PRESENT: Honorable Mayor Bryan Thompson, Commissioner John Cason III and

Commissioner Julie Martin

ABSENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Cornell Harvey and Commissioner James H. Brooks, Sr.

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Thompson

INVOCATION: Reverend Laurie Williams

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Recited by all in attendance


1. Firefighter Recognition.

Mayor Thompson commended Firefighter Anderson for saving a three-year old child from drowning.

Chief Mobley presented Firefighter Anderson with a ribbon for his efforts in the life saving rescue; which was accepted with gratitude.

Deputy Chief Allen presented the mother of the child with a certificate for her quick thinking; which was accepted with gratitude.



Name of Business / Owner/Manager / Business Location / Comments
Cigarettes “N” More for Less / Anwar Mavany / 3879 Altama Avenue / Request: retail package to sell beer and wine. No Sunday Sales.

Attorney Douglas Adams asked the Commission to reconsider granting the above-referenced license.

Attorney Adams swore in and questioned the following people:

1.  Deputy Marshall Len Schmauch

2.  Anwar Mavany, owner of the above-referenced business

Attorney Adams asked if there was anyone else to speak in favor of granting the above-referenced license.

The following people were sworn in and made statements regarding the license referenced- above.

1.  Sandy Dean, resident, questioned why license was denied at the meeting in February.

City Attorney Williams swore in the following people:

1)  Reverenced Williams, St. James Lutheran Church, oppose granting license.

2)  Dr. Heidi Leming, College of Coastal Georgia, oppose granting license.

3)  Dr. Michael Butcher, College of Coastal Georgia, oppose granting license.

4)  Dr. Phillis George, College of Coastal Georgia, oppose granting license.

5)  Gary Cook, resident, spoke in favor of granting license.

6)  Johnny Davis, College of Coastal Georgia, oppose granting license.

7)  Janis Slade, resident, spoke in favor of granting license,

-Len Schmauch, Deputy Marshall, was questioned by City Attorney Williams and Attorney Adams.

-All were questioned by Attorney Adams with the exception of Sandy Dean, Gary Cook and Janis Slade.

Commissioner Martin made a motion to deny approval of the above-referenced license; second by Commissioner Cason. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.



Commissioner Cason made a motion to add the following item to the consent agenda as item number seven-a (7a) “Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Budget”; second by Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.


Commissioner Cason made a motion to add the following item to the consent agenda as item number seven-b (7b) “Renewal of General Liability Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Excess Coverage”, second by Commissioner Martin. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.


Commissioner Martin made a motion to add the following item to the consent agenda as item number seven-c (7c) “Cancellation of the July 3, 2013 Commission Meeting”; second by Commissioner Cason. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.


Mayor Thompson removed his item number four (4) under Discussion from agenda until a later date.



3. Variance Petition No. 13-02. From Brian Quanne, Agent, Petitioning for a Variance to Allow for

an Increase in Size of Wall Sign. Property Located at 2027 Stacy Street. (A. Glaeser)

Arne Glaeser, Planning and Development Director, gave a presentation on the above-referenced petition. He reported staff recommends in favor of granting petition with the stipulation that the condition be brought forward from the last wall sign variance approval that limits any free-standing sign to no more than 10 feet in height.

Mayor Thompson opened the floor to anyone wanting to speak in favor or opposition of the proposed petition.

The following people addressed the Commission:

1)  Janis Slade, resident Favor

Commissioner Cason made a motion to grant the above-referenced petition with stipulation recommend by Mr. Glaeser; second by Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.


4.  Agenda 21. (B. Thompson)

**The above-referenced item was removed from agenda. **


5.  Approval of June 5, 2013 Work Session and Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. (subject to any necessary changes.) (N. Atkinson)

Commissioner Cason made a motion to approve the above-referenced minutes; second by Commissioner Martin. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.

6.  Four Acres – Perry Building Property. (C. Harvey)

Commissioner Martin made a motion to begin process for RFP for the above-referenced property immediately; second by Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey. Motion passed by a vote of 3 to 1; with Commissioner Cason opposing.

Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey made a motion to have City Manager Weeks fast track the RFP for the above-referenced property; second by Commissioner Martin. Motion passed by a vote of 3 to 1; with Commissioner Cason opposing.

7.  Approval for Submission of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program FY2013. (M. Hardin)

Commissioner Martin made a motion approving the submission of the above-referenced grant; second by Commissioner Cason. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.

7a Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Budget. (W. Weeks)

Commissioner Martin made a motion to adopt the above-referenced budget as submitted; second

by Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.

7b Renewal of General Liability Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Excess Coverage. (B.


Fred McGinty, McGinty and Associates, gave an overview of options for Liability and Workers’

Compensation Coverage.

Commissioner Cason made a motion to approve the renewal of Georgia Municipal Association

for Property and Casualty and Midwest for Workers’ Compensation Insurance; second by Mayor

Pro-Tem Harvey. Motion passed by a vote of 3 to 1; with Mayor Thompson opposing.

7c Cancellation of the July 3, 2013 Commission Meeting.

Commissioner Cason made a motion to cancel the above-referenced meeting; second by

Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.


8.  Commission Board/Authority Appointment(s) (N. Atkinson)

a)  Downtown Development Authority – One (1) Appointment

Commissioner Martin made a motion to appoint Wendy Lutes to the above-referenced Authority; filling the unexpired term of James Vivenzio until June 1, 2014; second by Commissioner Cason. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.


9.  Ordinance 1031 – Correction of a Scrivener’s Error on Effective Date of Ordinance 1027.

City Attorney Williams reported the above-referenced ordinance had been advertised and was ready for the Commission consideration for adoption

Commissioner Cason made a motion to adopt the above-referenced ordinance; second by Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.

10.  Presentation of Draft Ordinance – Chapter 2, Article II, § 2-27- Procedure for Filling Vacancies.

City Attorney Williams reported revisions requested by the Commission at the June 5, 2013 meeting were made.

It was the consensus of the Commission to have the City Attorney make further revisions to ordinance in regards to the procedures for filling a temporary Commission vacancy and bring back before the Commission at the July 17th Commission meeting.


Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey made a motion to hold an executive session to discussion personnel; second by Commissioner Martin. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.

Following executive session Mayor Thompson announced no action was taken.

Commissioner Cason made a motion to adjourn; second by Commissioner Martin. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 4 to 0.


/s/ Bryan Thompson

Bryan Thompson, Mayor

Attest: /s/ Naomi Atkinson

Naomi Atkinson, City Clerk