Curriculum Vitae

Elena Rasskazova



Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht Summer School (11-15 July 2016)

Completion of “Advanced course on using Mplus” (11-15 July 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands).

Texas Tech University, Institute for Measurement, Methodology, Analysis and Policy (25-29 April 2016)

Completion of EuroStats Camp course “Applied Longitudinal Mixture Modeling” (25-29 April 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands).

Texas Tech University, Institute for Measurement, Methodology, Analysis and Policy (1-12 June 2015)

Completion of Stats Camp courses “Multilevel Modeling: Foundations and Applications” (1-5 June 2015) and “Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling” (8-12 June 2015).

Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy Institute (2008-2010)

Two-year course on cognitive therapy (Dr A.Beck, Dr J.Beck, Dr L.Sokol). Certified as a diplomate by Academy of Cognitive Therapy (Philadelphia, USA)

European Sleep Research Society - EU Marie-Curie (2008-2010)

Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine - theoretical and practical classes.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Psychology Department (Graduate Studies, 2005–2008)

PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Dissertation: Psychological self-regulation disorders in neurotic insomnia (theoretical analysis of self-regulation and psychological factors of insomnia, integrative psychological model of insomnia dynamics; Russian adaptation of inventories measuring psychological factors of sleep and insomnia; development of insomnia beliefs checklists; empirical research of psychological factors of insomnia, subjective and objective (polysomnography) quality of sleep in patients with chronic primary insomnia). Advisor: Prof. Alexandr Tkhostov.

Moscow Gestalt Institute (2003-2008)

Long-term Gestalt therapy course (Counselling/Therapy) (Dr N.Kedrova). Certified as a gestalt-therapist by Moscow Gestalt Institute (Moscow, Russia).

Moscow Gestalt Institute (2005-2006)

One-year course on Psychotherapy of loss and trauma. (Dr A. Mokhovikov).

Moscow Scientific Institute of Psychiatry (2005)

Two three-day workshops on cognitive psychotherapy (Dr A. Holmogorova, Dr N. Garanyan).

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Psychology Department (2000–2005)

Specialist (MA) in Clinical Psychology.

Scientific interests: clinical and health psychology, psychological mechanisms of somatic illnesses, positive psychology, cognitive therapy for mental and somatic illnesses. Papers on stress and hardiness, self-regulation, psychological mechanisms of insomnia, mental health, graduation thesis on somatic perception and psychological factors of insomnia (critical analysis of existing theories, researches and methods). Tutors: Prof. Alexandr Tkhostov, Prof. Dmitry Leontiev


Moscow State University, Department of Psychology, part-time Associate Professor (2011-till now)

·  Clinical-Psychological aspects of info-communicational technologies (lectures, seminars, practicum, 2016-till now)

·  Psychological Rehabilitation of the Patients in Psychiatric and Somatic Clinics (lectures, seminars, 2016-till now)

·  Psychological Methods of Health Behavior Change (in Baku, practicum, 2016-till now)

·  Supervision on Clinical-Psychological Rehabilitation (part of the course, practicum, 2016-till now)

·  Qualitative approach to neuropsychological diagnostics (part of the course, lectures, seminars, 2016-till now)

·  Organization of Experimental Research in Clinical Psychology (part of the course, lectures, seminars, practicum, 2015-till now)

·  Basic Methods of Cognitive Therapy (practicum, 2015-till now)

·  Cognitive Therapy for Mental Disorders (lectures, seminars, practicum, 2015-till now)

·  Research Design and Data Analysis in Clinical Psychology (lectures, seminars, practicum, since 2014-till now)

·  Psychosomatics (practicum, 2012-till now)

·  Applied Statistics, Data Processing Methods in Psychology (seminars, practicum 2008-till now)

Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, part-time teacher (2006-2010)

·  Psychology (seminars, 2006-2010)

·  Clinical Psychology (lectures & seminars, 2006-2010)

Moscow City University of Pedagogy and Psychology, part-time Associate Professor (2007-2011)

·  Cognitive therapy (part of the seminars, 2010-2011)

·  Qualitative and quantitative methods in psychology (lectures & seminars, 2010-2011)

