Minutes of Ashton Community Centre held on 29th June 2011
in the Green Room
(1)Present: Brian Stephens (Chairman), Sarah Lane (Secretary), Doreen Cope, Gerald Barnett, Ruth Barnett, Wendy Shirra, Tony Lewis, Jo Brown and Jen Creese
(2)Apologies: There were no apologies
(3)Minutes: of the last meeting had been circulated and were approved and signed by the Chairman.
(4)Matters arising:
(a)Playing Fields equipment
Brian reported that a nylon roller on one of the new play apparatus had worn through. He made a call to Wickstead who claimed that the reason for this was because of miss-use, i.e. small children standing and not sitting on the equipment. They have sent spare parts and Brian will fit.
(b)Area at footpath near Tennis court
Doreen explained that Sam was awaiting the gravel and everything else was in place. Sam to be reminded that the cost must not exceed £500, as previously stated.
(c)Weather Boarding at VH
Sarah has received two quotations for this work – County Cladding have quoted £575 for the front and 2 sides, and £950 to include the back of the Hall. L and L have quoted £1048 and £2083. It was decided to consult with Bryony to see if School could contribute towards some of the cost, particularly the work involving the Main Hall.
Clean and polishing of Hall Floor. Still awaiting a quotation for this work.
Committee agreed to the above work being carried out during the school
holidays if the price is right, and Head to be contacted regarding this.
Toilets - It was reported that during Open Gardens the toilets in the
Hall had become blocked again. There are obviously problems with the
drainage systen and may need further investigation.
(d)Dual Use payment
Brian has paid a cheque for £1035, to 31stMarch 2011
(e) Kitchen equipment
Sarah has been looking on line for prices of suitable dishwashers and found prices around £700. It was agreed that a very expensive top of the range industrial dishwasher was not necessary considering the usage required. Jen and Sarah to look into prices of suitable range cookers at Backford VH and ElmleyCastle.
(e)Playground–Annual inspection
Brian to contact Wickstead to arrange this.
A tidy up and clearance morning was arranged for Saturday 16th July at 10.0am
(g) Fun Run
Jo has printed off leaflets advertising this event and it was agreed to
attach this to the next School newsletter.
Arrangements are going well. First Aiders booked and 4 people have
volunteered to help. More needed on the day.
It was agreed to form a sub-committee to look into sponsorship etc.
(h) Tennis Club
Now that this has been folded, the Social Centre is awaiting transfer of £200 from the Tennis Club funds.
(i)Music Festival – 10th September
To advertise in the next Parish Magazine and newsletter. It was agreed to also put on the Ashton web-page.
(j)Jo has suggested that the Social Centre be re-named to make it sound
more attractive. Committee considered several options and agreed that “Ashton recreational Committee” would be perfect. A leaflet with ideas as to ways to promote what the S.C. do to be attached to next Village newsletter. (attached).
5. Queens Diamond Jubilee, 2nd June 2012
Discussion as to how the Village might celebrate this occasion and
it was decided to hold a family picnic with live music.
6. Any Other business
(a) Shindig dates for 2012
Penny has made two bookings – 13th January and 12th May – details later.
(b) It was agreed to hold a “Burns Night” on Saturday, January 28th.
(c). Playgroup – Ruth informed Committee that the group may require 3
extra hours on a Wednesday if Green Room available.
(d) Parking outside Green Room
It had been noted by Tony that a car is parking regularly on the grass
outside the Green Room. Suggested putting large stones to prevent this