Name:______id#______tryout #______
Longhorn Cheer 2015-2016
Tryout Information
Congratulations on deciding to tryout for the 2015-2016 Longhorn Cheer Squads. The Longhorn Cheer Squads are an award winning outstanding group of students from W.T. White High School who expect nothing but the best at all times. Being a member of the squads is an extreme honor; it offers rewards and is a valuable experience that one will remember for a lifetime. Additionally, your daughter/son will give pride and spirit to W.T. White High School and our community through their participation. I am delighted to offer your daughter/son the opportunity to join one of the finest organizations at our school and I look forward to a successful and great year! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 817-996-6960 or .
Thank you for your cooperation!
Coach Hilary Rinella
Please read everything below and completely fill out the tryout application packet and return it on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at the tryout clinic! Packet must be completely filled out in order to tryout!!
Your daughter/son is trying out for Longhorn Cheer 2015-2016. If your daughter/son is chosen to be on the squads, there are specific responsibilities and obligations which your daughter/son must assume in order to qualify and remain an active member of the team.
What a WTW Cheerleader has to do during the year:
-You must attend all practices. Practice will be before school and during 1st period.
-You must attend all football games and approximately 6 basketball games. Schedules will be given to those who make the squads.
-You must attend all pep rallies. Schedules will be given to those who make the squads.
-You must attend all fundraising activities. Schedules will be given to those who make the squads.
-You must pay your total bill by the beginning of the school year, by August 18, 2015.
-You must attend our WTW Cheer Camp that will be held at WTW during May, June and August.
Dates and Times:
May 18-21, 2015 from 4:30-6:30pm and June 4th, 5th, and 6th from 8am-5pm Mandatory Cheer Camp!!!!!!!
August 17th – 20th from 3-5pm Mandatory Cheer Practice Before School Starts!!!!!
-You have to pay for all of your cheer items. The school does not pay for them.
Approximate costs are as follows:
F = $500, JV = $500, V = New to Varsity $1,000 / Returner to Varsity $500
We have fund raisers and you can ask for donations. Don’t let cost scare you away, we can find ways to get the bill paid! We also allow former cheerleaders to sell their old uniforms for a discounted price!
Remember these costs are estimates, should be pretty close, but could change!!!!
-You must maintain passing grades in order to participate.
-You must have a wonderful attitude and be ready and willing to work hard!
-You must always be respectful!
-Mandatory parent/student meeting will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2015 in the cafeteria at the times listed below according to squad: (This is for people who make the teams that will be posted on Friday, March 6th at 5:00pm on the windows in the breezeway in front of the auditorium.)
F/JV – 6:00-6:30pm
V – 6:30-7:00pm
A student and a parent for each student must be in attendance, if you are not there, you will not be on the squad next year.
-Mandatory Uniform Fitting will be April 28th and 29th in Rinella’s Dance Studio at 4:15pm. $300 deposit is required at this time.
Please fill out remaining packet and return by March 3, 2015!
Tryout Process and Mandatory Requirements:
Wear athletic shorts and t-shirts everyday with sneakers to learn material and tryout.
3/2/15 Monday: turn in tryout packet and go over cheer technique from 4:30-6:30pm in large gym
3/3/15 Tuesday: learn tryout material from 4:30-6:30pm in large gym
3/4/15 Wednesday: practice tryout material from 4:30-6:30pm in large gym
3/5/15 Thursday: Actual day of tryouts 4:30-7:30pm, report to the small gym and have the following paperwork with you: (turn in on 3/3/15 if possible)
1. Parental Release Form
2. Most current copy of your report card
3. Essay – Please type a 2 page essay about why you want to be a WTW Cheerleader and write about what you as an individual/team player can bring to the squads to make the squads the best they can be.
Parental Release to tryout and statement of acknowledgement of rules, regulations and costs:
I, (student applicant name) ______, have read through the tryout packet and agree to follow all guidelines.
Signature of applicant______Date______
I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the tryout packet. If my daughter/son is chosen to be a member of the Longhorn Cheer Squads for the 2015-2016 school year, we agree to abide by all rules and regulations.
I hereby give consent to my daughter/son, ______, to tryout for cheerleader at W.T. White High School. I recognize that if they make the squad they will be required to attend summer camp at school in May, June and August, attend special cheer functions, attend all practices, attend all games, attend all pep rallies, attend all fundraising activities and pay for their uniforms and cheer supplies. Further, I understand that personal insurance must cover my daughter/son. Dallas ISD and W.T. White High School are not responsible for any injuries. I give permission for my child to receive medical attention in the event that I cannot be present or reached for any reason.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian______Date______
Applicant Information:
Phone number: parent______student______
Grade level______
Parent/Legal Guardian______
Email: parent______student______
Employer______business phone______
Doctor______doctor’s phone number______
Insurance company______policy numbers______
Are you allergic to any medications?______If so, please list:______Are you currently taking any medications?______If so, please list:______Are you currently being treated for any injuries?______If so, please list:______