GHCN Education Foundation

“Helping to build a better future”

Awards Application

Personal Information

Applicants Name ______

First Middle Last

Address ______

City State Zip Code

Email Address: ______

Phone Number: ( )______

Date of Birth: ______

Month Day Year

Father`s Name: ______Occupation: ______

Mother`s Name: ______Occupation: ______

Age of Brothers and Sisters: ______

Brothers and Sisters currently in College or University______


School Experience:

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

(Circle one)High schoolCommunity College

Trade SchoolSome University

Did you graduate from this program?

Name of the Institution: ______

Address: ______

No. StreetCityProv/StatePostal code

  • Please include a signed official transcript from the school (no copies please)

High School Experience:

Date of High School Graduation: ______

Number of Students in Graduating Class: ______

Grade Point Average: ______

Schools you have attended (if more than one) ______

School Name: ______Dates Attended ______to ______

School Name: ______Dates Attended ______to ______


Have you received any bursaries, scholarships or other financial aid towards your degree?

  1. Name of the Award ______

Amount of the Award ______

Duration of the Award ______

  1. Name of the Award ______

Amount of the Award ______

Duration of the Award ______

  1. Name of the Award ______

Amount of the Award ______

Duration of the Award ______

Extracurricular Activities

Please list any extracurricular activities that you have been involved in within the school or community. Please include the years in which you have participated.


Please tell us your hobbies and favourite activities and why you enjoy them.

Post Secondary

Name of College or School you plan to attend ______

Reason for your choice ______

What do you intend your major in college or University you have chosen? ______

How many years do you anticipate it will take to complete your degree/certificate? ______

Financial Information

Approximately what do you anticipate are the costs to complete this program?

How do you plan to finance your education?


Home/ family relatives:______

Scholarships/ Bursaries:______


Other: ______


Please list your anticipated expenses for one semester

Transportation______Explain ______

Tuition ______

Books ______

Supplies ______Describe ______

Other ______Describe ______

Total ______

References: Please include 3 references. No relations please (eg. Teacher, Physician, Social Worker)


Name Address Phone Occupation


NameAddressPhone Occupation



Required Attachments: Please ensure that you have included all of the attachments requested with your application:

Official High School transcript for last year and the current year (no copies)

Copy of enrollment and class schedule

Copy of acceptance letter at desired institution

If your family residence is in North America, please include a copy of your Mother and Father’s Income tax return

GHCN Education Foundation

“Helping to build a better future”

Awards Application -Essay Component

Please attach an essay telling the BT in your own words to answer the questions below in at least 1500 words. The essay is divided into 3 distinct parts-

Part 1: Introduction of oneself

Tell us who you are. Describe your family. Give us your background. Describe who or what has been the greatest motivating factor on your life and tell us what effect it has on you. Tell us what obstacles, difficulties, circumstances have you encountered and how you dealt with them and the effect they had in your life.

Part 2: Goals or Objective

In college or university what program have you selected for yourself? Tell us the reason for your choosing this career and explain what you think it will do for your life. What are your career plans and how do you think this chosen path will affect other people?

Part 3: Please tell us your views of the following

  1. What is of the greatest importance in your life?
  2. In your chosen career, how high do you expect to achieve?
  3. If successful, what will it mean to you?
  4. What would you say it would take for you to be successful?
  5. Give us examples of four successful people you admire and why do you admire them?
  6. Please give us an example of a toughest decision you have ever made (or will be making). Tell us why you chose the decision you ultimately picked (or will pick).