Hello all Senior Federal Liberals
The following required report was submitted to the Chair of theBC Federal Liberal Council. It gives a summary of executives’ activities during the summer of this year.The BCFLC meeting will be held on August 13th, 2016, in White Rock.
August 7, 2016, David H. Wallace
Attention: Arne Gulstene, Chair of the BC Federal Liberal Council
Report to: the BCFLC meeting on August 13, 2016
From: the President of the Senior Liberals’ Commission SLCBC, David H. Wallace
All executive members of the SLCBC are members of committees which are active during the summer months, although the Executive meetings of the SLCBC have been recessed for July and August of this year, 2016.
Some highlights:
Ad Hoc By-laws committee: The committee has been sorting out the various approaches and opinions and is in a position to submit a report to the Commissions Bylaw working group. There is some variation of opinion as to how the By-laws are to be implemented and what items are to be included.
Another has developed terms of reference for the Committee Considering Live in Care Givers Program. This Committee’s work is ongoing.
Our Policy Chair (Who is also Policy Chair for the Federal SLC) is, in addition, one of the two members of the Policy Bylaw working group. He is assisted by an Ad Hoc committee of SLCBC executive members.
Our Membership [Liaison] Chair has been coordinating the promotion and set up of Senior/Elder Liberal Clubs/Groups in British Columbia. A recent example is the Kelowna-Lake Country (K-LC) Regional Seniors Clubfoundation meeting by the Senior Rep from the area EDA.
The SLCBC web site ( ) is under continual revision and updating. We are fortunate to have a couple who have taken on this responsibility.
Seniors are an important part of the community. Many are Liberals and take an active role in their community. During elections, they vote, campaign, and are active members of their respective EDAs. Their concerns are nationwide, for example the environment and what kind of a country are we leaving to grandchildren. By 2025, it is estimated that Seniors will make up 25% of CANADA’s population.
Senior Commissions can advise the Liberal Party on Seniors’ issues and what approach to take nationally and locally during election campaigns.Seniors get out and vote!
David H. Wallace, President SLCBC, 8/6/2016