West Virginia State University
Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate 2016-2017
updated September 28, 2016
College of Arts and Humanities = AH College of Business and Social Sciences = BSS
College of Natural Sciences + Mathematics NSM College of Professional Studies = PS
Librarians and Counselors = LC At large = AL
Advisory Council of Faculty = ACFWVSU Board of Governors = BOG
Gus R. Douglass Institute = GRDIStudents
All e-mails are @wvstateu.edu unless otherwise noted.
* Indicates second consecutive term (or fourth term for BOG and ACF).
All phone numbers are area code 304. All phone numbers are prefix 766-, except where noted.
Senate report: March
3-year term
3 AL (one of whom is Chair), 2 AL alternates, 2 students, 1 student alternate
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailCobb, Kim / 3 of 3 / AL / 201 Wilson / 5124 / cobbkim
Kane, Michael (chair) / 1 of 3 / AL / 528 Wallace / 204-4052 / mkane
Mitiku, Abainesh / 1 of 3 / AL / 308B Cole / 3096 / mitiku
Carroll, Matt / 1 of 1 / AL-alt. / 313A Cole / 3093 / mcarrol2
Hauser, Billie / 1 of 1 / AL-alt. / 620 Wallace / 3030 / bhauser
1 of 1 / Student
1 of 1 / Student
1 of 1 / Student - alt
Senate report: monthly
eligible to serve upto 8 years
Name / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailGuetzloff, Tom / 2 of 2* / AL / 223 Hamblin / 4294 / guetzltf
Senate report: monthly
eligible to serve upto 8 years
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailLadner, Barbara / 2 of 2 (1st) / AL / 230 Hill / 4113 / ladnerbe
Senate report: April
2-year term
1 rep from each college, 1 AL, Chair is ex officio member of Senate
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailArmstrong, Sonya / 1 of 2 / NSM / 817 Wallace / 3390 / armstrso
Cruz-Milan, Oliver / 2 of 2 / BSS / 313B Cole / 3121 / ocruzmilan
Wilson, Patricia / 2 of 2* / PS / 627 Wallace / 3381 / wilsonpat
Broughton, Robin / 2 of 2 / AH / 201 Cole / 3274 / rbroughton
Workman, Mike, Chair / 2 of 2 / AL / 116 Hill / 3051 / mworkman2
Magan, Jack / ex officio / Parliament. / 315 Hamblin / 3036 / jmagan
Senate report: February
2-year term
6 AL (any college), 4 AL (1 from each college), 4 students (each dean appoints 1). Ex officio / non-voting:Coordinator of Cultural Activities, 1 appoinment by VPAA / Provost, 1 appointment by VP University Relations and Operations, Chair of Gen Ed Committee
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailWolfe, Richard / ex officio / Coordinator / 401 Davis / 3188 / rwolfe
Barnes-Pietruszynski, Jessica / 1 of 2 / AL / 222 Hill / 3077 / jbarnesp
Johnson, Dirk / 2 of 2* / AL / 303 Davis / 3342 / djohnson17
Natsis, Jim / 2 of 2 / AL / 218 Hill / 4249 / natsisja
Fitchner, Zachary / 1 of 2 / AL / 209 Davis / 3193 / zfitchner
Collins, Sean / 2 of 2* / AL / 133 Hamblin / 4150 / scollin5
Taylor-Johnson, Carol / 2 of 2* / AL / 214 Hill / 3070 / johnsoct
Clark, Christopher / 2 of 2 / AH / 302 Davis / 3199 / clarkcm
McCoy, Paula / 1 of 2 / BSS / 126 Hill / 3270 / pmccoy
Dianellos, Vasilios / 1 of 2 / NSM / 131 Hamblin / 3125 / vasilios.dianellos
Spears, Derrick / 2 of 2 / PS / 102 Ferg-Lin. / 3291 / dspears1
1 of 1 / student
1 of 1 / student
1 of 1 / student
1 of 1 / student
Pietruszynski, Jeff / ex officio / GenEd Chair / 233 Hill / 3075 / jpietrus
VP Univ Rel
Senate report: monthly (except September)
3-year terms (elected in May)
1 rep from each College, 6 AL, 2 students. Ex-officio: 1 Library faculty, VPAA, Registrar, GenEd Coordinator.
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailKiddie, Tom / 1 of 3 / AH / 227 Hill / 4116 / tkiddie
Park, TJ / 1 of 3* / BSS / 122 Hill / 3060 / tpark
Moncrief, Anthony / 3 of 3 / NSM / 225 Hamblin / 3104 / moncrief
Steele, Kerri / 3 of 3 / PS / 517 Wallace / 3282 / ksteele1
Fultz, Mike (chair) / 3 of 3 / AL / 217 Hamblin / 3106 / mfultz
Tillquist, Alan / 3 of 3* / AL / 128 Hill / 3240 / atillqui
Ray, Manashi / 3 of 3 / AL / 124 Hill / 3054 / mray3
Karunathilake, Upali / 1 of 3 / AL / 818 Wallace / 3244 / ukarunathil
Anderson, Karen / 1 of 3 / AL / 206 Hill / 3074 / andersok
Harper, Kathy / 1 of 3 / AL / 211 Hamblin / 3142 / harperkl
Jayasuriya, Kumara / ex officio / VPAA / 101B Ferrell / 3146 / kjayasuriya
Hunter, Donna / ex officio / Registrar / 128 Ferrell / 4146 / hunterdl
Jeff Pietruszynski / ex officio / GenEd Coord / 233 Hill / 3075 / jpietrus
ex officio / Library rep
1 of 1 / student
1 of 1 / student
Senate Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Historian, ACF rep, BOG rep, 2 AL (2-year terms)
elected in May
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailFord, Rich / 1 of 1 / Chair / 101D Hamblin / 5742 / fordri
Baker, Ron / 1 of 1 / Vice-Chair / 718 Wallace / 3397 / baker
Alderman, Tim / 1 of 1 / Secretary / 204 Hill / 3071 / aldermtc
Pietruszynski, Jeff / 1 of 2 / AL / 233 Hill / 3075 / jpietrus
Harris, Rob / 2 of 2 / AL / 143 Hamblin / 3128 / harrisro
Wells, Deborah / 1 of 3 / Historian / 44A Drain-Jordan / 3150 / wells
Guetzloff, Tom / 2 of 2* / BOG / 223 Hamblin / 4294 / guetzltf
Ladner, Barbara / 1 of 2* / ACF / 230 Hill / 4113 / ladnerbe
Senate report: as needed
1-year term
3 at each rank, 1 any rank, a chair is elected ad hoc
Names / Rank / Address / Phone / E-mailMitiku, Abainesh / Professor / 112 Hill / 3096 / mitiku
Vaughan, Frank / Professor / 103 Hill / 3046 / fvaughan
Porter, Marc / Professor / 232 Cole / 4178 / porterma
McConnell, Anne / Associate Prof. / 205 Hill / 3073 / amcconnell
Shafer, Sherri / Associate Prof. / 120 Cole / 3382 / sshafer1
Pennington, Mike / Associate Prof. / 102 Hill / 3044 / mpennin1
Natsis, Jim / Assistant Prof. / 218 Hill / 4249 / natsisja
Cruz-Milan, Oliver / Assistant Prof. / 313B Cole / 3121 / ocruzmilan
Zhao, Xi / Assistant Prof. / 305 Ferrell / 3072 / xi.zhao
Dianellos, Vasilios / Instructor / 131 Hamblin / 3125 / vasilios.dianellos
Kail, Karen / Instructor / 720 Wallace / 4135 / kkail
Echols, Roger / Instructor / 220B Cole / 3195 / rechols
Dean, Daton / Any Rank / 617Wallace / 204-4059 / ddean1
Senate report: April
3-year term
5 AL. LC is excluded
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailStroupe, Walter / 3 of 3* / AL / 525 Wallace / 3315 / wstroupe
Niu, Linwei / 1 of 3 / AL / 825 Wallace / 3024 / lniu
De, Suvayan (chair) / 1 of 3* / AL / 106 Hill / 3095 / sde
Mosby, Gail / 2 of 3 / AL / 128 Hill / 3047 / gmosby
Carroll, Matt / 3 of 3 / AL / 313A Cole / 3093 / mcarrol2
Senate report: September
3-year term
4 members (1 rep from each college)
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailWilson, Brenda / 2 of 3* / PS / 624 Wallace / 3246 / wilsonbr
Cobb, Kim / 3 of 3 / AH / 201 Wilson / 5124 / cobbkim
De, Suvayan / 1 of 3* / BSS / 106 Hill / 3095 / sde
Hankins, Gerald / 3 of 3 / NSM / 227 Hamblin / 3279 / ghankins
Ledbetter, Charles / NA / Consult.
