Early College High School 9th Grade PreAp English 1
Instructor: Jesse Hall-
Rm. 41A portable. (see student map)
Students will engage in a wide variety of reading and writing activities as they seek to move to an advanced level of proficiency as measured by East Central and Early College High School reading and writing standards. For many students, success in the PreAP program gives them the self-confidence and preparation necessary to accomplish college-level work. Therefore, there is a higher level of expectation in this class than in regular English classes. This may not be in the amount of homework assigned but rather in the expectation of the level of intellectual curiosity, rigor and commitment.
Course Objectives
The course of study of English 1 is designed to prepare students for higher education and current and future careers. A complete study in the knowledge of and the practice of effective communication is ranked essential by colleges and employers alike. English I will enable students to build a useful bank of knowledge and attain competency in various modes, types, and devices of processing, retaining, and communicating information.
Writing -- We will write in a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes-journals, poetry, screen plays, formal essays, short responses etc.
Please note: All written assignments completed outside of class must be typed, double spaced with MLA formatted heading and measurements (with some exceptions ,e.g., in class journal work, prewriting assignments)
A. One spiral notebook-for English notes only
B. Composition notebook-for English journal entries only.
C. Post-It notes
D. Pens (black or blue only), pencils (#2)
E. One box of Tissue for the classroom –crucial!! Help us out here please
F. School planner (you will not use your notebook or your palms)
G. Dictionary and Thesaurus (for home use)
I. Supplementary supply lists will be given at the time special projects are
J. Copy of Barron’s 1100 Words You Need to Know (Murray, Bromberg
And Melvin Gordon)
H. MLA Handbook for Writers and Research Papers-Seventh Edition
All literary genres including novels, short stories, non-fiction, poetry, and drama will be interwoven throughout the thematic units, drawing students’ attention to how literary themes can and do connect to real world experiences. Major works include but are not limited to:
The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, and To Kill A Mockingbird.
Student’s Right to Read
Please note: I believe in the National Council of Teachers of English “Student’s Right to Read” policy which encourages students to make intelligent decisions for appropriate reading. Students who do not wish to read a selection for reasons of personal values, religious beliefs or other significant objections may at any time, with the teacher’s guidance, select an alternative work comparable in difficulty and subject matter. However, if you want alternative titles there needs to be a connection between the reading and what we are doing in class. Also know that this class is a Pre-AP program so the list of works used on the AP test should be consulted if an alternate is needed.
Independent Reading
We will do some reporting on books read outside of class. I have a list of books for your outside reading if you wish.
Academic Honesty
East Central High School considers cheating or academic dishonesty (plagiarism) to be a serious violation of school rules. The school has adopted procedures to deal with students who: 1. Receive or provide information during a test 2. Receive or provide information on tests given during an earlier period 3. Use unauthorized material on tests 4. Use ideas or written material from other sources –– student, professional writers, Internet notes / study guides –– without acknowledging the source in their own writing. 5. Use or copy another student’s homework when not authorized by the teacher to do so. 6. Allow other students to use their work on assignments. Consequences are listed in the Student Handbook
Missing / Late Assignments
The Early College High School policy on late work:
1 day late: 20 points off.
2 days late: No work is accepted but a student must still complete the work and turn it in without a grade in order to stay on track with the rest of the class in terms of assessment. In-class assignments are not to be turned in late. I will inform the class when this type of work is assigned. Remember you can check on Gradebook to keep informed regarding grades as well as attendance
Inconsistent attendance leads to increased stress: too much make up work, loss of stability with class activities, and an inability to participate fully in discussion. Freshmen year is the first year you have been able to take PreAP classes and participate more in the life of the school. Learning to manage your time is essential to your success at home and in school. Please take care of yourself by planning carefully. I want you to do well and enjoy this year.
Notes to Remember:
1, When you need to miss class, ask friends to gather material you will need to make up work while you are out-notes, handouts…. There is often no way to help you catch up if the class time was spent in rich discussion, or in a writer’s workshop.
2. Keep a record of the day’s happenings in your school planner.
3. Check my web site for assignments, notes, class discussions etc..
If another instructor needs you to make up work during my period, please inform me before class. Have the instructor send an email (no written notes) which include the period and type of work you will be performing.
Grading: I follow a standard grading scale 100-90 is an A, 89-80 a B, and so on.
