Algebra II with Trigonometry
Mrs. Miller
Ext. 1237
Textbook: Algebra II; Carter, Cuevas, Day, Malloy, Casey, Holliday
It is recommended that each student have a calculator (graphing or four-function) for in-class use, as well as for homework. If you do not have a calculator, please see me.
Course Description:
Broad topics to be covered in this course include: linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, data analysis, systems of equations, roots, irrational and complex numbers, and functions as well as basic trigonometry, graphs, identities, and equations. Each concept will be studied in depth through examples, applications, technology, and practical problems. Activities will be incorporated throughout to aid in instruction.
Class Expectations:
1.) Arrive on time for class. (on time = in your seat working on the warm-up with your homework out before the bell)
2.) Come prepared for class. You are expected to bring your textbook, 3 ring binder, pencil, and other required materials to class daily.
3.) Be respectful of everyone and be responsible for your actions.
4.) There will be many opportunities to work together in small groups in problem-solving situations. This process encourages students to share ideas and work as a team toward a common goal. Keep your discussions focused on math!
5.) Participate and ask questions. You cannot afford to fall behind; therefore, you must actively engage in class daily. And remember, I can be wrong too, so do not be afraid of challenging me!
6.) Trust your instincts and your common sense J
Late Policy:
As stated above, students are expected to arrive on time to class daily. On time is defined as being in the classroom before the bell completes its ring cycle. Should a student arrive late to class, the following actions will be taken:
1st offense: verbal warning
2nd offense: teacher detention
3rd offense and beyond: administrative detention
Due to the nature of mathematics, assignments will be given often. Always write the original problem out and show your work unless instructed otherwise. Homework assignments will be posted in class daily. Homework will be checked daily. For full credit, the assignment must be fully attempted to the best of your ability on the day that it is due. Homework assignments will be posted in class as well as on my teacher website found at In the case of absence, homework is due THE NEXT DAY you are in class! No late homework will be accepted.
Missing Class:
It is very important that you are in class EVERY SINGLE DAY! Missing school is understandable in certain circumstances, however, the more class you miss, the less you will understand. In the case of an excused absence, you will have additional time for assignments at my discretion; however, on most occasions the assignment will be due the following day. If you know you will miss class (i.e. early dismissal, educational trip), it is your responsibility to get and complete the assignment for the day that it is due. Quizzes and tests must be made up 2 days upon your return to school (with the exception of extended absences which will be dealt with on an individual basis). Failure to do so will result in a zero for that quiz or test. Make-ups may occur before or after school. It is your responsibility to make arrangements with me. Also, each test or quiz must be finished in one sitting, so when scheduling a make-up, be sure you have enough time to complete the test. When taking a make-up test, you will be given the same amount of time as your classmates had been given when taking the test in class.
Math Help:
If you have any questions or concerns about the course or material, please do not hesitate to come to see me. I am available from 7:00 – 7:30 before school and from 2:30 - 3:30 after school. I want you to succeed and I’ll do whatever I can to help make that happen!
1. QUIZZES – cover a smaller portion of topics and are USUALLY around 50 points each
2. TESTS – cover a broad range of topics and can be from 60 to approximately 100 points each
3. HOMEWORK – approximately 50 points each marking period
F I will check homework for COMPLETENESS every time it is assigned. That means you must attempt every problem to get credit. I do not give “half” credit.
F If your homework is not IN CLASS with you, you will receive NO CREDIT
(“It is in my locker; can I go get it” or “I left it at home; can I bring it in tomorrow” is NOT IN CLASS!)
F Along with the class expectations listed above, it is very important that you are paying attention, taking the notes, and participating every day. Each marking period you will receive a grade for class participation. You will begin each marking period with a 15/15. Every day you are sleeping, not paying attention, become disruptive, arrive late, are unprepared for class, or working on something other than the class work intended, you will lose points from your class participation grade. Warm-up problems must be ATTEMPTED every day you are present in class! You will lose a point each day you don’t complete the warm-up!
FThere may be other grades such as presentations or grades for working in your group that will be announced at a later date.
FThroughout the marking period, you will have opportunity to earn a few bonus points through warm-up problems and exit slips.
F Do NOT fall into the mind set that you can “make up” for bad grades near the end of the marking period. I will not create extra assignments or “bump up” your grade. Your grades will reflect the work you do in and for my class.
I have read and understand the above class expectations and policies for Algebra II/Trigonometry.
Student signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date: ______