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China Internet Global Alliance Limited / China CyberPort Limited
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) / (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


Nominees of Powervote Technology Limited and Great Decision Limited were appointed as executive directors of China Internet Global Alliance Limited, and Mr. Oei Hong Leong resigned as a director of China CyberPort Limited, all with effect from 11th October, 2000.

Neither the board of directors of China Internet Global Alliance Limited, nor the board of directors of China CyberPort Limited has received any notification from Powervote Technology Limited or Great Decision Limited in respect of the change of nature of business of China Internet Global Alliance Limited or China CyberPort Limited.

Reference is made to the joint announcement of China Internet Global Alliance Limited (“CIGA”) and China CyberPort Limited (“CCP”) dated 29th September, 2000 (the “Joint Announcement”). As stated in the Joint Announcement, on the date of completion of the conditional sale and purchase agreement dated 26th September, 2000 and the supplemental agreement dated 28th September, 2000 with Powervote Technology Limited (“Powervote”) and the conditional sale and purchase agreement dated 28th September, 2000 with Great Decision Limited (“Great Decision”) (collectively the “Agreements”), Mr. Oei Hong Leong (“Mr. Oei”) shall cause a meeting of the board of directors of each of CIGA or its subsidiaries (if applicable) to be held for the appointment of such persons as Powervote and Great Decision may nominate as directors and secretaries of CIGA and its subsidiaries (if applicable) all with effect from the date of completion.

The Company was informed by Mr. Oei that completion of the Agreements had taken place on 11th October, 2000.

The board of directors of CIGA (the “CIGA Board”), pursuant to nomination received from Powervote and Great Decision, had resolved to appoint Dr. Chan Kwok Keung, Charles, Mr. Lau Ko Yuen, Tom, Ms. Chau Mei Wah, Rosanna, Mr. Chan Kwok Hung and Mr. Yap, Allan as executive directors of CIGA with effect from 11th October, 2000. All the existing directors of CIGA remain on the CIGA Board.

The board of directors of CCP (the “CCP Board”) has been notified by Mr. Oei that he resigned as a director of CCP with effect from 11th October, 2000. Save for Mr. Oei, all the existing directors of CCP remain on the CCP Board. The CCP Board has not received any notification from Powervote or Great Decision in respect of appointment of directors to the CCP Board.

The respective board of directors of CIGA and CCP wishes to inform shareholders that no notification has been received from either Powervote or Great Decision in respect of the change of nature of business of CIGA or CCP.

By order of the Board
China Internet Global Alliance Limited
Ma Wai Man, Catherine
Executive Director

By order of the Board
China CyberPort Limited
Cheng Yin Ching, Anna
Finance Director

Hong Kong, 11th October, 2000


CHINA INTERNET & CHINA CYBERPORT – Change in board of directors
(11th October, 2000)