Soon it will be time to make final preparations for your visit to Amigo Centre. Our desire is that your experience here be a vital stepping stone in the education process. Please help us help you by taking time to read through these reminders and care for all the items listed in the pre-visit checklist.


1.  Arrival at Camp:

When your group arrives in the Amigo Centre parking lot, you will be greeted by Amigo Staff. Please keep your students on the buses. Amigo staff will welcome your students and give instructions to them while they are still on the bus. You’ll then proceed with unloading from the buses and transporting personal items to the cabins. If your group is arriving in cars or vans, please keep your students in the vehicles until your whole group has arrived.

2.  Staffing for Classes:

Several courses have special staffing needs. Due to liability issues the Co-op Course requires an Amigo Instructor. If the school is providing an instructor to teach canoeing, that instructor must be a certified life guard and be approved to teach the course by the Coordinator of Outdoor / Environmental Education.

If you choose the recycling/papermaking class, two adults are needed to assist the Amigo instructor.

Per your contract, Amigo provides two - four instructors(dependent on group size), with additional instructors at times being available for $27.50 per hour.

3.  Class Insturctors:

Teachers and chaperones, who are leading a class, please check in with Amigo staff to get your teaching materials for your class. If there are individuals (teachers or chaperones) who need orientation to the class they are teaching, please be in contact with us before your trip so that we can work with you to prepare them properly.

We have instructional videos on You Tube which can be accessed through our website to also help prepare those who are teaching Fishing, Archery and Orienteering. Our website is www.amigocentre.org and on the Outdoor / Environmental Education home page you will find a link for the “Training Videos”.

4. Chaperones:

Orient your chaperones, so that they know what is expected of them. Please have a chaperone assigned to go along with each study group for all classes.

5. Administering First Aid and Dispensing of Medications:

It is expected that your school be prepared to administer all prescription drugs and medications for your group. Become familiar with your student health forms. You may need to solicit the services of your school nurse or a volunteer for this.

This person will also be responsible to record details of any injuries or incidents that occur during your time at Amigo Centre and treat injuries and sickness.

The school is responsible to seek additional medical attention for injuries when needed.

6. West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis:

Although we feel that the risk is low, we are being proactive by taking steps here at camp to further reduce the risk and encouraging groups to take appropriate precautions (long sleeves and insect repellent) to safeguard themselves.

Our recommendation is that teachers be responsible for applying repellent, as opposed to having repellent in the hands of students.

I will contact you prior to your visit to care for the final details. I am looking forward to working with you again this year! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at (269) 651-2811 extension 105 or


Cheryl K. Mast

Cheryl K. Mast

Coordinator of Outdoor/ Environmental



Outdoor/Environmental Education Program


Prior to your visit:

q 1. Please fax or email the:

a) School Information form, b) a copy of your schedule, c) class rotation

Please send these forms to us at least two weeks before your visit.

Once your paperwork is received, I will call you to care for any final details regarding your time at camp.

q 2. Line up parent or teacher chaperones to come with your group – need one adult to accompany each study group to classes.

q 3. Give each chaperone a copy of the Chaperone Guidelines. If you need a copy of these guidelines, I’d be glad to send them to you.

q 4. Assign students to study groups for the courses (recommended group size is 8-12).

q 5. Send medical release and photography release forms home with students to be signed by parents or guardians.

q 6. Getting Instructors for Classes: We encourage you to find teachers and/or parents with interest and experience in the subject that they will be teaching. If you plan to rotate instructors, please be sure those who are teaching have a good working knowledge of the curriculum or can observe for a class period before taking the lead role in teaching.

Please invite those teaching Archery, Fishing or Orienteering to check out the instructional “Training Videos” on the Outdoor / Environmental Education home page on our website in preparation for teaching these classes. Our website is www.amigocentre.org.

q 7. Send the “What to Bring List” home with students as a guideline for what they will and will not need during their camp experience.

q 8. Read “Guidelines to Live With” to your students and distribute a copy of the guidelines to participating adults and chaperones.

q 9. Bring medical and photography release forms with you to camp. The completed medical release form will be for your use in dispensing medications and in the event of an emergency during your time at camp. Please bring a nurse or appoint someone from your school to distribute medications and care for minor first aid needs. The photography release form is optional, but allows us the freedom to use photos from your group in publications.

Thanks for all the work you do in preparing for your visit to Amigo Centre!


Amigo Centre Outdoor/Environmental Education Program

School Information Form

School ______Principal ______

Dates of Visit ______Contact Person’s Name ______

Email Address of Contact Person ______Grade Level ______

School Phone # ______Best Time To Call ______FAX # ______

# of Students ______# of Adults ______Arrival Time ______Departure Time ______

Courses: See course descriptions on our website at (www.amigocentre.org).
Circle the courses your group would like to experience during your Outdoor / Environmental Education trip and put an asterisk by the three classes you want Amigo Centre staff to teach. If in need of an updated copy of the curriculum for a particular course, please note that on the line for materials needed. Note set-up details on “materials needed” line. Make requests for class worksheets in this space as well.
Course Materials Needed

Archery ______

“A Walk on the Wild Side” - Marsh Study ______

Canoeing ______

Co-op Course ______

Fishing ______

“Historical Pictionary” -

Native American Picture Writing ______

“Lagoon Snoop” - Macroinvertebrates ______

“Nature Up Close & Personal” - Nature Center ______

Orienteering ______

“Rock On” - Geology ______

“Slimy & Scaly” - Reptiles & Amphibians ______

“Stepping Back in Time” – Life of Pioneers “Tear it Up” - Papermaking/Recycling ______

“Web of Life” – Relationships in Nature ______

“Who Goes There” - Animal Signs ____________

“You Eat Like a Bird” – Bird Adaptations ______

Other ____________

Other ____________

Meal: will you be bringing sack lunches or having Amigo provide lunch? (circle one)

If we are providing lunch, do you have anyone with Special Dietary Needs: (vegetarians, diabetics, food allergies,…)

Study Groups: Have students assigned to study groups before you arrive. Please note how you are designating the study groups (letters, numbers, or animal names…). ______

Schedule: (Please send a copy of your proposed schedule and class rotations along with this form)

Discipline: What system of discipline do you use in the classroom that we can also use with your students?

Do you want students to have an opportunity to shop at our Camp Store? Yes No

If yes, note time: ______

Special Set-up Needs: (lounge, table for meds in dining hall, cooler of water for med dispensing):

Our goal here at camp is to create an environment that is tailored to meet the needs of everyone! Thorough information for the following is not intended to single anyone out, but to provide a safe and rewarding experience for all.

Students with Special Learning Needs: (i.e. autism, learning disabilities, Tourette Syndrome…)

Students of Special Concern: (i.e. behavioral concerns, anger management issues, dealing with grief/loss…)

Other Special Needs: (transportation needs for student with disabilities, severe allergies to bee stings…)

Menu Options: if you are choosing to have Amigo provide lunch for your group, please select your preferred menu below.

_____ A. Spaghetti, Garlic Toast, Vegetable, Salad, and Dessert

_____ B. Pizza, Pretzels or Chips, Bread Sticks, Salad and Dessert

_____ C. Burger Bash - Hamburgers (Veggie Burgers), Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Veggie Tray and Dessert

_____ D. Chicken Nuggets, Macaroni & Cheese, Frozen Peas, Rolls, Salad and Dessert

Additional Comments or Questions:
