Board Of Selectmen’s Minutes

TA Tom Guerino


Stephen Mealy, Chairman

Don Pickard, Vice-Chairman

Michael Blanton, Clerk

Don Ellis

Peter Meier

Note this meeting is being televised and recorded. If anyone in the audience is recording or videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time – Michael Rausch Bourne Enterprise

All items within the meeting agenda are subject to deliberation and vote(s) by the Board of Selectmen.


Meeting Called to Order

Chm. Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

Stephen Mealy stated under agenda item number 9C Establish Date to Complete Goals will not be discussed this evening because there was no information on whose goals it was, it was for the Board of Selectmen, because of the non-description and relative to the open meeting law we will put that on another date.

Moment of Silence for our Troops and our public safety personnel /Salute the Flag

Public Comment – Non-Agenda Items

None requested.

4) Minutes:

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to approve the minutes from August 25, 2015 as presented. Vote 5-0.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to approve the minutes from June 16, 2015 as presented. Vote 5-0.

5) Correspondence

Michael Blanton brought the committee up to date on the correspondence.

A.  8-26-15 (received); An email from Jean Campbell, director of the Bourne Archives in Bourne village explaining that they will be closed through the end of the year except by appointment only. There will be announcements posted on the website and in the newspaper with contact information.

B.  8-19-15 (received); A letter from Michael Pentony, Asst. Regional Administrator for Sustainable Fisheries, responding to the BOS letter concerning forage fish and impacts that NOAA fisheries have on those populations. He states that both the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils are addressing most of the issues raised, including impacts on longfin squid concerns, issues with midwater trawl vessels fishing near shore, and caps set on river herring and shad catch, among others. He believes that the issues our Board raised are in keeping with the Magnuson-Stevens Act that requires public process for Fishery Management Councils in developing management measures.

C.  8-21-15 (received); A letter from TA Guerino to the Bourne Planning Board on a proposed zoning bylaw change from R-40 to B-2 for several parcels in Cataumet identified as ‘Bonnie Land’ brought by Bonnie Wing, and the easterly portion of Anastasia Lane owned by Woodland Realty Trust, the sponsor. The zoning change was requested by petition and the signers are attached with the letter.

D.  8-28-15 (received); A letter of interest from William Meier of Buzzards Bay expressing a desire to serve as a non-veteran appointee to the Board of Trustees of the Veterans’ Memorial Community Center. He cites his expertise in building construction and current service on the Public Works Project Building Committee, Peebles Elementary School Building Study Committee and Bourne Police Facility Building Committee for consideration.

E.  8-24-15; A letter from Ben Lynch, Program Chief of the Waterways Regulation Program of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding an appeal they are considering from a denial of a mooring permit to David Rosenbloom. See the letter Mr. Rosenbloom to MA DEP requesting the reverse of the revocation for failure to file annually required ownership form attached to the letter from DEP.

Stephen Mealy read a letter from the Town of Bourne Board of Health dated August 27, 2015. Relative to the future wind generation project, addressed to Future Generation Wind, LLC at 810 Head of the Bay Road, Buzzards Bay. Dear Future Generation Wind, On August 26, 2015 the Bourne Board of Health discussed the accullability of their wind energy conversion system regulations to the proposed Future Wind Generation, LLC project. It was unanimously voted that there be insufficient documentation provided about the nature of the project and more information will be needed to be supplied to the Board to determine if the proposed wind turbines have an effect on Bourne residents. If the proposed turbines do not comply with the existing Board of Health regulations, a variance will be necessary in order to protect the health of Bourne residents. It has been signed by the Chairman and all the members of the Board of Health.

6) Special recognitions for services to our town and community.

Stephen Mealy wanted to take time to make a special presentation to a couple of individuals.

Mr. Mealy spoke about Mr. Gurnon, former admiral of the Mass Maritime Academy, and presented Mr. Gurnon, on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and the residents of Bourne, with a plaque that recognized Mr. Gurnon with your dedication and commitment no only leading the Mass Maritime Academy but also the Bourne Community to a new level of success.

Stephen Mealy, Earl Baldwin Chairman of the Bourne Veterans Memorial Community Center, and a couple other trustees presented Mr. Mulvey with a plaque and spoke about Mr. Mulvey in recognition of his leadership, wisdom, and friendship. Mr. Mealy stated this room will now be known as the Jim Mulvey Meeting Room.

Voted Peter Meier moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to recommend that we send a letter to the Board of Trustees renaming this room to James F. Mulvey Meeting Room. Vote 5-0.

7) Mr. John R. Miller, Executive Director
Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative of New England, Inc. (proposed project discussion and possible request for support).

John Miller, Executive Director of the Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative of New England, spoke about what the Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative does, it is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing marine renewables in New England. Mr. Miller went over the proposed project for the title test site to test other company’s products.

Stephen Mealy wanted to clarify this is only for building a test site, there is not product development, no manufacturing, this is to test other people’s products in town because there is no other facility in the United States. The planning, design, review, approval, permitting, construction, and maintenance will all be undertaken by your company and not have anything to do with the supporting community. Mr. Miller stated that is correct. Mr. Mealy stated they are looking for a vote from the board to support the application for the grant that you are seeking.

Voted Peter Meier moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to support the application for the grant that Mr. Miller is seeking.