Senate report: September
2-year term
2 reps from each College, 1 from LC, 2 AL, 1 student. Ex officio: Director of Institutional Research
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailPietruszynski, Jeff (chair) / appointed / Coordinator / 233 Hill / 3075 / jpietrus
Susman, Carol / 2 of 2 / AH / 228 Hill / 3124 / csusman
Shafer, Sherri / 2 of 2 / AH / 407 Davis / 3382 / sshafer1
Schedl, Andy / 1 of 2 / NSM / 313 Hamblin / 3103 / schedlad
Guetzloff, Tom / 2 of 2 / NSM / 223 Hamblin / 4294 / guetzltf
Wilson, Brenda / 2 of 2 / PS / 624 Wallace / 3246 / wilsonbr
Good, Lindsey / 1 of 2 / PS / N155 Fleming / 3233 / lgood5
Williams, Debbie / 2 of 2 / BSS / 307 Cole / 3058 / dwilli13
Francis, Rebecca / 1 of 2* / BSS / 125 Hill / 3269 / francirs
1 of 2 / LC
Korn, Barbara / 2 of 2 / AL / 621 Wallace / 3205 / bkorn
Zapata, Miguel / 2 of 2* / AL / 332 Hill / 3068 / mzapata
1 of 1 / student
Morris-Dueer, Vicky / ex officio / Dir. Inst. Res / 325 Ferrell / 4189 / vicky.morris-dueer
Senate report: September
3-year term
Program Director, 1 rep from each college, 4 AL. Ex officio: Director of Admissions, Registrar.
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailPalubinskas, Ginta (chair) / appointed / Director / 104 Hill / 3045 / gpalubinskas
Dean, Daton / 3 of 3 / AL / 617 Wallace / 204-4059 / ddean1
Armstrong, Sonya / 3 of 3 / AL / 817 Wallace / 3390 / armstrso
Gilliland, Steve / 2 of 3 / AL / 221 Cole / 3197 / sgilliland
McConnell, Anne / 1 of 3* / AL / 205 Hill / 3073 / amcconnell
Jessica Barnes- Pietruszynski / 1 of 3* / AH / 234 Hill / 3077 / jbarnesp
Settle, Aaron / 1 of 3* / PS / 122 Fleming / 3367 / asettle1
Krasnansky, Marek / 2 of 3* / NSM / 319 Hamblin / 3257 / mkrasnansky
Peyton, Billy Joe / 1 of 3* / BSS / 114 Hill / 3235 / peytonbj
Hunter, Donna / ex officio / Registrar / 128 Ferrell / 4146 / hunterdl
Anderson, Amanda / ex officio / Admissions / 121 Ferrell / 4340 / aanderson13
1 of 1 / student
Senate report: February
2-year term
4 faculty (1 rep from each College), 1 LC, 1 student, 1 GRDI (non-voting) appointed by VP of Research and Public Service. Ex officio: Library Director
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailStinson, Willette (chair) / ex officio / Library Dir. / 17 Library / 3239 / wstinson
Naga, Sundar / 2 of 2* / NSM / 325 Hamblin / 5756 / naga
Richards, Steve / 1 of 2* / PS / 156 Fleming / 3003 / srichards
Carroll, Matt / 2 of 2 / BSS / 313A Cole / 3093 / mcarrol2
McConnell, Anne / 2 of 2 / AH / 205 Hill / 3073 / amcconnell
1 of 2 / LC
Nimmakayala, Padma / 1 of 1 / GRDI / 221 Hamblin / 3258 / padma
1 of 1 / student
Senate report: February
3-year term (elected in May)
4 AL, 2 appointed by Senate in consultation with VPAA, 1 student. Ex officio: Director of Institutional Research, VPAA, VP of University Advancement
