October 2014
Bank Analyzer AFI for Deposit Management RDS
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
Germany / Building Block Configuration Guide
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SAP Best Practices
Bank Analyzer AFI for Deposit Management RDS (L89): Configuration Guide
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/ Caution
/ Example
/ Note
/ Recommendation
/ Syntax
Typographic Conventions
Type Style / DescriptionExample text / Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text / Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text / Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key.
Example text / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> / Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.
1 Purpose 6
2 Preparation 6
2.1 Prerequisites 6
3 Configuration 6
3.1 Country-Specific Settings 7
3.2 Defining BP Role 13
3.3 Number Ranges and Groupings 14
3.3.1 Defining Number Ranges 14
3.3.2 Defining Groupings and Assign Number Ranges 15
3.4 Creating a Bank 16
3.5 Accounting Systems and Legal Entities 18
3.5.1 Defining Legal Entities 18
3.5.2 Assigning Legal Market Data Area to Legal Entities and Accounting System 21
3.6 RDL Settings for Flow Results 22
3.6.1 Editing Intervals for Document Numbers 22
3.7 RDL Periodic Tasks 23
3.7.1 Open and Close Periods 23
3.8 Maintenance of Operational Products 25
3.8.1 Editing Production Control 25
3.8.2 Editing Derivation Steps 27
3.9 Editing Sales Products 30
3.10 Creation of Standard Settlement Account 31
3.11 Maintenance of Organizational Units 32
3.11.1 Definition of Organizational Units in Bank Analyzer 32
3.11.2 Inserting Organizational Units in Hierarchy 34
3.12 Maintenance of Financial Position 35
3.12.1 Definition of Optional Fields of Financial Position 35
3.12.2 Start Generation 35
3.13 Editing Template Version 36
3.14 Editing Modules for Deposit Accounts 38
3.16 Deactivation of Aggregation Views 39
3.16.1 Editing Aggregation Views 39
3.16.2 Editing Result Data Area 40
3.17 Adjustment of Business Record Date 40
3.17.1 Editing PI Structure Mapping 41
3.17.2 Assigning Mapping Tools to Service Operations 42
3.18 Editing Transaction Types 43
3.19 Editing Derivation Steps for Business Transaction Type/Item Types 45
3.20 Assigning Method to Production Controls 46
3.21 Deactivating Impairment Process 46
3.21.1 Deactivation of Valuation Procedure for US for Impairment 47
3.21.2 Deactivation of Valuation Procedure for KDV for Impairment 48
3.22 Derive Business Partner Role 49
3.23 Derive Posting Key Figures 52
3.24 Derive G/L Accounts 53
3.25 Assignment of Characteristics and Item Classes 55
3.25.1 Choosing Item Classes in Business Transaction Classes for Operational Events 55
3.25.2 Editing Mapping Characteristics for Header Fields in the SDL 55
3.25.3 Editing Mapping Characteristics for Item Fields in the SDL 56
3.26 Accrue/Defer Account Results 57
3.26.1 Editing PI Structure Mapping 57
3.26.2 Determining Result Type 58
3.27 General Ledger Connector 58
3.27.1 Create Number Ranges for Real General Ledger Documents 58
3.27.2 Creating Number Ranges for Reference Numbers for General Ledger Documents 60
3.27.3 Creating Number Ranges for Simulated General Ledger Documents 60
3.27.4 Defining Characteristics for General Ledger Documents 61
3.27.5 Generating Structure 63
3.27.6 Assigning Primary Data Sources 64
3.27.7 Assigning Derivation Module 65
3.27.8 Assigning Message Dispatch Categories for G/L Documents 67
3.27.9 Filter General Ledger Documents 67
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SAP Best Practices
Bank Analyzer AFI for Deposit Management RDS (L89): Configuration Guide
Bank Analyzer AFI for Deposit Management RDS
1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the general configuration steps required to manually set up the configuration within the system landscape that has already been installed using the corresponding installation or configuration guides for installation.
If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using BC Sets and other tools, refer to the Quick Guide of your SAP Deposits Management rapid-deployment solution V2.800 that is attached to the SAP Note.
This document supplements the existing Customizing documentation in the Implementation Guide (IMG) and provides additional information where required.
Before you can start the Deposit life-cycle, some specific settings for bank analyzer have to be made after the Business Content activation (for details on Business Content Activation see the Quick Guide).
2 Preparation
This building block is built for Banking Services from SAP 8.0.
2.1 Prerequisites
Before starting the installation, complete the following activities:
· Read the Quick Guide document delivered with the specific SAP RDS package.
· Ensure that you meet the recommended prerequisites.
· Install the prerequisite building blocks.
- For more information, see the document Prerequisites_Matrix_<pc>_<pv>_EN_XX. xls.
The placeholder [pc] depends on the RDS Packages you use, for example RDS_FS_DEPOSITS refers to the SAP Deposits Management rapid-deployment solution, the placeholder [pv ] depends on the product version, for example BNK80 refers to Banking services from SAP 8.0, EN refers to the language like EN for English language and [xx] depends on the country version for example XX for Cross Country, in full for example Prerequisites_Matrix_RDS_FS_DEPOSITS_BNK80_EN_XX.xls.
