Recommendations for Lecturer Appointments

Complete this form for all new and returning lecturers and those lecturers who have substantive changes in their assignment. You will need to complete this form for any lecturers continuing work in consecutive semesters if there are changes to their appointment other than WTU load. Forward electronically to your Dean (please cc Donna Flores and your Program Analyst). Please retain a copy for your records.

Program / Chair / Department # / Semester
Name (Full Name of incumbent) / Employee ID / Contract Type
Acad. Year
12 Month9
Recommendation Type
Revision (Change to a previously submitted recommendation) / Action Reason
New Hire
Returning (Rehire)1
Continuing (Change)2
Concurrent Appt.
(New to this Dept.)3 / Position Type
Lecturer PT
Lecturer FT
Teaching Assoc.4
Graduate Assoc.5 / Verified workload & assigned time entered into PeopleSoft
No, needs Instructor/Advisor access6 / WTU
Salary Rate7
Salary Range8
LABCD 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Notes (Indicate special funding, course info, or other contract terms not encompassed in other fields)
Name (Full Name of incumbent) / Employee ID / Contract Type
Acad. Year
12 Month9
Recommendation Type
Revision (Change to a previously submitted recommendation) / Action Reason
New Hire
Returning (Rehire)1
Continuing (Change)2
Concurrent Appt.
(New to this Dept.)3 / Position Type
Lecturer PT
Lecturer FT
Teaching Assoc.4
Graduate Assoc.5 / Verified workload & assigned time entered into PeopleSoft
No, needs Instructor/Advisor access6 / WTU
Salary Rate7
Salary Range8
LABCD 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Notes (Indicate special funding, course info, or other contract terms not encompassed in other fields)
Name (Full Name of incumbent) / Employee ID / Contract Type
Acad. Year
12 Month9
Recommendation Type
Revision (Change to a previously submitted recommendation) / Action Reason
New Hire
Returning (Rehire)1
Continuing (Change)2
Concurrent Appt.
(New to this Dept.)3 / Position Type
Lecturer PT
Lecturer FT
Teaching Assoc.4
Graduate Assoc.5 / Verified workload & assigned time entered into PeopleSoft
No, needs Instructor/Advisor access6 / WTU
Salary Rate7
Salary Range8
LABCD 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Notes (Indicate special funding, course info, or other contract terms not encompassed in other fields)

Faculty Affairs Last Revised: 08-07-17

1.  Returning: Has been previously employed at this campus as a lecturer and is returning from a break in service.

2.  Continuing: Worked in the previous semester or academic year, but has a change to the type of contract or terms of appointment.

3.  Concurrent Appointment: Check this if the lecturer is currently employed in another program.

4.  TA must be currently enrolled in a Master’s Program at CI.

5.  GA must be currently enrolled in a Graduate Program at CI.

6.  Indicate if this lecturer needs Instructor/Advisor Table access. Faculty Affairs will notify the program Support Coordinator when access is granted and the workload can be entered.

7.  Refer to the CSU Salary Schedule to determine recommended Full-Time Monthly salary rate for new hires.

8.  Indicate the Salary Range: L, A, B, C, or D.

9.  Indicate Start and End dates for 12-Month appointment. Can work for any specified time period.

Faculty Affairs Last Revised: 08-07-17

Chair Signature: / Date:
Budget Analyst Signature: / Date:
Dean Approval by: / Date:

Faculty Affairs Last Revised: 08-07-17