RMPI 2016: “Reach the Peak”


As development professionals we all have mountains to climb both in our organizations and our personal careers. Reaching the summit can often seem impossible when you’re standing at the base. Luckily there are others who have made similar treks and can share their experience and advice. “Reach the Peak” is the theme for the 2016 Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute and our goal for each attendee is that they leave the conference having gained the knowledge to help them reach their various peaks and achieve their goals.
We welcome your enthusiasm and experience as a skilled development practitioner to serve as a workshop speaker at this year’s conference. We look forward to hearing the challenges and opportunities you’ve faced on this noble path of connecting donors with missions that change the world and inspire philanthropists to invest in this journey.
Benefits of presenting:
·  One complimentary registration to RMPI per primary speaker (valued at $195 and hear from other experts in our field devoted to traveling this exciting yet sometimes treacherous path.
·  Network with nearly 150 development and nonprofit professionals in beautiful Summit County.
·  Marketing opportunities reaching over 2,000 professionals through approximately 10 email blasts, AFP website and conference program.
General Information:
·  Workshop Sessions are 75 minutes in duration for approximately 15 – 50 attendees per session.
·  Seating is classroom style unless other arrangements are requested in advance.
·  Audio/visual requirements are due by August 13. Requests made on the day of the conference cannot be honored.
·  Conference sessions are professional development opportunities and may not incorporate sales presentations.
·  Because of the limited number of sessions and the need for a balanced program, we may suggest modifications to proposed workshops.
Priority will be given to proposals that focus on:
·  Fundraising for Small Shops
·  Managing Up
·  Advanced Grant Writing
·  Creating a Development Program
·  Managing and Inspiring Development Teams
·  Engaging Major and Planned Giving Prospects (Major Gifts and Portfolio Management)
·  Cultivating Special Event Attendees into Annual and Major Donors
·  Strategic Planning and the Role of Fundraising
·  Utilizing Social Media and Technology for Fundraising
·  Career Development (ex. CFRE, Transitioning from various development positions)
·  Diversity & Inclusion in Fundraising Plans and Materials
·  Speaker application and bio submission: March 25, 2016 by 5 p.m.
·  Speakers notified regarding their participation: April 15, 2016.
·  Speakers provide headshot and biography to AFP office: April 25 2016.
·  Conference speakers and break-out sessions announced to nonprofit/development community: April 28, 2016.
·  Presentations and materials sent to AFP office for inclusion on zip drive for attendees: August 29, 2016.
Successful applicants should:
·  Offer interactive presentations
·  Provide information grounded in development best practices
·  Be mindful of the nonprofit/development audience
·  Incorporate the Reach the Peak theme into the title and presentation

Presenter Name

Presentation Title

Presentation Description (under 125 words)



Learning Objectives

Please list 3-5 bullet points of what attendees will be able to take away from the session

Topic Classification

Please check no more than 3
Board Development
Fundraising for Small Shops
Foundation Relations/Grant Writing
Corporate relations/Cause Marketing
Special Events
Major/Planned Gifts
Donor Relations/Stewardship
Annual Giving
Prospect Research
Social Media/Technology
Career Development
Other (please list):

Speaker Information

Are you a member of AFP? / Yes No
Street Address:
Work Phone:
Alternate Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Twitter Username:
Company Website:

Speaker References


Check this box if you are interested in increasing the exposure of your company through exhibit and sponsorship opportunities.

Please submit via email to along with a biography (100 words or less) by March 25, 2016.

AFP Colorado Chapter • P. O. Box 24745 • Denver, CO 80224 •