November 15, 2015

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time


Mon1Mc 1: 10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63/Lk 18: 35-43

Tue(SN)8:00am Lavon Leis/Exposition/Closing 4pm2Mc 6: 18-31/Lk 19: 1-10

Tue(SN)7:00pm For Healing for Kris Tripp

Wed(HF)8:00am Tom Deitering2Mc 7: 1, 20-31/Lk 19: 11-28

Thurs(HF)6:30pm Mass of Thanksgiving1Mc 2: 15-29/Lk 19: 41-44

Fri(SN) 8:00am SP1Mc 4: 36-37, 52-59/Lk 19: 45-48

Fri(HF) 9:15am* Exposition/Closing 8pm

Sat(SN)4:00pm Jim Schnipke & Ron Schnipke/Charles L. Warnimont

Sat(HF)7:00pm For the ParishSunday Readings

Sun(HF)8:30am John & Rena Kruse/Elmer GableDn 7: 13-14/Rv 1: 5-8/

Sun(SN) 10:30am Ike, Bertha, Frank Schnipke & Jerry SchroederJn 18: 3b-37

11/21 & 11/22 WEEKEND MASS SERVERS: (SN) Sat, 4:00pm – Thomas Michel, Cody & Nicole Ellerbrock; Sun, 10:30am - Collin & Tessa Oedy, Bryce Hoffman; (HF) Sat, 7pm – Logan & Ross Niese, Noah Schroeder; Sun, 8:30am - Trevor & Evan Niese, Ava Rosengarten

GIFT BEARERS (SN) Sat, 4:00pm – Garry Kleman; Sun, 10:30am – Harold Kaufman; (HF) Sat, 7pm –Larry Smith; Sun, 8:30am – Dick Schroeder

THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is celebrated Sat. at 3pm at St. Nicholas and 6pm at Holy Family.


St. Nicholas,Reg, $1,203.00; Upkeep, $1,121.00; Fuel,$ 55.00; All Saints Holy Day, $ 30.00

Holy Family,Reg, $2,188.50; Upkeep, $ 987.00; Fuel, $ 10.00

AN OPEN HOUSE to celebrate Dorothy Riepenhoff’s 90th Birthday is being held on Sunday November 15 from 2-4pm at the St. Nicholas Parish Center. Come out and wish Dorothy a Happy Birthday!

ST. NICHOLAS CHOIR will practice for the upcoming holy days and Christmas on Monday evenings beginning at 7pm. Anyone may join us.

PLEASE JOIN US IN praying for healing for Kris Tripp at Mass this Tuesday evening at 7:00pm at St. Nicholas.

BAPTISMAL CLASS: All first time parents andparents expecting their first child from St. Nicholas and Holy Family are required to attend Baptismal Instructions. The next class will be held on Sunday Nov 29 from 9:30-11:15am in the Religious Ed Center at Holy Family. Call the Parish Office (419-876-3481) or Marty Schroeder (419-943-3767) to register.

PLEASE VOLUNTEER!!! We still need one person to help pick up and deliver donuts on Sunday morning for the Christian Formation program. Please call the office if you are willing to join the two other persons helping us.

EIGHT MC/NC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (and Deb) are attending the National Catholic Youth Conference Nov. 19-22. Please keep all of us (and the other 25,000 participants) in your prayers! Pictures of our pilgrimage will be posted on the parish website when we return.

33 DAYS TO MORNING GLORY group retreat will meet in Holy Family Basement this Mondayat 7:30pm. NOTICE: For anyone making the retreat individually or in the group - on Consecration Day, Saturday, Nov 21at Holy Family church from 8-8:45am, there will be a special service with Exposition, Rosary, Consecration Prayer and Benediction. Just show up if you can make it.


Junior High Christian Formation 7-8pm this Wednesday; we do not have class on Nov. 25. Our penance service is on Dec. 2 at Holy Family for all students in grades 6-8 as well as all parishioners.

Juniors (8:30 at SN) and Seniors (9:30at HF) meet this Sunday, Nov.15 for Christian Formation. and Sophomores do not meet again until Sunday, Dec. 13.

Our 11th Annual Candy Sales has begun. Check the parish website or the back of church for order forms.

Special youth group meeting schedule for Nov. 24 beginning at 11am. in the parish center.

Christmas play practice permission forms are due this Monday, Nov. 16.

ST. NICHOLAS ALTAR ROSARY CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held Monday, Nov 30 at 6pm at the St. Nicholas parish center. A sign-up sheet is on the back table at church. Deadline to sign up is Friday, Nov 20. The wedding style meal will be cooked by Dort Niese and is $7.

