- Applicable legal texts:
Extracts from Articles:
L.221-18 of the French Consumer Code:
‘Consumers have a period of fourteen days to exercise their right to cancel a contract which is concluded remotely, following a cold call or off-site sales approach, without having to explain their decision or bear costs other than those set out in Articles L. 221-23 to L.221-25.
L.242-3 of the French Consumer Code:
Any clause according to which the consumer gives up this right to cancel is invalid.’
L.221-28 of the French Consumer Code.
‘The right to cancel a contract does not apply to contracts involving: (…)
-the provision of accommodation services other than residential accommodation, transport of goods, vehicle rental, catering or other leisure activities which must be provided on a specific date or within a specific period’.
- Right of cancellation
All consumers who remotely purchase (by internet or phone) Entry Tickets to the Parc Astérix which are not dated or valid for a specific period (e.g.: Pass Saison) benefit from, in line with Articles L.121-21 and following of the French Consumer Code, of a ‘cooling off’ period of fourteen (14) days from receipt of the email confirming the Order.
- How to exercise the right of cancellation
To cancel their purchase, consumers must notify, within fourteen (14) days, their decision in an unequivocal statement using the cancellation form available below or any other letter expressing their desire to cancel to the following address:; GREVIN ET COMPAGNIE, BP 8, 60128 Plailly, France. Any illegible or incomplete requests for cancellation will not be processed or refunded. If they use the purchased Entry Ticket within the fourteen-day time period, consumers must make a specific request to GREVIN ET COMPAGNIE and,should they decide to cancel the order, must pay the corresponding amount for the service provided by GREVIN ET COMPAGNIE up to the date of communication of their decision to cancel. This amount is proportionate to the total price of the Order.
- Effect of cancellation
In the event of the consumer communicating a valid cancellation request prior to the end of the fourteen (14) day period, GREVIN ET COMPAGNIE will refund all payments received when the Order was placed without excessive delay and, no later than fourteen (14) days from receipt of the request for cancellation.The refund will take the same form as the original payment which the consumer used for the Order, unless the consumer expressly requests a different payment method.
CANCELLATION FORM(Please complete and send this form back only if you want to cancel an Order and if you fulfil the conditions mentioned in point 2 above).
Order Number (*):Entry Ticket number (*):
I, the undersigned:Address:
hereby notify you that I wish to cancel the Order of Entry Ticket(s) to the Parc Astérix, which was placed on (*)_____/_____/_____, with GREVIN ET COMPAGNIE.
I am aware that this cancellation is effective from the date of sending this form and does not require me to return the Entry Tickets.
Consumer’s signature:
(*) Obligatory information without which your cancellation request will not be processed.