/ Gavilan College Academic Senate
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Mayock House


In attendance: N. Andrade, A. Arid, R. Beede, M. Bumgarner, E. Cervantes, G. Cribb, D. Ellis, L. Halper,

D. Klein,R. Kreider, B. Lawn, J. McMillan, J. Nari, M. Sanidad, J. Stewart. Guests: J. Chargin, F. Lozano,

J. Olivas, J.Pruitt.

  1. Opening Items
  2. Call to order at 3:01pm by Debbie Klein.
  3. Welcome and Roll Call
  4. Agenda Adjustments - none.
  5. Approval of Minutes from 10/5/10- no additions or corrections.

MSC (A. Arid/M. Bumgarner). Vote: approved with 1 abstention.

  1. Comments from the Public

a. Jesse Olivas - spoke about SB 1440 that will initiate a program at all community

colleges where all schools will agree on the course requirements for their degrees,

with a minimum of 18 units in the major. CSU-GE or IGETC patterns must be

followed for transfer to a 4-year university. The new CID (course identification)

numbers will be assigned to courses, allowing them to be accepted without

articulation at a specific university. Community colleges would also agree to

accept a course with a CID regardless of which community college it came from.

Students with these degrees would be given priority (but not a guarantee of

admission) over students without a degree. Jesse will continue to update Senate.

b.John Pruitt spoke about the need to look at acceptance of advanced high school

transcripted courses. He will bring “Credit by Exam” to the next meeting.

  1. Information Items

a.Gavilan College Style Guide project - Jan Chargin introduced a new committee

working on the Style Guide for the college - defining logos, fonts, styles for all

campus documents, forms, signage, formats on dates, numbers, capitalization, etc.

Departments are encouraged to participate - join the Marketing Group on MyGav.

We need usability of forms for effectiveness. Contact Jan if interested.

b.Professional Ethics Committee report - Mary Ann Sanidad presented a document

which will become part of our accreditation document. Codes of ethics have been

gathered from schools, universities, businesses and community. Many of these

included consequences for infractions. It was determined to create this as a

positive language document. Please review and share with your departments.

Senate will gather feedback and forward as appropriate.

  1. Discussion Items

a.Strategic Planning - Leah Halper shared concerns about whether classified staff

were heard in this process. Please email her with your thoughts. Discussion is

postponed to the next meeting. Several senators remarked that they did not

receive all the documents for review and discussion for this meeting. Debbie sent

an email with the meeting information to senators and a separate email to faculty

with fewer documents. This seemed to cause confusion. It was suggested that

this type of information could be posted on the Senate Website or MyGav. Debbie

only has access to the website while on campus and finds MyGav somewhat

difficult to use. Additional training on the new technologies we have is needed.

This topic will return on a future agenda for more discussion.

b.Resolution: Recommendation For Cutting Back Future Class Schedules Gradually

and Strategically - The resolution was read aloud. It was reported that 240 FTES

were cut for the spring; our enrollment however, is up. In their desire to serve

their students faculty added students into their classes over the class caps. Debbie,

in recent meetings, has learned that the decision to cut classes was not driven by

the budget, but by State mandates. In recent years, we were chasing enrollment,

now we are being asked to send it away. Education is being used as the pawn in

political maneuvering. Changes were suggested to the resolution, which will be brought back to a future meeting for consideration.

c.Senate guidelines for cutting classes - Bea will revise the document to incorporate

suggested changes, remove specifics and forward to Debbie who will send out to

Senators. Please share this with your departments and request feedback. Send

your comments to Bea for inclusion. This will come back for more discussion.

d.Recommendation to Board on criteria for selecting site for Hollister expansion -

Jen McMillan revised the list into sections - one refers to criteria for the building

and the location; the second refers to classroom and resources criteria. Several

changes were suggested to the document, possibly noting which site would or

would not be acceptable based on the criteria listed. This should apply to any

expansion by the college. It is hoped that the Board would take this seriously.

e.Recommendation to Board on development of the golf course - this document

seems to contradict our position on cutting classes (FTES). It is difficult to justify

growing new programs. Fran Lozano explained Item C.2. - these are not new

programs, but vehicles to be used by exiting classes. Please share this with your

department and bring your feedback to the next Senate meeting. The lease by the

current management company expires on October 29th.

f.Senator topics - please email these to Debbie.

  1. Reports
  2. Vision Committee - no report.
  3. Learning Council - Eddie Cervantes - the sub-groups continue to meet throughout

the month. The Bay Area Coordinator for Basic Skills will be a guest speaker at

the November meeting.

  1. Senate President - no report.
  1. Action Items

a.Physical Education Department name change to Kinesiology Department

MSC (M. Bumgarner/J. Stewart). Vote: unanimous.

b.Student Success Board Policy4600& Administrative Procedure 4600

MSC to Approve BP 4600 Student Success Policy (B. Lawn/M. Bumgarner)

Vote: unanimous.

Discussion continued on AP 4600 to determine who will chair, or co-chair the

committee, and the term of service for the student member(s). Representation

from the divisions and determination of “instructional staff” was discussed.

MSC to Approve AP 4600 The Learning Council Organization

(B. Lawn/R. Beede). Vote: not approved. Document will be revised further and

brought back to the next meeting.

  1. Closing Items

a.Items for next agenda - please send to Debbie Klein

b.Next meeting: November 3, 2010

c.Adjournment at 4:40 pm by consensus.

Submitted by Diane Stone