echevarría. Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus in Western Venezuela. Lack of specific antibody in Indian communities with high hepatitis B and D endemicity. J Med Virol 1994; 43:287-290.

15.  GJ Padrón, E Arús, L Rivera, Z Rodríguez, A Fernández, L Blitz, B Grá. Antibody pattern to hepatitis C virus antigens in patients with acute and chronic liver diseases. Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Diseases 1995;7:23-26.

16.  GJ Padrón, Z Rodríguez, L Rivera, E Arús, J Beltrán, B Pantaleón. El virus de la hepatitis C en los donantes por plasmaféresis. Revista Sangre (Spain) 1995; 40:187-190.

17.  GJ Padrón, G Lemos, G Sánchez, E Arús, R Domínguez, G Chinea et al. Evaluación de un sistema para la detección de anticuerpos contra un antígeno sintético del core del virus de hepatitis C y su prevalencia en donantes de sangre. Biotecnología Aplicada 1994;11:165-170.