·  Applied Statistics, Data Processing Methods in Psychology (lectures & seminars, 2007-2008)

·  Health Psychology (seminars, 2007)

·  Social psychological methods of work with somatically ill patients and organization of medical prophylactic programs (lectures & seminars, 2007-2008)


·  Moscow State University, Department of Psychology (2010-till now). Associate professor in clinical psychology. The head of the “Cognitive Factors of Self-Regulation in Somatic Illnesses” research project supported by grants by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2012-2013), “Psychological meaning of somatic experiences and complaints in the norm and pathology” supported by Russian Foundation for Humanitarian Sciences (2014-2016), “Illness representation and quality of life in mental disorders” supported by grant of President of Russian Federation for support of young scientists (2015-2016). Participation in the Health Psychology research projects led by Prof. Tkhostov and supported by grants by the Russian Foundation for Humanitarian Sciences (2008–2010, 2011-2013, 2014-2016).

·  National Research University Higher School of Economics, Department of Psychology (2011-till now). Part-time senior researcher, International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation. Participation in the Self-Regulation and Quality of Life research project led by Prof. Leontiev and Prof. Sheldon. Participation in the Psychological Factors of Job Satisfaction research project and in Personal Values and Well-being research project.

·  Mental Health Research Center (2009-till now). Part-time senior researcher in clinical psychology. Translation and validation of Russian-language scales of illness representation. Research on the efficacy of cognitive therapy in schizophrenia patients after their first psychosis recovery. Research projects are led by Prof. Enikolopov.

·  Approbation and validation of the Russian version of MMPI-2 (2010-2014). The head of the official approbation project including developing nationally representative norms and clinical scales verification.

·  Participation in the Russian part of the project EU Kids Online ( led by prof. G. Soldatova. Data processing, participation in the interpretation of the data.

·  Development and participation in development of a number of Russian-language scales (Russian adaptation of Hardiness test, COPE, Beck Cognitive Insight Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire - brief version, Illness Perception Questionnaire - Revised, Insomnia Severity Inventory, Glasgow Thoughts Before Sleep Questionnaire, Dysfunctional Beliefs in Sleep Scale, development and validation of Insomnia Beliefs Checklists).

·  Participation in the Psychological Factors of Insomnia research project (development of psychological model of insomnia and empirical research) led by Prof. Tkhostov and Prof. Levin and supported by two grants by the Russian Foundation for Humanitarian Sciences (2006–2007, 2007-2008).

·  Experiments on the effect of motivation and placebo on nap in good sleepers (study design, data obtaining, scoring and interpretation). In collaboration with Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, prof. V. Dorokhov (2011-2013).

·  Participation in the Personality Potential research team (development of the concept of personality potential and an assessment battery) led by Prof. Leontiev and supported by a grant by the Russian Foundation for Humanitarian Sciences (2006–2007).

·  Participation in research of socio-cultural factors of mental disorders (study design, empirical research) led by Prof. A. Tkhostov and supported by two grants by Russian Foundation for Humanitarian Sciences (2008-2010, 2011-2013).

·  Participation in research of the effect of technology on adaptation and cognitive functions led by Prof. V. Emelin and supported by two grants by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2008-2010, 2011-2013)

·  Participation in the research team on Well-Being at School (development of the Russian-language battery for the assessment of school students’ well-being, research of its relation to school climate variables) led by D. Leontiev and supported by a grant by the Federal Education Ministry (2007-2008).

·  Participation in the empirical research of the Personality Potential in successful businessmen (development of an assessment battery and empirical research), supported by the Moscow State University Scientific Park (2008)


·  Psychological Centre “Prosvet” (2007-till now), psychotherapy, clinical psychological and neuropsychological assessment (part-time).

·  Moscow Somnology Centre (2006-2009), psychological diagnostics and counselling of insomnia patients.

·  Centre of Curative Pedagogy (2003-2006), psychologist (psychotherapy with children with mental disorders, group therapy with parents).


In Russian (books):

Leontiev, D., Ovchinnikova, E., Rasskazova, E, Fam, A. (2015). Psychology of choice. Moscow: Smysl.