- This document can be found in the Step-by-Step Guide on Deploy ® Implement Options ®Manual Activation ® Content Library ® Prerequisites Matrix.
3 Configuration
The following section describes the complete settings for this building block. These settings can be divided into three main groups:
· Prerequisite settings that have to be checked and which were delivered by SAP (as part of the standard delivery):
The term Check refers to these prerequisite settings.
Specify all prerequisites necessary for the configuration of this building block (even if this means describing a complete table). Prerequisite settings are those settings that direct or influence the business process. Do not describe settings that are for documentation purposes only and that do not influence the process, such as generic code lists for currencies or countries. These settings are not described as prerequisites.
· Settings defined by the customer (in the customer namespace and customer-specific):
The system uses automation to request individual customer settings during the personalization process. These settings can be made initially or can be reused from existing SAPERP layers and are indicated in the text by your value.
If you need to explain the customer value, choose one of the following options:
· If you have a short explanation, enter it directly in the table.
· If you need a longer explanation, add an asterisk * after the customer value (<your value>*) and explain the value in the Comment paragraph.
· Additional settings that need to be made, covered either by automation or manual configuration (in the customer namespace):
The term Create refers to these additional settings in the text.
In this configuration guide, some fields are marked with (*) – Personalized field.
If the solution is implemented manually using the delivered configuration guides, the fields marked for personalization have to be taken into consideration.
During the configuration, you have to adjust the values provided for these fields in line with the values relevant for your implementation (for example, the currency in the configuration guides is marked as personalized field. Always replace the specified currency (ARS) with the currency relevant for your RDS).
For more details on personalization, see the sections 7.2.1 and in the Quick Guide. The overview table in the Quick Guide lists all the fields/values that are personalized along with a brief explanation.
3.1 Country-Specific Settings
For each country, there are rules and regulations for bank and postal data.
These settings are defined in the ISO standard and must be maintained accordingly.
This RDS is preconfigured for Germany (DE). Nevertheless, for some other countries the configuration of country-specific settings is also adjusted for usage in the SAP Deposits Management rapid-deployment solution V2.800.
For all other countries, country-specific settings have to be adjusted manually.
1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path:
Transaction code / SPRO /IMG menu / SAP NetWeaver ® General Settings ® Set Countries ® Set Country-Specific Checks /
2. On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Overview screen, select the following entry to maintain the respective details by selecting the line:
Field name / User Value and Actions /Country / AR /
3. Choose the Detail pushbutton.
4. On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Details screen, create the following settings:
User Action / Key Field / Field 1 / Field 2 /Check / Bank Key / 1 /
Create / Postal Code Length / 8 / 3 /
Create / Bank account number / 18 / 5 /
Check / Bank number length / 15 / 5 /
5. Go back to the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Overview screen and select the following entry to maintain the respective details by selecting the line:
Field name / User Value and Actions /Country / MX /
6. Choose the Detail pushbutton.
7. On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Details screen, create the following settings:
User Action / Key Field / Field 1 / Field 2 /Create / Bank Key / 1 /
Check / Postal Code Length / 5 / 4 /
Check / Bank account number / 10 / 5 /
Create / Bank number length / 4 / 6 /
Check / Tax Number 1 / 13 / 1 /
Check / Length of Bank Key / 4 / 6 /
8. Go back to the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Overview screen and select the following entry to maintain the respective details by selecting the line:
Field name / User Value and Actions /Country / DE /
9. Choose the Detail pushbutton.
10. On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Details screen, create the following settings:
User Action / Key Field / Field 1 / Field 2 /Check / Bank Key / 1 /
Check / Postal Code Length / 5 / 4 /
Create / Bank account number / 10 / 2 /
Check / Bank number length / 8 / 4 /
Check / Post bank acct no. / 10 / 1 /
Delete / VAT registration no. /
11. Go back to the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Overview screen and select the following entry to maintain the respective details by selecting the line:
Field name / User Value and Actions /Country / CH /
12. Choose the Detail pushbutton.
13. On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Details screen, create the following settings:
User Action / Key Field / Field 1 / Field 2 /Check / Bank Key / 1 /
Check / Postal Code Length / 4 / 4 /
Create / Bank account number / 12 / 2 /
Check / Bank number length / 7 / 2 /
Check / Post bank acct no. / 11 / 1 /
Check / Tax Number 1 / 7 / 2 /
Check / Tax Number 2 / 8 / 1 /
Check / Length of Bank Key / 7 / 2 /
14. Go back to the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Overview screen and select the following entry to maintain the respective details by selecting the line:
Field name / User Value and Actions /Country / US /
15. Choose the Detail pushbutton.
16. On the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Details screen, create the following settings:
User Action / Key Field / Field 1 / Field 2 /Check / Bank Key / 1 /
Check / Postal Code Length / 10 / 1 /
Create / Bank account number / 15 / 6 /
Check / Bank number length / 9 / 6 /
Check / Post bank acct no. / 10 / 6 /
Create / Tax Number 1 / 11 / 2 /
Create / Tax Number 2 / 10 / 1 /
17. Go back to the Change View “Country Field Checks”: Overview screen and select the following entry to maintain the respective details by selecting the line: