U.S. History 8th grade Year at a Glance

1st Nine Weeks / 2nd Nine Weeks
1st Semester / Unit 1: Colonization
Reasons for Founding the 13 Colonies
●Political Motives
●Economic Motives/Mercantilism
●Social Motives (Religion, Debt)
Reasons for Settling in the colonies (Push-Pull)
●Political factors
●Economic factors
●Social Factors (emphasis on religion)
●Jamestown, Plymouth. Massachusetts Bay
Ongoing Impact of Religion
●Religious governments in New England
●The First Great Awakening
Geographic Influences on the Colonies
●Influence on Economic Activities
●Population Distribution
●The Roots of Sectionalism
Foundations of Representative Government
●English Documents
●Colonial Institutions
●Religion and Virtue (??)
●Introduction to Constitutional Principles
Unit 2 The American Revolution
The Road to Revolution
●Proclamation of 1763
●British Attempts to Control the Colonies/Taxes
●Colonial Protests/Taxation without Representation
●Lexington and Concord
●Common Sense
Declaring Independence
●Ideas in the Declaration of Independence
●Adopting the Declaration of Independence
●Articles of Confederation
●The Role of Jefferson / Unit 3: The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Need for a Stronger Government
●Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
●Problems in the New Nation
Constitutional Convention
●Calling the Convention
●The Founding Fathers
●Plans of Government
●Compromise at the Convention
●The Ratification Debate
●The Demand for A Bill of Rights
Constitution and Bill of Rights
●Constitutional Principles
●A Stronger National Government
●Our Rights
Colonial Grievances Redressed
Unit 4: The Young Nation
●Washington’s Election
●The Executive Branch
●The Judiciary
Hamilton’s Financial Plan
●The Money Problem
●The Debt Plan
●The Bank Plan
●Taxes- Whiskey and Tariffs
The Beginning of Political Parties
●Hamilton and Jefferson –differences on Federal Authority
●Opposition to the Financial Plan
●Federalists and Democratic –Republicans
Trying to Remain Neutral
●The French Revolution
●Britain and France
●The Neutrality Proclamation
Washington’s Farewell Address
●Warning Against Foreign Entanglements
●Warnings against “the Spirit of Party”
Adams’ Presidency
●Problems with Britain and France
●Peace with France
●Alien and Sedition Acts
●Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
1st Semester / Unit 2 continued:British/American Prospects Major Events
●Winter at Valley Forge
The Articles of Confederation
●The Continental Congress
●AOC Writing and Ratification
●The Northwest Ordinance
The Treaty of Paris
●Boundaries / Unit 4 continued:The Election of 1800
●Federalist Split
●Breaking the Tie
●Amendment XII
Chief Justice John Marshall
●Federalist Philosophy
●Supporter of the Judiciary
●Leadership Qualities
Marbury v. Madison
●The Decision
The Louisiana Purchase
●The Opportunity
●The Debate
Causes of the War
●Seizure of American Ships
●Impressment of American Sailors
●Britain and the West
Events of the War
●Declaring War and Invading Canada
●The British Invasion
●The Battle of New Orleans
Effects of the War
The Era of Good Feelings
●The End of the Federalists
●Unity and National Pride
●The American System
The Monroe Doctrine
Continued Growth of Supreme Court Power
●McCulloch v. Maryland
●Gibbons v. Ogden
Unit 5: Economic Growth in the United States (1800-1860)
The Economic Revolution
●The Cotton Gin
●Interchangeable Parts
●The Factory System
●Transportation Revolution
3rd Nine Weeks / 4th Nine Weeks
2nd Semester / Unit 5 part I
Widening Differences between North and South/Sectionalism
●The Plantation Economy
●The Expansion of Slavery
Unit 5 part II: The Age of Jackson
Jacksonian Democracy
●The new Democratic Party
●Increased participation of the “common man”
Native American Removal and Resettlement
●Jackson’s Policy
●The Trail of Tears
●Native American Resistance
The Nullification Crisis
●The Impact of Tariff Policy
●The Nullification Crisis
●The Force Bill
Unit 5 part III:Manifest Destiny
The Roots of Manifest Destiny
●The Northwest Ordinance
●The Louisiana Purchase
●Lewis and Clark
●The Idea of Manifest Destiny
Political, Economic, Social Motives
●Opportunity in the West
●Expansion/Restriction of Slavery
●Religious Freedom (Mormons)
Westward Expansion
●The Texas Revolution
●The Mexican War
●The California Gold Rush
●Territorial Acquisitions
Unit 6: The Reform Era
Impact of Religion
●Second Great Awakening
●Religious motives for Reform
Reform Movements
●Improving Education
●Women’s Rights
●Prisons and Institutions / Unit 7: The Civil War and Reconstruction
Territories to States
●Missouri Compromise
●Wilmot Proviso
●Compromise of 1850
●Fugitive Slave Act
●Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Road to War
●Dred Scott v. Sanford
●Lincoln-Douglass Debates
●Uncle Tom’s Cabin
●John Brown’s Raid
The War Begins
●Election of Lincoln
●Secession of South Carolina
●Lincoln’s 1st Inaugural Address
●Subsequent secessions
●Fort Sumter
●Creation of the Confederacy
●Jefferson Davis
The War
●Emancipation Proclamation
●Gettysburg Address
●Lincolns 2nd Inaugural Address
●Ulysses S. Grant
●Robert E. Lee
End of War
●Surrender at Appomattox
●Assassination of Lincoln
Long Term Impact of Amendments 13, 14, and 15


8th gr. U.S.History YAAG
