ETG 3541 – Applied Mechanics
Standard Course Outline (Updated: Spring 2010)
Catalog Description: / ETG3541: Applied Mechanics -3 (3,0)Coplanar, parallel, concurrent, and non-current force systems. Centroids, CG's, moments of inertia. Principles of dynamics, rectilinear motion and rotation, work, energy, power, impulse, momentum, and impact.
Goals/Objectives of the course: / Students will develop an understanding of engineering mechanics, including vector mathematics, static equilibrium, analysis of structures (trusses and frames), kinematics, and basic kinetics principles.
Course Outcomes: / CO1
- Students will have a thorough understanding of trigonometry and vectors and their applicability to engineering mechanics
- Students have proficiency in analyzing 2D engineering structures, including trusses and frames, and in the determination of reaction forces
- Students will have an understandingof the application of static equilibrium to 3D parallel and coplanar force systems
- Students will have an understanding of kinematics for general plane motion applications
- Students will have proficiency in kinetic analysis of dynamic systems using both inertia (Newton’s 2nd Law) and work-energy methods
Relationship to ET Program Outcomes: / ETG3541 contributes the following to the ENT program outcomes:
PO1 / PO2 / PO3 / PO4 / PO5 / PO6 / PO7 / PO8 / PO9 / PO10 / PO11
CO1 / X / X / X / X / X
CO2 / X / X / X / X / X / X
CO3 / X / X / X / X / X
CO4 / X / X / X / X / X
CO5 / X / X / X / X / X
Textbook: / Keith M. Walker, "Applied Mechanics for Engineering Technology," 7th Edition, 2000, Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0-13-093375-9).
References: / R.C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics-Statics and Dynamics, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall Publishing Company, 2006.
Beer, Johnston, and Clausen, Vector Mechanics for Engineers - Dynamics, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Topics Covered: / Math Review
Forces and Vectors
Moments and Couples
Structures and Members
Centroids and Center of Gravity
Moment of Inertia
Place Motion
Kinetics, Work, Energy, and Power
Computer Usage: / Students are required to use internet for assignments and submissions.
Laboratory Exercises: / No laboratory component to this course.
Required Equipment: / Computer and internet access is required to view course assignments and announcements on WebCT.
Course Grading: / Course Grading Policies are left to the discretion of the individual instructor.
Library Usage: / Students are encouraged to consult library and internet references to aid in researching course material.
Course Assessment: / Useful methods for assessing the success of this course in achieving the intended outcomes listed above:
- CO1: Lecture Material, Weekly Homework Problems and Exams.
- CO2: Lecture Material, Weekly Homework Problems and Exams.
- CO3: Lecture Material, Weekly Homework Problems and Exams.
- CO4: Lecture Material, Weekly Homework Problems and Exams.
- CO5: Lecture Material, Weekly Homework Problems and Exams.
Course Policies: /
Grading Objections:
All objections to grades should be made IN WRITING WITHIN ONE WEEK of the work in question. Objections made after this period has elapsed will NOT be considered, no exceptions.Professionalism
and Ethics:
/ Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Violations of student academic behavior standards are outlined in The Golden Rule, the University of Central Florida's Student Handbook. See ttp:// for further details.Per university policy and plain classroom etiquette, mobile phones, pagers, etc. MUST be silenced during all classroom lectures and exams. Those not heeding this rule will be asked to leave the classroom immediately so as to not disrupt the learning environment.
Additional Course Information, Policies and Expectations: / WebCT and e-mail will be used to communicate with students and disseminate materials and assignments throughout the course. So LIVE and FEEDS students should check WebCT and their e-mail at least once per day.
Reading assignments are to be completed prior to class discussion. The example problems and study questions in the text should be studied and understood as part of the reading assignment.
All exams are specified in the preliminary course schedule. Any change to the schedule will be notified at least two weeks in advance. Make-up exams will be given only under justifiable circumstancesCourse
/ • All assignments are due on or BEFORE the scheduled due date and time. Absolutely NO late assignments will be accepted.• All assignments must be submitted via WebCT, unless specified otherwise.
• All assignments must be submitted in a high-quality and professional manner. They should be well-written and understandable. The steps/methods of solving the problems should be clearly stated.
• Students are encouraged to collaborate outside of class to discuss and debate course concepts. However, all assignments MUST be completed and written up individually. Each student is required to turn in his or her own solutions. If the assignment has been designated a team assignment by the instructor, one copy of the assignment solutions containing the names of all team members is required.
/ All exams will be taken in class or at a local UCF campus/testing center. Both the instructor and testing center must be notified of the location of where the student will take the exam with at least one week notice. Online exams may be possible for distance students with prior arrangement. Any questions about the exams should be directed to the instructor.Excusal from Course Assignments and Exams
• Excusal from submitting an assignment on-time:- If an emergency arises and a student cannot submit the homework on or before the due date, the student MUST give notification to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due date and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the due date.
• Excusal from an exam:
- Excusal of a student from an exam due to an emergency such as student illness, family illness or death, etc. requires valid and provable documentation before the student is eligible for the makeup exam. The documentation must be given to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due date and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the due date.
- Notification must be given to the instructor NO LESS THAN 48 HOURS BEFORE the scheduled exam for all other excuses such as conference/workshops, business trips, etc.
Makeup Assignments and Examinations
• There will be no makeup assignments or exam given, except in the cases listed above.Course Coordinator: / Instructor: Dr. Kevin Erhart