Soldatova, G., Nestik, T., Rasskazova, E., & Zotova, E. (2013). Digital competence of Russian adolescents and parents: results of the Russian population study. Moscow: Internet Development Foundation.

Rasskazova, E., & Tkhostov, A. (2012). Clinical psychology of sleep and its distubances. Moscow: Smysl.

Krichevets, A., Korneev, A., Rasskazova, E. (2012). Mathematical statistics for psychologists. Moscow: Academy.

Tkhostov, A., & Rasskazova, E. (2008). Methods of measurement of subjective sleep quality and thoughts before sleep. Moscow: MSU.

Tkhostov, A., & Rasskazova, E. (2007). Dysfunctional Beliefs about Sleep Scale. Moscow: MSU.

Leontyev, D., & Rasskazova, E. (2006). Hardiness Test. Moscow: Smysl.

In English (articles):

Rasskazova, E., Ivanova, T., Sheldon, K. (2016). Comparing the effects of low-level and high-level worker need-satisfaction: A synthesis of the self-determination and Maslow need theories. Motivation and Emotion. 40(4). Pp. 541-555. DOI: 10.1007/s11031-016-9557-7.

Rasskazova, E., Friedberg, R. (2016). Cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis prevention and treatment for youth. Current Psychiatry Reviews. 12(1). Pp. 79-87. DOI: 10.2174/1573400511666150930232543.

Soldatova G.V., Rasskazova E.I. (2014). Assessment of the digital competence in Russian adolescents and parents: Digital Competence Index / Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 7(4). Pp. 65-73. URL:

Mitina O., Rasskazova E., Sorokina V. (2014). Conformity in the structure of personal values and a comparative analysis of its intensity in different social and cultural groups/ In Regina V. Ershova & Alexander Y. Voronov (Eds.),Stanley Milgram's Obedience Paradigm for 2014 (pp. 132–156).Kolomna, Russia: Moscow Regional State Institute of Humanities and Social Studies.

Emelin, V.A., Tkhostov, A.Sh., Rasskazova, E.I. (2014). Psychological adaptation in the info-communication society: The revised version of the Technology-Related Psychological Consequences Questionnaire / Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 7(2). Pp. 105-120. URL:

Rasskazova, E., Zavalko, I., Tkhostov, A., & Dorokhov, V. (2014). High intention to fall asleep causes sleep fragmentation / Journal of Sleep Research, 23(3). Pp. 295-301.. DOI: 10.1111/jsr.12120

Tkhostov, A., Rasskazova, E. (2013). Compliance-Related Causality Orientations Scale: development and psychometric properties in Russian sample / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 86. Pp. 536-542. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.610 URL:

Emelin, V., Tkhostov, A., & Rasskazova, E. (2013). Excessive Use of Internet, Mobile Phones and Computers: the Role of Technology-related Changes in Needs and Psychological Boundaries / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 86. Pp. 530-535. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.609 URL:

In Russian (articles):

Mospan, A.N., Osin, E.N. Ivanova, T. Y., Rasskazova, E.I., Bobrov, V.V. (2016). Work-life balance of the employees of the Russian industrial enterprises. Organizational Psychology. 6(2). Pp. 8-29. URL: [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Ivanova, T., Leontiev, D., Rasskazova, E. (2016). Functions of personal resources in a situation of economic crisis. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics. 13(2). Pp 323-346. URL: [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Rasskazova, E.I., Omel’chenko, M.A., Rumyantsev, S.A., Kaleda, V.G. (2016). Cognitive insight and dynamics of indicators of ultra-high risk for schizophrenia in young patients with non-psychotic forms of mental disorders. S.S. Korsakov’s Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. 116(8). Pp. 9-16. DOI: 10.17116 / jnevro2016116819-16 [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Rasskazova, E.I., Guldan, V.V., Tkhostov, A.S. (2016). Psychological meaning of "hypochondriac discourse": the relationship between values ​​of the health care and cognitive beliefs about body, illness and treatment. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Psychology. 2016, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 60–70. DOI: 10.14529 / psy160207 [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Tkhostov, A.S., Rasskazova, E.I. (2016). Identification and identity fusion: variants of relationships of “Self” and group in the formation of social identity (on the model of family and country). Psychology and psychotechnics. 3(90). Pp. 233-242. [inRussian].