Michael Blanton questioned how will it help the economic development in Bourne. Mr. Miller stated the test sites have been magnets for companies to locate. There are university professors that want to do technologies but can’t because it costs so much, they can do testing in a tank but can only get up to a certain level, but that is very rudimental. To see how it’s operated you need to get it in the ocean. This would be a one of a kind and an attraction for people to bring their equipment to Bourne.

Don Pickard stated the letter dated October 14, 2014 from the Department of the Army only acknowledges that you’re interested in developing the Title Energy Demonstration project, the permitting, licensing, and state permits have not been done yet, your firm will handle all the costs. It does not look like a statement of support it just looks like a letter thanking you for your interest. Mr. Pickard also questioned how long will it last and how many people will it employ.

Mr. Miller stated he thinks it will become a permanent test site and will employ about three people to run the test site. Mr. Miller believes people will come and test their turbine and find something wrong. They pull it out; if the company isn’t from around here they won’t ship it back to get fixed they will fix it right here and put it back in. That is the advantage of this kind of test-site; close to the shoreline and you have good access to it.

Peter Meier stated it could provide training to area community colleges. Mr. Miller stated that part of his non-profit is an educational mission. They will take the data and put it on line so people can see the video of the turbine turning, a graph of the generation of electricity, and speed of the water in real time. Have spoken to the folks from STEM, they are interested in using it in their curriculums. Have spoken to the academic people from Mass Maritime, people from UMASS and Bristol Community, and all of them have an interest. The town will have no administrative burden.

Tom Guerino stated they need a letter drafted that the board can instruct the administrator to sign based on the board’s votes.

Mr. Mulvey concluded the talk is about harnessing flow, but questioned the size of the turbine, which side of the canal, where on the canal, how far out into the canal, access to the site, and the environmental issue, also if it is a turbine where the discharge is going.

Mr. Miller explained where on the canal, the size of the turbine, safety issues, and the environmental impacts.

Mr. Blanton stated he supports this in concept and is excited that is might draw some of the of the Woods Hole spin off companies and the marine science and marine tech companies to invest in the Bourne area.

Vote 5-0

8) Licenses/Appointments:

a.  Coalition of Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride

Don Pickard went over the application for the Coalition for Buzzards Bar Watershed Ride; it will be taking place on October 4, 2015. It will start in Westport at 9:00 a.m. and finish in Woods Hole at 5:00 p.m. Approximately 200 riders, this is an annual event. The Police department may require a detail officer. Lt. Silvestro will need to know two weeks prior.

Peter Meier said it also stated the DPW is requesting that all directional signs be removed after the event.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to approve based on a completed application and comments. Vote 5-0.

9) Selectmen’s Business –

a.  Wastewater Study Grant - Cataumet area

b.  Vote regarding override reduction amounts as recommended by the FPWG

c.  Establish date to complete goals

d.  Signing of Warrant for Special Election - October 6, 2015

9a. Tom Guerino briefly went over the grant application; It will be to expand the current system out to take on 65 homes addition to the original 50 homes. The letter of support will be similar. This is a $50-$75,000 grant that will do geologic test pit studies for the area. The original thought was that the town could be the lead applicant. Both the Wastewater Committee and Mr. Guerino agree the town cannot be the lead applicant for a project that will benefit a private sector developer. The coalition is obtaining a private homeowners association to be the lead applicant. If they are successful in obtaining the homeowners association becoming the lead applicant then the town can provide a support letter for the grant application just to do the investigation.

9b. Stephen Mealy briefly went over the proposed reduction motion should the override fail and then read the motion. To make a total reduction of the FY16 budget of $979,225.00 of which $356,787.00 will be reduced from the Town’s operating budget, $480,763.00 will be reduced from the School Department’s budget. With shared expenses of $41,225.00 from the Town’s share and $100, 450.00 from the School Department’s share.

Don Pickard questioned this is just for FY16? We don’t have any idea if the Fire Department is going to maintain dispatch, loose dispatch, or experience layoffs. What happens if the override does not pass, what happens if the override passes? There are options for the Board.

Chief Sylvester, Bourne Fire Department, discussed with the local 1717 about it being presented with the dispatch. They have been very receptive about sitting down and communicating, also what the fire department has been working on, moving forward.

Tom Guerino stated a draft of the plan for your review will be before the selectmen before the end of the month so there is time to review this before the vote.

Don Pickard stated Tuesday, October 6th would be the deadline. Our next action will be we need to know before that date what the board’s plan of action is on what is going to happen in the event the override isn’t successful at the ballot box. Upon the override passage do we do further study and let the grant go forward; or if the override is not successful do we do the layoffs.

Chief Woodside stated to keep the issues separate. The board has a policy on the financial matter, what is going to be done with the money. That has to be separate from this proposal. As far as the negotiations going on within the fire department all that should be said is they are talking about it, nothing else. You are in an impact bargaining and you have to follow a strict procedure. Discussing that in a public meeting is not a great idea. The two issues are, what will happen if the dispatch is going to happen, and for the board what is the plan for the finances.

Don Ellis questioned the numbers? Mr. Mealy stated the motion is taken from a motion that was made to make a recommendation from the Financial Project Working Group. The motion was made and seconded by the two members of the School Committee. We have complete sign on from all the department heads relative to the motions to the adjustments. I feel comfortable based on the recommendation coming from the Financial Project Working Group.