Pupil Premium (PPm) Strategy Statement
- Summary information
School / Elizabeth Woodville School
Academic Year / 2017-18 / Total PP budget / £166,195
Total number of pupils / 1071 including 6F / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 174 excluding 6F
- Current attainment
Pupils eligible for PP (your school) / Pupils not eligible for PP (national average)
% achieving 5A* - C incl. EM (2015-16 only) / 64.7%
% achieving expected progress in English / Maths (2015-16 only) / / / 75.8% / 73.4%
Progress 8 score average / -0.7 / 0.12
Attainment 8 score average / 3.4 / 52
- Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)
In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills)
Quality of teaching and learning including behaviour management
LPA in English / Maths impacts use of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum
Revision, study and exam skills are not fully developed – low aspiration – parental engagement / support
External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)
D. / Attendance of PPm students: 17% PA for PPm and 11% for Non-PPm (Y7-11) 13% overall
E. / Due to transport to and from school some PPm students have difficulties staying for after school intervention sessions or breakfast clubs
Desired outcomes and how they will be measured
Improved quality of teaching and learning
Better challenge, pace, questioning and feedback in lessons to promote increased outcomes.
Staff have a greater understanding of the impact of T&L on student outcomes and can use data more effectively to target specific focus groups e.g. Male, PPm students with HPA. Measured through PP data, lesson observations, book monitoring, target intervention attendance
Improved KS3 attainment and progress in English and maths
Proportion of PPm students achieving secure and greater depth similar to other students with similar starting points
Improved skills to access study, revision, exam
Students have the skills to improve their learning, retention and recall of information through the development of study, revision and examination skills and techniques
Improved attendance of PPm students
Attendance of PPm students compared to Non-PPm students in terms of overall attendance and persistence absence
Improved attendance at intervention sessions & improved parental engagement
Attendance of PPm students at morning or after school intervention sessions run by subject areas or workshops run by subjects for students and parents or workshops run by outside agencies for students and / or parents e.g. Elevate
- Academic year
Quality of Teaching and Learning:
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / When will you review implementation?
Improved quality of teaching and learning
Especially PPm students with Higher Prior Attainment and boys / Quality first teaching
how well staff know their students / EEF research into the impact highly effective teachers make on student progress and data from the T&L audit that indicates T&L requires more focus.
Ensuring staff are fully aware of the students prior attainment and individual needs / Lesson Observations
Tracking & monitoring of student progress at PP points throughout the year
G4S training to identify focus groups
Use of focus sheets to identify headline figures, sub-groups, AIP links, key routines and critical students
Subject action plans with PPm focus / Each half term
Lesson observations
QA cycle
LL meetings & minutes
CPD training to improve T&L: Effective feedback, pace, challenge, questioning, use of data / Professional research regarding importance of what happens in the classroom / Attendance at training events, registers of attendance
Lesson observations
Learning walks
Book monitoring / QA & observation cycle
Intervention classes in English and maths – small group or 1:1 support. Appointment of HLTA in maths / EEF research on small group and 1:1 tuition impact on outcomes / Lesson observations
Tracking and monitoring of student progress at PP points throughout the year / After each PP cycle
Lead Teachers in English / Maths / Science with one having responsibility for PPm progress in T&L / Member of staff to have overview of how allocated funds are spent in T&L to raise attainment and progress of PPm students across the school / LT to have overview of T&L PPm budget
Meeting minutes
Support and empowered to lead others in PPm guidance / Termly
Improved behaviour procedures – rewards and sanctions / Behaviour of students impacting quality of T&L. Need to improve recording of both positive and negative behaviour points so both can be followed up effectively / Use of G4S to record behaviour
New report system to monitor behaviour of most challenging students
Reward system to praise students and raise expectations / Half termly
Improve Key Stage 3 attainment and progress in English and maths / Small group and 1:1 support with additional lessons of English and maths for APPm students in Y7 from some MFL lessons / Close the gap between lower KS2 prior attainment (below 99 on scaled scores) so students can access the curriculum along with their peers / Tracking and monitoring at PP points and use of test & re-test materials to show improvement / Half termly / at each PP cycle
Targeted Support:
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / When will you review implementation?
Improved attainment and progress achieved by PPm students by the end of Key Stage 4 / Purchase of revision guides / textbooks / Others who have benefited from having these to hand at home in the past / Discuss with LL placing order regarding how impact will be monitored – LL to discuss with student / Each PPm student has access to their own revision guide / textbook for subjects
Enhanced pastoral support / EEF research into impact of self-regulation on outcomes / Record on G4S / interventions relating to behaviour incidents / Identified PPm students have support plans, specific mentoring, access to individual programmes e.g. resilience, anger management
Purchase of materials e.g. ingredients for food tech, materials for DT, Art / PPm students options should not be limited due to financial constraints / Tracking and monitoring of budget spend on resources and materials in these subjects
Use of independent agencies to develop motivation, confidence, resilience, study & exam skills / Low motivation, confidence identified by staff as barrier to learning of PPm students in reports to JTT / Mentoring for PPm identified students – tracking & monitoring of student data
Careers interviews from Linda Orchard with plans post KS4
Elevate workshop x 2 for PPm and all Y11 students - evaluations
Student & parent workshop – general & subject specific – evaluations, results & parent engagement / Each half term
Improve resilience, confidence and aspiration of students / Low aspiration amongst some students linked to low self-confidence, belief, esteem, and image. / Identified students follow 6 week course with CWT
Student feedback on course and self-perception
Improvements in attendance, progress / Half termly
Improve attendance of PPm students / Tracking and monitoring of attendance for PPm focus group by attendance & inclusion staff / PPm students have lower attendance rates to their Non-PPm peers / Regular attendance reports to identify PPm students with low attendance / persistent absence
Minutes of meetings with students / parents / support plans in place, letters sent / Half termly
Improve KS3 attainment and progress in English and access to literacy across the curriculum / SSIF transition project / Improvement of literacy skills of students / Staff trained to deliver SSIF transition project / June
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / When will you review implementation?
Increase number of PPm students on Duke of Edinburgh / Trips / Playing musical instruments / Subsidised places / Funding may stop PPm students accessing extended learning opportunities / Discuss with PPm students / parents – identify those whom would benefit / On-going
Ensure all students wearing uniform / Subsidised uniform to support purchase of correct items / Funding may result in students not having correct uniform items / Discuss with PPm students / parents – identify those whom may benefit from the support / On-going
- Review of expenditure
Previous Academic Year / 2016-17
Summary of Key Actions 2016-17
- The profile of PPm was raised and all PPm and Looked AfterChildren students were known by their teachers. Teachers increasingly planned to remove barriers to assist the progress for PPM students
- All subject areas had specific action plans for raising the attainment of PPm students. Successful strategies were shared with subjects to develop teaching and learning. These included effective feedback both written and verbal, parental involvement (English), peer mentoring, 1 to 1 mentoring, improving exam technique, confidence and providing of specific learning resources such as revision guides and materials
- 1:1 provision in Maths for PPm students
There were 130 students in Year 11 with 27 PPm students contributing to the Progress 8 results.
In 2017 the overall Progress 8 was -0.5 (Non-PPm was -0.3 and PPm was -1.3 indicating a gap of -1.0).
- At KS4, some subjects saw PPm students attain higher than non-PPm students. These subjects include Biology, French, German, Health and Social Care, History, Science
- In 8 subjects the gap was smaller than the previous year. These subjects include English Language, Mathematics, Geography, PE, ICT and Chemistry
- In some cases, the number of PPm students in the subject was low and therefore changes are less significant