Support for High Risk Parent’s Children in India


The project proposes to enhance and promote Health care and Educational support for 500High riskParent’s children in Madurai districts, Tamil Nadu, India.


The Project is to develop Health and Education for 500 children are from Madurai District for the coming period of September 2010 to August 2011.

Target Groups

The Target groups will be the Orphanage children,HIV/AIDS Infected parent’s children, sexual worker’s children, and cobbler’s children, childrenwhose parents are working in towel companies and illiterateparent’s children.

Need of the Project

We are working with rural and urban communities, mostly engaged in subsistence agriculture in Madurai west Block of Madurai district in Tamilnadu. Our beneficiaries are from poor families who cannot afford to send their children to schools mainly for the following reasons:

The HIV/AIDS Infected Parent’s Children their homes are owing to several psycho-social pressures including poverty, dysfunctional families.

Acute poverty which may do not permit the target families to purchase the required school gears and bears the incidental expenses.

Manytarget children are considered as a source of earning whether it is by working on the fields of others or taking care of their household work.

Majority of the target children emerges from illiterate families and these first generation learners face the difficulty in learning and attending to their home work, thereby forcing them to drop out.


The project is to address the shortfall in learning and health deficiency among the Orphanage children, HIV/AIDS Infected parents children, sexual worker’s children, cobbler’s children, children whose parents are working in towel companies and illiterate parent’s children and help them in enrolling their children to schooling, by supporting them in terms of distribution of free School Gears such as Uniforms, Note books, educational materials, health care for malnutrition children and providing supplementary coaching to overcome learning deficits.


We are engaged in the following activities to improve the enrollment ratio and to reduce the drop-outs.

  • Massive awareness drives involving the parents, teachers, community elders, institutions, and the children to educate them about the need of sending the girl children to schools.
  • Distributing Free School Gear consisting of 2 set of Uniform, 1 set of shoes, 2 pairs of socks, 1 tie, 1 set of note books, school bag, and pen and pencil box to poor children in order to motivate them into enrolling.
  • In order to counter the learning deficits of the First generation Learners, we are undertaking supplementary coaching classes at various places within our operational area and helping the children with their home work.
  • Distribution of nutrition food for malnutrition children and regular medical check up.
  • Arrangements of Educational tours for broadening children’s knowledge.

Apart from providing this sort of direct support, we maintain regular contacts with family and assuring them that we are with them till the child completes the schooling. We are also engaged in addressing attitudes/ prejudices towards girl children, sensitizing teachers and community on gender disparities.


  • Human resources for execution of the project
  • Target children
  • Medicines for healing and improving their health of target children
  • Money for the programs and activities

Out Puts

  • The enrolling of target children in school would be increased considerably.
  • 500 target children would become good health.
  • Target Children would not drop out from the school.


500 target children would get improved health and good education and their future would become bright.

Monitoring and evaluation

The organization will conduct Review meetings once in a month on the first Saturdays of every month to find out the success and failure indicators of the project implementation and improve the quality if there is necessary with the guidance of advisory committee, the programs will be implemented.

Apart from Review meeting and personal visits of Project Director, there will be internal evaluation conducted once in three months and External Evaluation in coordination with a higher official from the funding agency will be conducted within 90 days from the date of closing of project period of the year.


Enhancement in the education and health care for the 500 target children and so they can get bright future.

  1. Project Cost Break-up

Budget for Educational support

S. NO / Purpose / Amount in US $
1 / Educational awareness Program among risk parents / 1200
2 / Two sets School Uniform / 9500
3 / 1 School shoes, sacs and tie / 4500
4 / 1 set note books / 3000
5 / School bags / 3900
6 / Pen and pencil box / 1400
7 / Salary for tuition teachers / 6700
8 / Educational Tours / 1400
Total in US $ / 31600

B. Budget for Medical care

S. No / Purpose / Amount in US $
1 / Four Medical Camps arrangements / 2500
2 / Medicines and tonics / 3500
3 / Follow up treatment / 2500
4 / Nutrition / Hospitality for 12 months / 12000
Total in US $ / 20500

Total Budget:

S.No / Project components / Amount in US $
1 / Budget for Educational support / 31600
2 / Budget for Medical care / 20500
Total in US $ / 52100

Total Budget in words

(US DollarFifty Two Thousand and one Hundred only)

Child Development activities in Grace Peter Charitable Trust

I)Promotion of children’s education :

Grace Peter Charitable Trust has been striving a lot for the promotion of education of the children in Madurai west block. The children, being the future generation of our country should be properly educated to bring changes in the lives of next generation of people. Lack of education leads to poor socio economic status of the people and make them to be the slaves of the dominant people. Considering the need for educating the children, the organization has been supporting the children with the following activities.

  1. Distribution of 450 gifts and prizes for the children to motivate their education status. Selected children from each villages of West Madurai block were identified by the organization and the gifts were distributed. The activity was supported by donor from USA.

i)Distribution of free school uniforms, school bags, pencil box, and library books for 605 school children of Madurai West block village was made through the Read to Lead programme of ICICI bank.

ii)Health promotion activities for Children :

The children from rural areas are suffering from malnutrition, under nutrition and face the problems of micro nutrient deficiency. Grace Peter has rightly identified the issues and took effort to promote the health of the children of the target area. The following activities are carried out by Grace peter charitable trust :

a)Medical assistance to malnutrition childrenwas a specific package of programme implemented to provide suitable medicine for the children and also the nutrition food to 470 children. This programme has been implemented with the support of the Medical Officers of the respective areas. This programme was implemented through the support of ‘Chief Ministers Varumun Kappom Scheme’, Deputy Director of Health Services, Madurai region.

b)Awareness on Water and Sanitation :

To promote the health of the school and college students, it is important to educate the children on safe water and hygiene behaviour and practices.

To create awareness among the school children, Grace Peter Charitable Trust has conducted awareness programmes among school and college students with the support of SWIM India team from Arizona state of USA. The awareness education was provided to 1500 school and college students in Madurai district.

iii) Other Development intervention for children

a) Exposure visit for children :

Grace peter Charitable Trust took 40 children of Tsunami devastation to Suruli Falls, Rayappanpatti, Vaigaidam, to cheer them up to take up the reality of today. The children enjoyed the days happily and spend their time cheerfully. The children were taken for exposure visit between 6.3.09 and 07.03.09 with the Grace peter team members.

b) Survey on the status of Children :

GPCT team members along with 18 students of Lady Doak college has conducted survey on the socio econmic, environmental and educational status of chidlren from Athalai Village. The statistical data were collected by the college students as part of their study and the survey reports were given to the trust for information and further intervention for the community at Athalai village.

c) Sponsor a Child Progrmme :

The Organisation has initiated different programmes to cater to the needs of the target community. To motivate the donors to render their generous support, the programmes developed in such a way that a meager amount of assistance can also be of great support in benefiting the target community. Through the Sponsor a Child programme, lot of children were supported during this year.

d) National Children’s Day Programme :

GPCT has been conducting the National Children’s Day every year among the school children and motivates them to celebrate the event in a joyous manner. This year the children’s day programme was celebrated in Panchayat Union Middle school at Narayanapuram, Madurai West block, Madurai district. Competitions were organised among the children to bring out their specific talents and prizes were distribtued to the winners of the competition. engaged in the production of garments and other products through the SHG.


Grace Peter Charitable Trust would implement the project to its level best. It will bring out significant changes and valuable results through this project for the development of the target group. So we request the donors to consider this project positively. We hope that we would be given an opportunity to work for the said target groups.