Rasskazova, E.I., Tkhostov, A.S., Emelin, V.A. (2016). Identity fusion and identification with a social group as the various mechanisms of identity formation. Voprosy Psichologii. 3. Pp. 69-79. WOS:000380865800006. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Veraksa, A.N., Kondratichev, A.N., Rasskazova, E.I. (2016). Validation of diagnostic instrument to identify the role of the phenomenon of the sport enjoyment in the finishing sports career. Psychological Science and Education: Electronic journal ( 8(1). Pp 137-155. [inRussian].

Rasskazova, E., Tkhostov A. (2016). Validation of Illness- and Treatment-Related Locus of Control Scale and Treatment-Related Self-Efficacy Scale. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Psychology. 9(1). Pp. 71–83. DOI: 10.14529 / psy160108 [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Rasskazova, E. (2016). The Russian version of Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised by R. Moss-Morris et al .: validation on a sample of patients with non-psychotic depression. Vestnik of Moscow University. Series 14. Psychology. 1. Pp. 123-142. [inRussian].

Rasskazova, E. (2016). Psychological factors of choice and change of action strategy. Psychological Journal. 37(3). Pp. 39-49. WOS:000379992900004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84984618902. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Emelin, V.A., Rasskazova, E.I., Tkhostov, A.Sch. (2016). Informational technologies in the structure of personal identity: opportunities and limitations of graphic methodic.Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya.9(45). Pp.3. URL: [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Korneev, A.A., Rasskazova, E.I., Krichevets, A.N., Koyfman, A.Y. (2016). Criticism of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing: Limitations and Possible Ways Out. PartII.Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya.9(47). Pp.6. URL: [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Korneev, A.A., Rasskazova, E.I., Krichevets, A.N., Koyfman, A.Y. (2016). Criticism of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing: Limitations and Possible Ways Out. PartI.Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya. 9(45). Pp.1. URL: [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Osin, E., Rasskazova, E., Neyaskina, Y., Dorfman, L., Alexandrova, L. (2015). Operationalizing the five-factor model of personality traits in the Russian sample. Psychological diagnostics. 3. Pp. 80-104. [inRussian].

Rasskazova, E. (2015). Inter- and intra-individual approaches to the somatic and functional condition of the person // Experimental Psychology. 8(3). Pp. 47-61. WOS:000372923100005. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Rasskazova, E. (2015). The existential and psychological dimensions of hardiness. Voprosy Psichologii. 14. Pp. 101-108. WOS:000362624200010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84945290764. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Rasskazova, E., Tkhostov A. (2015). Biopsychosocial approach to health and illness. V.M. Behterev’s Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. 2. Pp. 17-21. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Veraksa, A.N., Korobeinikova, E.Y., Leonov, S.V., Rasskazova, E.I. (2015). Oculomotor parameters of archers in the process of aiming. Psychological Journal. 36(6). Pp 109-118. WOS:000372373900010. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Soldatova, G., & Rasskazova, E. (2015). Models of inter-generations experience transferring during Internet use. Voprosy Psichologii. 2. Pp. 56-66. WOS:000355783900006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84940399460. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Rasskazova, E.I., Ivanova, T.Ju. (2015). Motivational models of health behavior: the problem of gap between intention and action. / Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economy, 12(1). Pp. 105-130. [inRussian]. WOS:000378607400007. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].

Rasskazova, E. I., Tkhostov, A. Sh., Emelin, V.A. (2015). Identity as a selfhood: individual variations in the valences ​​of completion, development and social recognition of identity. Report 1. / Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series of Psychology, 8 (1). Pp. 5-16 [inRussian].

Rasskazova, E. I., Tkhostov, A. Sh., Abramova, Yu. A. (2015). Inconsistency of self-estimation, estimation of the world and estimation of other people as a psychological construct: development and validation of a cognitive beliefs inconsistency study method./ Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya, 8(39). P.4. [inRussian, abstr. inEnglish].