80.5) Why should you know various file extensions
A) Do you have the software to open the file
B) Do you even want to open it? (i.e. .exe you might NOT want to open)
A) .xls or .xlsx
B) .txt
C) .csv
D) .html
81) GUI (User Interface) – What you see – the text boxes, the images, the pick lists
Business Logic, Server Tier, Programming Tier – validation of business rules – do you have the prerequisites for the class, are you in the right major to take the class
Database or Storage – Stores records for retrieval and reporting – the storage of a student address record.
82) Data
It cannot be recovered if lost. Information, such as a report can be recovered. But if the data itself is lost, reports cannot be recovered.
83) Analysis – What are we going to build
Design - How are we going to build it – Dig more deeply into the requirements determined at analysis phase
Development –Do it! Code the system or build the datbase
Test - Perform quality assurance and test the system against the requirement
Deliver – Hand it over to the customer and train how to use the system.
Enhance/maintain – fix defects that were not considered critical and you incorporate necessary changes into the system
84) ROM is firmware (hardware and software) It contains instructions for how to find the operating system and boot the computer
85) Sequence, Selection and Repetition
86) Java and C#
87) DNS translates between IP addresses and domains. DNS is compared to a telephone book.
88) Interface through which a human can interact with a computer and it also manages the hardware and software resources.
89) BACKUPS, Physically (walls, underground, guards), rules and procedures, data rules
90) A) Windows 10
B) Android
C) Unix
D) MS Office
F) MS Office
G) Architectural Software to build skyscrapers
H) MS Office
I) Anything that Monsanto might build that is only for its use
>=0 and <=300000
>=0 and <=5.0
>=100 and <=50000
>=1883 and <=2018