Week of September 1

Who won this summer – the Bulls or the Bears?

Week of September 8

Never forget. No matter how long it takes, we will win this fight.

Week of September 29

Mass protests for democracy in Hong Kong – how could this affect businesses here?

Week of October 20

Fed Chairman Yellen expressed concern about Income Inequality. Is it hurting our economy? What does the evidence say? Is it a moral issue as well as an economic one?

Week of November 10

American voters have expressed themselves, through their votes and through low turnout. What do the results mean for business? Read comments from longtime Wall St. success Bob Doll:2014 Election results

Week of November 17

What is "Net Neutrality"? Should corporations be able to buy the right to have their content go through the internet before yours? Or are those roadside cables using public property and internet access should be equal for all?

Week of December 15

The price of oil has fallensharply. Who wins and who loses?

Week of January 19

Investing in education has proven beneficial in the long run. But who will pay for another entitlement program? Taxing the 1% is not the answer, the numbers simply don’t work. Is this another debt our politicians will leave for future generations?

Week of February 16

Last week President Obama held a Cyber Security summit. The CEOs of Facebook, Google and Yahoo decided not to attend - the same men and women who bailed out the failing Healthcare.gov website!
What's happened since then?

Week of March 9

Leaders understand: in business and in life,
the moment of victory belongs to the team.

Week of March 16

"Under the Dome", the Chinese video that had over 200 MILLION views before their government blocked it. Could that happen in the USA?

Week of March 30

Silicon Valley is where is the money is, at least for now. Google paid $70mm to get Ruth Porat to leave Wall St. power Morgan Stanley and become their CFO.

Week of April 13

Google, which has a 90% market share of internet searches in Europe, has been accused of abusing that monopoly power by the EU. Have they stifled competition? Could consumers get a better deal from smaller sites?

Week of May 4

We work on this every day in the Business Academy

Week of May 25

Every Memorial Day, remember they all don’t make it home.

Freedom Isn’t Free.

Week of Jun 1

The Business Academy and the Aberdeen Economic Business Council present their annual Job Fair Thursday, Jun 11, in the cafeteria. Last year's event featured over 400 job applicants and over 40 employers!!

Like us and share on Facebook!

Further info:Job Fair 2015 Poster

Week of Jun 15

Scene from the Business Academy Field Tripto the

9/11 Memorial and Museum,the Freedom Tower

and thenearby Irish Hunger Memorial