Stanton Township Planning Commission Approved Minutes

November 13, 2012

Attending: Paul Schluter, Cheryle Peters (Secretary), Neal Sjoquist, Mark Dubbels, and John Krantz

Pledge of Allegiance was recited. -Mark Dubbels called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Approval of Agenda –Mark Dubbels made a motion to approve the agenda, adding George Modrak for a zoning request. Cheryle Peters seconded the motion. The motion passed 5/0.

Approval of Minutes from October 9, 2012

Mark Dubbels made a motion to approve the minutes from October 9, 2012. Paul Schluter seconded the motion; the motion passed 5/0.

Zoning Requests:

Curt Burdick, 5772 304th Street way, would like to construct an addition to his home, 6x10 to accommodate a bay window. Estimated cost for the project would be $5,000. Mark Dubbels made a motion to recommend to the town board approval for the addition. Paul Schluter seconded the motion. The motion passed 5/0. Darlene Burdick was advised that the town board would meet Tuesday, November 20th at 7:00pm. The request would be reviewed at that time. She was advised to attend the meeting, if possible.

George Modrak, 32643 County 24 Boulevard, requested a variance to build an indoor riding arena/pole shed, 60x96, in the R-1 Zoning District. The footage would exceed the 2100 total allowed for accessory buildings; 4524 is the requested total. Variance request is 2424sq. feet. Mark Dubbels made a motion to recommend to the town board approval for a public hearing. Neal Sjoquist seconded the motion. The motion passed 5/0. Mr. Modrak was advised that the town board would review the application and request for a public hearing at their next Regular Monthly meeting, Tuesday, November 20th, 7:00pm. The $175.00 fee would be received at that time. He was advised to attend the meeting, if possible.

Dan Lee, 2316 Sciota Trail, Randolph, MN, requested approval to bore 8 feet below Sciota Trail to install new construction for irrigation. Concerned about the approaching winter months, Mr. Lee requested some expediency on township protocol. Chairman Vince Cockriel, Vice Chairman Bob Benson and John Miller gave a nod from the audience for Mr. Lee to proceed with his project. Planning Commission Chair, Mark Dubbels, requested that Mr. Lee attend the next Regular Monthly town board meeting, Tuesday, November 20th, 7:00pm, allowing for paperwork clarifications. Mr. Lee was reassured that his work could begin.

Vince Cockriel, 33504 Warsaw Trail, requested a Zoning Certificate to construct a machine shed on his property, 28x40; estimated cost $32,000. Mark Dubbels made a motion to recommend to the town board approval of the request. John Krantz seconded the motion. The motion passed 5/0.

Public Hearing: The Planning Commission suspended its Regularly Scheduled meeting at 7:15 to open the public hearing, at which time, it considered Dave Lorentz’s request to amend the Stanton Township Zoning Ordinance to allow campground operations, as a conditional use. The evening’s public hearing addressed only the zoning amendment issue, as published.

Mark Dubbels read the published notice out loud and invited Dave Lorentz to come forward to, formally, make his request. Mr. Lorentz made a request to amend the current Stanton Township Zoning Ordinance to allow campground operations in the R-1 Zoning District, as a conditional use.

Mr. Lorentz described his project, as a 60-70-site campground with a recreation building, no pool; bathrooms, showers, laundry; buildings would be kept in the same locations. Mr. Lorentz stated that 2/3 of the greenhouses would be removed. Commissioner Samuelson stated that Mr. Lorentz’s project was not viewed as “detrimental” to the County Park.

Mark Dubbels opened the hearing to public comment, from, primarily, Stanton Township residents:

Mr. Ken Burns- opposed the campground amendment and stated that he and his wife moved to their current home, 4691 Scout Ridge Way, about 6.5 years ago, for the rural character. He described the possible changes in the neighborhood that concerned him; transient population of 2-3 hundred people, 24 hour activity, traffic and public safety , privacy, alcohol related incidents, harsh lighting, trash. He offered photographs showing some conditions on the Spring Garden Nursery property. He referenced the unfavorable Welch campground situation. Mr. Burns described a petition of Stanton Township residents, received for the public record. Thirty-two individuals had signed.

Linda Henderson- opposed the campground amendment; she addressed noise, pets, music and the need to possibly close windows for quiet. Campfire smoke, traffic for most hours of the day and night, lower property values, increased use of the county park after hours, increased exposure to personal and public liability, absentee landlord situation and the possible consequences of future ownership were stated as concerns.

Leslie Davies- opposed the campground amendment, referencing the Comprehensive Plan and the Stanton Township Zoning Ordinance regarding traffic, lighting, odors, noise, low to medium density and the basic design of the single family dwelling in the Residential Zoning District.

Dave Pederson- opposed the campground amendment, speaking of the cliff jumpers, over use of the beach, boat ramp traffic with pedestrians. He argued that the Boy Scout Camp was unique, in that, it was much less dense and operated as, a private, non-profit.

Tony Nobach- 4898 Scout Ridge Way, opposed the campground amendment, referencing the commercial nature of the proposed operation and the historical rejection of commercial use in a residential zoning district. The driveway situation was addressed; trespassing was a concern. A negative effect on property values was a concern.

Earl Benson-Lake Byllesby Association-opposed the campground amendment mostly because of boating density.

Glenn Ogren-4703 Oak Ridge Way, opposed the campground amendment, concerned about increased liability and increased exposure to private property and driveways.

Julie Phelps- 30737 Highway 19 Boulevard, opposed the campground amendment.

Deb Ogren- 4703 Highway 19 Boulevard, opposed the campground amendment, concerned about property values.

Neil Henderson- 30740 Highway 19 Boulevard, opposed the campground amendment, concerned about the density.

Mark Dubbels closed the public hearing and resumed the Regularly Scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the amendment request. Straw poll indicated insufficient support from the Planning Commission on the amendment. Mark Dubbels made a motion to recommend to the town board denial of the amendment to allow campground/RV sites, as a conditional use in R-1. John Krantz seconded the motion. The motion passed 4/1. Neal Sjoquist voted to recommend approval on the amendment.

Mr. Lorentz was advised that the town board would make their decision on Tuesday, November 20th at the town board meeting, 7:00pm. He was encouraged to attend.

Old Business: Paul Schluter reported on Byllesby Park and Dam.

New Business:

Adjourn: Mark made a motion to adjourn. Neal Sjoquist seconded the motion. The motion passed 5/0. Adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully submitted,


Cheryle A. Peters,

Clerk, Stanton Township


Mark Dubbels

Chair, Planning Commission