Hamptons HOA Board of Directors Meeting

April 27, 2015

Meeting Minutes

The April meeting of the Hamptons Homeowners Association and Board of Directors was called to order at 6:35 pm. Those in attendance were: Sam Mount, Jill Gibson, Dennis Pressley, Sankar Ramesh (Board of Directors), David Barton, Beverly Camut, and Judy DeBoer.

Review of operating budget- Dennis Pressley

·  Reviewed cash flow and current financial status. Board discussed ongoing problem of homeowners not paying dues. The board passed a motion stating that: Any homeowner in arrears on dues may not participate in homeowner events, including social activities, swim team, or rentals.

·  HOA capital reserve review and status- David Barton. Reviewed extensive list of repairs/ maintenance to come due by 2017, including tennis court repairs, pool maintenance/ repairs, Doyers’ parking lot, Doyers’ roof. If the budget continues as is, we will be in the hole $160,000.00 by 2017. The board discussed areas to cut the budget, but concerns were raised that the cuts wouldn’t save enough money to make an impact. The board discussed prioritizing projects and completing only those absolutely necessary, but the problem is that all of the projects will become necessary at some point. Sam proposed the possibility of doing a $200.00 assessment each year for the next 3 years to generate $240,000.00 to hold capital reserves until 2018. Will continue to look at possible solutions.

·  Energy reduction ideas – Sankar Ramesh

o  replace bulbs inside the club house with energy efficient bulbs – as they need to be replaced.

o  timers for light bulbs outside the clubhouse.- Sankar will get pricing for changing to timers for exterior lights. The lights currently burn 24 hours a day.

o  More efficient lighting in tennis courts (time and usage based) - Timers should be on all the tennis court lights.

o  Temperature / thermostatin the club house -- replace or upgrade it to a time sensitive or something we can "set and forget" -- Also revise language/rules in the clubhouse rentals that if the renter doesn't change the thermostat to default, the deposit won’t be returned. Do we need a dehumidifier or something like that in the club houses during summer so we can reduce the A/C consumption - The new system at Doyers will come with programmable thermostats.

o  Water/ sprinklers. Make sure that leaks are addressed as soon as they are noticed. I have seen the sprinklers go off on rainy days; link it to a rain gauge or something efficient like that - Get with Dean at Rainmaker and ask about a maintenance agreement as well as a review of the system to determine if there are leaks.The landscape chair should be able to coordinate this with Rainmaker.

o  Can we have the "bypass" meter so that the irrigation water is billed without a sewerage component? there is a initial investment of about $300 to $600 but it will cut the water bills by about half. (the water used for irrigation is not billed for sewerage cost in the bill) - Sankar will get with a plumber and confirm the investment/benefits.

HOA Committee Reports – Chris Jobson

a.  Social

·  Easter Party/Easter Bunny-Saturday March 28th

·  1st Neighborhood Yard Sale-Saturday May 2nd 8:00am – Noon

·  1st Pool Party-Saturday May 30th 3:00pm-6:00pm (Vixen Clubhouse)

·  2nd Pool Party-Saturday August 15th time TBD (Vixen Clubhouse)

·  Outdoor Movie Night-Saturday September 19th Dusk-?? (Vixen Clubhouse)

·  2nd Neighborhood Yard Sale-Saturday October 3rd 8:00am – Noon

·  Christmas Party/Santa-Saturday December 12th TBD (Doyers Clubhouse)

b.  Swim Team

·  All volunteer spots are filled and everything is going as-normal.

c.  Pool

·  Vixen pool opens for swim team practice only: Monday, 11 May 2015.

·  Doyers and Vixen pools open: Saturday, 23 May 2015 (weekends only at Vixen until Public School closes for the Summer).

·  Provisional swimmer badges are managed and distributed by the life guards on duty at Doyers pool. Provisional swimmers may obtain their badges from a life guard upon successful completion of a swim proficiency demonstration held at Doyers Pool during regular operating hours. All provisional swimmers are required to demonstrate adequate swim skills on an annual basis.

·  A parent of the provisional swimmer shall accompany the swimmer and present their adult badge at the time of the demonstration. Note that the life guard shall use their discretion as to when the demonstration can be safely conducted. This is dependent upon pool use and may be performed during the “adult swim” break period, if necessary.