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailRichards, Steven / 3 of 3 / AL / 156 Fleming / 3003 / srichards
Anderson, Mike (chair) / 1 of 3* / AL / 817 Wallace / 3393 / andersmr
Niu, Linwei / 3 of 3 / AL / 825 Wallace / 3024 / lniu
Harper, Kathy / 2 of 3 / AL / 211 Hamblin / 3142 / harperkl
1 of 1 / appointed
1 of 1 / appointed
1 of 1 / student
Jayasuriya, Kumara / ex officio / VPAA / 101B Ferrell / 3146 / kjayasuriya
Morris-Dueer, Vicky / ex officio / Dir. Inst. Res / 325 Ferrell / 4189 / vicky.morris-dueer
Patricia Schumann / ex officio / VP Univ. Adv. / 112 Ferrell / 3021 / patricia.schumann
Senate report: May
3-year term
6 tenured faculty (1 rep from each College, 2 AL). Deans and Chairs are not eligible.
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailMutepa, Raphael / 2 of 3 / PS / 926 Wallace / 3234 / musondam
Kiddie, Tom / 1 of 3 / AH / 227 Wallace / 3170 / tkiddie
Reddy, Umesh, Chair / 2 of 3 / NSM / 141 Hamblin / 3066 / ureddy
Mosby, Gail / 1 of 3 / BSS / 128 Hill / 3047 / gmosby
Waugh, Emily / 1 of 3 / AL / 625 Wallace / 5192 / ewaugh
1 of 3 / AL
Senate report: March
2-year term
4 AL, 1 non-voting GRDI rep (appointed by VP Research and Public Service). Ex officio:VP Research and Public Service
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailBejou, Azam / 1 of 2 / AL / 827 Wallace / 204-4025 / abejou
Sanjaya / 2 of 2 / AL / 100 Toney / 414-4062 / sanjaya
Niu, Linwei / 2 of 2* / AL / 825 Wallace / 3024 / lniu
McMeans, Orlando / ex officio / VP Res. / 131 Ferrell / 204-4300 / mcmeanso
1 of 1 / GRDI
Senate report: May
3-year term
9 tenured faculty (2 reps from each college, 1 AL). Deans and Chairs are not eligible.
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailPark, T.J. / 2 of 3* / BSS / 122 Hill / 3060 / tpark
Tillquist, Alan / 1 of 3 / BSS / 314A Cole / 3240 / atillqui
Taylor-Johnson, Carol / 2 of 3 / AH / 214 Hill / 3070 / johnsoct
Gilliland, Steve / 3 of 3 / AH / 221 Cole / 3197 / sgilliland
Armstrong, Sonya / 3 of 3 / NSM / 817 Wallace / 3390 / armstrso
Ruhnke, Tim, Chair / 1 of 3 / NSM / 135 Hamblin / 3210 / ruhnketr
Banks, Oree / 3 of 3 / PS / 110 Fleming / 3231 / obanks
Mutepa, Rafael / 1 of 3* / PS / 926 Wallace / 3234 / musondam
Senate report: April
2-year term
Chair of Education Dept., 6 faculty (1 rep from college) 1 LC, 2 students (one elected by Education Department students)
Names / Term / Represents / Address / Phone / E-mailWilson, Patricia (chair) / appointed / Educ. Dept. / 627 Wallace / 3381 / wilsonpat
Anderson-Conliffe, Debra / 1 of 2* / PS / 128 Fleming / 3237 / andersonde
Bonnett, Renae / 2 of 2 / AH / 220 Hill / 4263 / bonnettrm
Perdue, Charles / 2 of 2 / BSS / 925 Wallace / 3271 / perdue
Schedl, Andy / 2 of 2 / NSM / 313 Hamblin / 3103 / schedlad
1 of 1 / student
1 of 1 / student