Grades are averaged as total points.
Summative: 60% (major exams and writing projects/any project associated with an exam
Formative: 30% (daily classroom work, quizzes, homework)
10% (class participation: discussion, answering questions, contributing to
intellectual subject matter-related or not to current literary topics)
Absences and Tardies
Attendance, tardies, and make-up work will be handled according to school policy as outlined in the current student handbook. Note: I do not accept students arriving late to class on a regular basis. I will follow the East Central High School student handbook policy on tardies. I will mark you tardy if you arrive late five minutes after class begins and absent after six minutes have passed. If you arrive late do not disturb the class, quietly enter and take your seat.
Note: You have five minutes between classes. Due to campus construction, I will modify the time allowed to get to class for those students commuting from classrooms beyond the dark hall. Otherwise, there are no excuses regarding tardies to my class. If a coach or instructor has held you back after class, please ask the instructor to email me with your pass (no written passes please). If you are not feeling well and need to stop for an extended period of time at the bathroom between classes, please see the nurse to receive care and a written pass (since our school nurses are extremely busy, they are the only ones who may write written passes). Although five minutes may not seem like a long time, many of your classes will be within seconds of each other. Therefore, do not waste your time standing between buildings watching other people do the same. Also, you can talk to your friends as you walk to class. If they are going in an opposite direction-you can wait for lunch or after school to speak to them. I will not accept students hanging out outside or within visual distance of my classroom. Once you enter, you take your seat and begin preparing for class-you will not mingle in the classroom waiting for the bell.
Parents & Students-
Please read and sign this page only, and return to Mr. Hall by Friday, 8/28/09
Please email me at if you have comments or concerns. The school sends out grade reports every three, six and nine weeks. It is the student’s responsibility to inform you of his or her grades. I will attempt to keep you up to date with individual student progress via telephone and/or email. Interest and encouragement at home in student activities and progress is always beneficial. Please refer to the EAST CENTRAL ISD/PARENT HANDBOOK for important information regarding procedures, school policies, and reporting dates.
We read and understand the syllabus and classroom policies, including the video and multimedia viewing policy, grading policy, late work policy, and academic honesty code.
Parent signature Date
Student signature Date
Please provide the email address and phone number you prefer for Mr. Hall to use when contacting you:
Telephone/cell phone number: ______
Notes or Questions for Mr. Hall
The use of film and multimedia texts during normal classroom hours should be restricted to material that has clear relevance to the school's educational program. Prior to the use of any film or multimedia material, teachers should ensure that they are familiar with the content and satisfied as to its suitability for the intended purpose and audience.
The ‘G’ classification is for a general audience. People of all ages can watch a ‘G’ film and multimedia text. Normally, permission is not necessary for media rated “G” but parents will be aware when any media is going to be used to determine whether they want their student to participate in viewings.
Where material rated ‘PG’ (parental guidance recommended for persons under 13 years) is to be used for an audience of students under the age of 13 years, the prior approval of the principal and parent/guardian must be obtained.
Where material rated “PG 13” (recommended for mature audiences 13 years and over) is to be used and the student audience is over the age of 13 years, the prior approval of the
principal must be obtained.
Where material rated “R” (persons under 17 years must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian) is to be used, the audience must be restricted to students over the age of 15 years and the prior approval of the principal must be obtained. Material rated ‘R’ cannot be used for an audience under the age of 15 years, unless they are accompanied by a parent or adult guardian, even with the prior approval of the principal and parent/guardian. Films that acquire the “R” rating but do not contain sexually explicit acts or innuendo, but do have inappropriate language or descriptions, may be viewed by students over the age of 15 only after parental approval. Films that fall under this category are used exclusively for educational purposes. Parents will be notified of all material and its projected use before permission slips are accepted.
In seeking parental permission prior to the screening of any film, video or multimedia material, parents will be advised of the purpose, title and classification of the material to be screened. Where parental permission has been sought but not obtained, students will be excluded by teachers from the classroom or area in which the film or multimedia text is to be shown.
Signatures only determine that a parent/guardian and student have read the above information and understand the classification and method the teacher will use before introducing multi media material. This document does not give teachers permission to show students any multimedia material.
Parent/guardian signature
Date: ______
Student signature
Date: ______