·  Families are encouraged to obtain their adult badge(s) prior to accompanying the provisional swimmer to the pool during their initial visit. A provisional swimmer will not be allowed on-deck to perform the swim demonstration if unattended or family HOA dues are not current.

d.  Newsletter

·  The April, 2015 Hamptons Highlights newsletter was emailed to Hamptons homeowners, five paper copies were delivered to the Hospitality Committee chairperson and five paper copies were left in the box at the Vixen Clubhouse for homeowners who want the newsletter in paper form.

·  Income from advertisements exceeded printing costs by $134.81 for April and $595.55 for the year.

April, 2015 / 2015 YTD
Advertising Income / $ 145.00 / $ 625.00
Copying Expenses / $ 10.19 / $ 29.45
Income after Publishing Newsletter / $ 134.81 / $ 595.55

e.  Tennis – No Update

f.  Clubhouse


We had two Paid Renters, Swim Team Sign-Up night and two Girl Scout meetings this month.

·  “Air Works” HVAC company agreed to take us “on” since we lost our previous HVAC person to a family illness. They cleaned & checked the HVAC systems at the Vixen and found one unit needed One Pound Freon and the other had a burned out “capacitor”; Repairs were made and we’re good to “Go” for another couple years. They will return in the Fall to do a Winter Clean & Check of all systems.

·  The 12 Security Light Bulbs have been replaced.

·  Have found a Community Resident who will “cover” for me in June when we’ll be on Vacation.

·  Our Pest Control company sprayed this week everywhere. The door thresholds have been pushed down over time and are allowing critters in- will get bids for replacements.

Doyers –

·  No report

·  Need to follow-up with Renter who want to rent but has not received response

g.  Capital reserve

·  Waiting on the board to make a decision on moving forward with the HVAC replacement for the Doyers clubhouse.

h.  Common Area Landscape

•  Spring flowers will be planted shortly

i.  Architectural Review

·  Review of guidelines during general meeting

j.  Hospitality/Directory

·  All letters have been distributed to Green Farm residents for 2015 pool membership. Have received 1 back already. Pool use fee this summer is $450.

·  All invoices have gone out for advertising in directory….due back to me by April 25th.

·  Continuing to meet and greet new neighbors. Expect to go to print with the new directory by week of May 3rd.

·  Planning on handing out pool tags and new directory weekend of May 16th-17th for pool opening on May 23rd .

·  Passing provisional swimming tags to David Wolf for handout to life guards.

k.  Crime Watch

·  Note from Judy deBoer – “I couldn’t find my notes from the meeting last year when Robin Bouchez presented on behalf of the Huntersville Police Dept. concerning our Crime Watch. I asked Robin if she could help us with that information and she sent the (2) emails below. There are names and email addresses for the two officers who have our area.”

·  John Allen

·  Stephanie Benshoof

l.  Webmaster – will update calender

m.  By Laws – Update from Beverly Camut

·  The committee has met twice since the last BoD meeting and we have set up regular monthly meetings. We have reviewed the main body of the Declaration of Protective Covenants for The Hamptons. We will next be reviewing Exhibit “D” – The Bylaws of The Hamptons and then the Bylaws Guidelines. We have also started research on what other neighborhoods are doing with use of common property by non-members.

·  We have the last version of the Bylaws Guidelines v6 and it has not been updated since the last Bylaws Committee met. The bulk of our time will be spent on the Bylaws Guidelines. Reminder: Every BoD member and Committee members should have a copy of the Bylaws Guidelines and understand their role and responsibility.

·  We have found some items in the Declaration of Protective Covenants for The Hamptons that we want to check against the Covenants Guidelines that the BoD is currently reviewing to make sure we don’t have any contradictions or inconsistencies between the documents. Questions for the BoD – when will your review be complete? Should we go ahead and review the version we have or wait until you are complete?

The Hamptons Newsletter Bylaws Committee Update

The committee has met twice since the last BoD meeting and have set up regular monthly meetings. The committee has reviewed the main body of the Declaration of Protective Covenants for The Hamptons for any changes and will next be reviewing Exhibit “D” – The Bylaws of The Hamptons.

·  General Meeting

o  Motion passed to accept the collection policy put forth by Kuester.

o  Discussed the breakdown of the A/C unit at Doyers, and the need for replacement. 3 bids were presented, and a motion was passed to proceed with the replacement of Doyers’ A/C.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. The next board meeting will be held on May 18th at 6:30 pm at the Doyers clubhouse. Board of Directors meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month and are open to all homeowners.