Commandant Ellenburg opened this meeting in accordance with the standard ritual procedures, followed by an opening prayer by Department Chaplain Bob Mitchum.

The meeting was declared open for official business and all were seated. Commandant Ellenburg thanked everyone for being here this morning.

Adjutant Page held “Roll call of Officers and Department Commandants. The following members were not present.

Deborah White (Excused) – John Dyas – Michael Dent – Dave Morrissey (Excused) – Jack Goolsby

John Spelman (Excused) – Jerry Kiehl – Tom Perrone – Wayne Stinnett – Paul Younghaus

Max Alderman – Darwyn Lesh – Deborah White (Excused) – Marion Sturkey – Frank Sossamon

Bob Bowman (Excused)

Commandant Ellenburg took a head count for those staying for lunch.

Minutes of our last meeting of 26Jan08 were approved as written.

Paymaster’s Report was distributed to those present, reviewed by Paymaster Hardy and stated it would be reviewed again at our next quarterly meeting. He also reviewed the “ink jet” program and suggested more participation in this program. Paymaster’s Report was accepted, subject to final audit.

SEDCmdt John Kovalcik commented on the outstanding job this Department accomplished on “Operation Rudolph”. He also reviewed the schedule/events at the SEDiv Conference. He announced that he is running for the post of National JA. He thanked everyone for their part in making the SEDiv a great division.

Commandant Ellenburg recognized that member that had to be remembered in our Prayers.

Jr. Vice Commandant Wilbur reported that we are membership is decreasing. We need to try our best to recruit/retain members and stated he is available to help anyway he can. He also recognized Dick James, our contact in Iraq for Operation Rudolph.

Judge Advocate Sweet reported there was a “typo error” in our By Laws and needs to be brought to our attention.

The proper votes per delegate should be 10 vs. 5. Vote was taken and approved to correct this typo in our Department By Laws. He also reviewed the proper procedure for By Law changes.

Past Commandant John Hopkins reported on Legislative matters. He reported on the success of changes made to help active duty Marines and veterans. He also reported on the success of “Operation Rudolph”. Over 100,000 lbs of supplies were sent to the recipients. He named the many persons/organizations involved in this project. This program far exceeded our goal. Everyone involved can not be thanked enough.

SEDiv Commandant Kovalcik stated the recognition is forthcoming and that there was not enough time to present these awards at this meeting.

Meeting was place in recess for 10 minutes – then meeting placed back in session.

Paymaster Hardy proposed to change to our by laws for reimbursement for travel. That it be changed to read “reimbursement be made on the basis of current IRS regulations” – rather than a stated amount. This would mean no further changes would be required to our by laws in this area.

John Stump reported on our Department Convention in June and information handed out to Department Commandants.

Lane Parker said we are going to have a good time and let’s make this a great convention. He requested to Detachment send your money in to give them operating capital. Be sure to ask for a three day pass. Information will be posted on the Department web site. Various questions were answered.

Jim Smith reported on Department Unit Merit Commendation. He requested that Detachments report on the number of these awards were received, so streamers can be given to appropriate detachments. This information to be given to him at the next quarterly meeting. Detachments were encouraged to award the “Associate Marine of the Year”.

He proposed a “Hank Masone Humanitorian Award” be established for the Department of South Carolina. He also suggested we be more involved in the Chapel of Four Chaplain’s Award.

Disaster Relief Program. This program was reviewed by Chairman Dennis Mathias., giving an overview of the importance of the League being involved in this program.

Good of the League. Lane Parker reported on the “trike” program. He has ordered 36 and there will be no more trikes available, as the production of these has ended.

Upstate Young Marines has a program called “Operation DVD” – requesting DVD’s for Marines in harms way. He asked for our help and he will be at our next quarterly meeting to collect the donated DVD’s.

Members were reminded that they are not to wear League Uniforms at any political function.

Chaplain reminded all to remember all of our service members in harms way and also mentioned several members to be remembered in our Prayers.

Commandant Ellenburg named the nominating committee for officers. They are Jim Smith, Bob Page and Joe Stancil.

Gene Wilbur announced he is running for Department Commandant.

There being no further business the meeting was closed as per our ritual procedure.

Complete minutes are available on audio tape.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Page
