curriculum vitae

Silvia Bruzzone
Via Piacenza 110a/23 – 16138 Genoa – Italy
mobile +39 3395623743

Sexfemale| Date of birth30/06/1970| NationalityItalian
personal information
Silvia Bruzzone
Via Piacenza 110a/23 – 16138 Genova (Italy)
Mobile / +39 339 5623743

E-mail /

Nazionality / Italian
Date of birth / 30/06/1970 (Genova, Italy)
work esperience
1998 to the present day /

Labour Lawyer and diversity manager (Italy)

Law Office

In twenty years gained expertise in employment law, social security and safety in the workplace.
Specializing in the protection of human rights and in the legislation concerning the so called third sector.
2013 to the present day /

Centro studi e consulenza sulla disabilità

Centre studies and consultancy on disability
Disability, legal protection and training courses.
President, Legal Consultant

2006 to the present day /

F.I.S.H. – Federazione italiana superamento handicap

Italian Federation of OvercomingHandicaps
Disability, advocacy, lobby and legal protection.
Consultant: labor law, social security, health and safety in the workplace.
Articles for the magazine Handylex Press and for the website analyse draft labour legislation and amendments to the existing legislation; prepare notes and reports concerning questions of international and national law; prepare legal opinions and interpretation on legal question in labour and OSH field; collaboration in the planning and implementation of projects at European and national level; participation as a lecturer in local and national training courses.


2013 /

UNAR – Sportello discriminazioni

UNAR – Discrimination Desk
Ministry of Equal Opportunity (Italy)
Legal Consultant
Undertake research and studies on problems relating people and discrimination in workplace. Prepare draft replies to requests.
1998 – 2012 /

A.I.S.M – Associazione italiana sclerosi multipla

Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society

Legal consultant

-legal consultant on the toll-free line program, aimed to advise people with disability; their families, caregivers and public authorities on the topics of employment, social inclusion, human rights;
-initiate, design, supervise, conduct and publish analytical research on a wide range of labour law questions and all human rights provided by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006;
-participate to different projects included topics suc as human rights, employment and diversity, training of relevant professional, service organization (for example Inail, National Institute for insurance against accidents at work)
-speaker at various conferences, training courses and public events;
-Author of publications, reports and pamphlets;
-Technical expert observatory AISM (Italian Association Multiple Sclerosis) rights and services
1996 – 2012 / Lecturer in labor law and social security at the Law Faculty.
(Prof. Clara Enrico Lucifredi)
University of Genoa.
Lecturer in labor law, and social security, safety in the workplace, human resource managment.
Teacher, member of research team, co-author of book and working papers, speaker at conferences, training courses and public events.

University of Genoa and Training Institutions

Lecturer in labor law, and social security, safety in the workplace, human resource managment.
Education and training
16 - 18 May 2013
Course of Europrogettazione at the Convention Centre Cavour in Rome, carried out by the Company “Obiettivo Europa s.r.l”, in the field of its training activities for Europe.
Policies of the European Union and financial planning 2014-2020
Lobby: testimony and direct experiences described
Methods and European planning tools – interactive workshop – the process of the definition of an idea – from the idea to the identification of a potential project- the assessment of consistency (problems, objectives, partners, results)
2006 (Feb- Jun)
Course “Human Rights and Disability”. (University of Padova)
The Course is divided into four modules : a) international vision of the human rights of people with disabilities; b) Regional Instruments of human rights protection; c) human rights and social inclusion; d) human rights and disability: Italian policies and local services.
1998 – 2000
A.I.S.M. – Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society (European Project HORIZON)
Training Course for trainers “ Work and physical disabilities.
Legal consultant in Centre “DML”, multidisciplinary group of training and advice.
Law Degree (legal and economic sector) at University of Genoa
Mark 110/110
Dissertation in labor law by Prof. Clara Enrico Lucifredi: “I sindacati ed i contratti collettivi negli Stati Uniti d’America”.
(Industrial relations in U.S.A: in comparison with italian situation)
Mother tongue / Italian

/ English
Listening / Good
Reading / Excellent
Speaking / Good. I’m improving it
German Language still to achieve a level
Comunication SKILLS
. / Excellent in team working and always ready to learn
Organization and management skills
. / .
Excellent in meeting deadlines, in concluding projects, in coordinating activities
otherSkills / thorough knowledge
  • human resources managments in no profit organizations
  • legislation of safety in the workplace
  • social security
  • legislation and healthcare rights
  • social research
  • Horizon 2020 for development of projects founded by Eu
  • Foundations and Banks for loans and credit lines in so called Tertiary Sector

COMPUTER SKILLS Good use Office Suite, Microsoft Windows 8 and databases.

Pagina 1 - Curriculum vitae di
Silvia Bruzzone