Our Christmas Raffle drawing will be held the night of the Christmas party and we will be selling tickets before and after Masses on the weekend of Nov 21 & 22. (50/50 drawing will be in the spring)

IF YOU SEE Fr. Bob on Nov. 25, wish him a happy birthday!

PLEASE HAVE BULLETIN announcements for the November 29th bulletin in by Monday, November 23, noon.

THE PARISH OFFICE will be closed Thanksgiving and the day after.

EACH OF YOU ARE ASKED to consider volunteering for a Ministry at weekend Mass. Commentators, lectors, ushers, gift bearers and Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are all needed. Some of the faithful Ministers throughout the past years have needed to discontinue their service. Please consider taking their places. WE NEED YOU! Contact the parish office, 419-876-3481 to volunteer or for more info.

HOLY FAMILY CEMETERY FALL CLEANUP! With winter weather setting in we are asking that you please remove decorations off the graves by Thanksgiving.

SUPPORT OUR RETIRED PRIESTS: Please consider a donation to Perpetuate The Gift. Your gift benefits our retired diocesan priests and your Parish. Once a priest retires he is responsible for his own personal expenses: medical, housing, car, clothing and food. All funds contributed until Dec. 31 help reduce the amount the parish contributes to the fund. Envelopes will be placed in the pews. A gift of cash or check can be sent to Perpetuate The Gift, PO Box 954, Toledo, OH 43697 or placed in the parish collection. A gift may also be made online at If you would like to give a gift of stock or designate a bequest to help our retired priests, contact Karen Szymanski at 419‐244‐6711 or email at


Chicken/Fish Fry – Nov 20 - 4:30-7pm.

Memorial Mass - Nov 19, 7pm

Member Family Christmas Breakfast, December 13, 10am-12:30pm. Santa arrives 11am.

Pot Luck Christmas Party December 17, Cocktails 6pm; Dinner, 7pm. Check newsletter for what to bring.

MILLER CITY CUB SCOUT PACK 207 will be selling locally grown, Metzger’s popcorn following all the Masses Nov. 21 and 22nd. Microwave and popping kernels are available. Please look for the Scouts following Mass and help support your local Pack.

CELEBRATE NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH with Catholic Charities. In celebration of National Adoption Month, Catholic Charities Family ConnectionsMinistry invites all members of adoption – adoptees, adoptive parents, and birthmothers – to celebrate Mass with Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas, Bishop ofToledo. Mass will begin at 5 p.m., Saturday, November 21, at Our Lady, Queen of theMost Holy Rosary Cathedral. A reception will follow Mass. All members of thecommunity are invited. To RSVP or for more information, contact LynetteWorthy at or 419-244-6711, ext. 227.

CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY Craft Show & Bake Sale sponsored by Sacred Heart Rosary Altar will be held Sunday, Nov. 22 10:30am-3pm at Sacred Heart Church, New Bavaria. Free Admission – Door Prizes – Baked Goods – Raffle. Lunch served all day!

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 – Serra Club of Lima Area meeting: Mass will be at 5:45 p.m. in the Lima Central Catholic High School Chapel, followed by dinner and a presentation from Msgr. Dennis Metzger on “same sex marriage.” Fr. Metzger currently serves as pastor of St. Joseph Parish (and school) in Sylvania, Ohio. We welcomed you as we hear about and discuss this issue.

SAVE THE DATE:Worldwide Marriage Encounter Third Annual Family Afternoon at Grove Skate Land, located at 10970 Ottawa Rd., Columbus Grove Ohio. This is open to all families whether you have been encountered or not. This will be held on Sunday, March 6 from 2-4pm. Cost is $4.00 per person and will include skate rental. The concession stand will be closed for this event. We would like participating families to bring a snack to share during the event. We will provide two liters of pop, lemonade, and water. Contact Todd Pester at / 419-306-2616.

BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: SCHROEDER MASONRY: Commercial and residential brickwork. Call Tim Schroeder at 943-2271

NEW YEAR’S EVE REVERSE RAFFLE! The Ottawa KofC will be having a New Year’s Eve Reverse Raffle this year to benefit the Council's Scholarship Fund and Seminarians. First prize is $3,000.00. The Evening includes a meal, drinks and entertainment! Cocktails 5:30pm to 6:30pm - Dinner at 6:30pm. Tickets go on sale November 20 for $50. To get your tickets contact Mike Tobe, 419-523-4894; Dan Niese, 419-439-0468; or Pat Gerten, 419-943-2864. Table may also be reserved for $10 a table.

**Please save us a phone call and list the names to be printed**

Number of Tickets ______$50/each = Total amount enclosed $ ______

Name ______Return with self-addressed STAMPED envelope to:

Address ______Pat Gerten

8163 Road 5-H

______Leipsic, OH 45856

Phone # ______

**Please make checks payable to Ottawa KofC**