CTCTM Officers

/ Past-President
Trena Wilkerson
/ Vice President – Elementary
Kimberly Berry
Robinson Elementary

Vice President – Middle School
Mark Montgomery
TennysonMiddle School
/ Vice President – High School
Kristen Arterbury
MidwayHigh School
/ Vice President – College/University
Debby Hewitt
McLennanCommunity College

Michelle Moravec
McLennanCommunity College
/ Treasurer
Amy Goodman
/ Newsletter Editor
Rachelle Meyer

Membership Chair
Susan Twamley
/ Community Relations Representative
Marc Curliss
Region X11 ESC
/ NCTM Representative
William Luke


One Bear Place #97328


Waco, TX76798-7328

Greetings to all CTCTM members!

It's hard to believe that we are starting another new school year. Good luck as you work "in the trenches" to bring math alive for your students. At the beginning of my first full year as president,I am humbled to look backon the accomplishments of the previous leaders of our organization. First, Dr. Mary-Margaret Shoaf providedthe leadership we needed to getCTCTM "up and running" and then Dr. Trena Wilkerson continued with the solid leadership that it took to finally reach our goal of becomingofficially affiliated with our national organization, NCTM, this past spring. Without the hard work that these two, among others, have provided we would not be where we are today. Let's remember to express out gratitude for their hard work when we see them next.

Now, as we look ahead, let's set new goals that we can work to accomplish in the coming years - expanding our membership,continuing to offer opportunities for professional development to Central Texas math teachers, finding new ways to link with NCTM, and most importantly "mining"the ranks of Central Texas teachers for future leaders in CTCTM. Let me also remind you of upcomingimportant dates to remember: our fall meeting on Tuesday, October 3 atMCC; our annual conference on Saturday, February 24 at Region XII, and further into the future, our co-hosting of the NCTM regional conference in Houston in thefall of 2007. Be thinking of other ways that we can serve the needs of math educators in Central Texas and beyond through the workof our organization.

See you soon,


President, CTCTM

☺October 3...... CTCTM Fall Meeting, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
McLennanCommunity College, HPE 101
Speakers, Refreshments, and Door Prizes!!!!

☺February 24...... The Seventh Annual Meeting of the CTCTM

8:00am – 12:30pm, RegionXIIServiceCenter

Mini-conference with Keynote Speaker, Cathy Seeley, and Grade Level Sessions

Morning Snacks

Other Events of Interest

NCTM Regional...... October 5-7, 2006,Phoenix, Arizona (

NCTM National...... March 21-24, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia (

CAMT...... June 28-30, 2007, Houston (

*Speaker proposals due by October 1, 2006

______Other News and Greetings______

Feedback from the CTCTM Spring 06 Conference:

What other topics should be addressed in future conference?

  • More technology TI
  • Hands on is great! Always need lessons that can be taken back and immediately used. Less theory, more practice
  • More technology/ math concepts
  • Keep algebra in the mix
  • Practical use of calculators in middle school, math-science technology integrated
  • Measurement- this TAKS objective is the hardest to get across to students state wide. Need practical useful ideas
  • Very varied and yet directly proportioned
  • More projects, more ways to address TEKS


  • I appreciate the collective efforts of all involved to bring together a mini-conference that promotes creative solutions/suggestions to enhance our abilities as educators.
  • Good job!
  • Very interesting conference
  • Excellent use of manipulatives and TI 83
  • Worthwhile workshops
  • Great conference
  • Glad I came
  • I found a flyer in my box at school about this conference. I’m glad I came
  • Great day! Learned a lot! Motivating
  • Thanks
  • Enjoyed myself- good topics offered
  • I really enjoyed the conference, I feel like I learned a lot and look forward to many years to come

Region 12 Certifies 12 New Master Math Teachers:

Region 12 is one of only 2 regions in the state that offer a Master Math Teacher Certification Program. (A hand full of Universities also offer the certification program but only as part of a Masters degree program). It is a 21 day summer course. This summer Region 12 had 18 teachers complete the course and take the exam. 17 out of 18 passed this extremely rigorous state exam. The 18 examinees represented over half of the total examinees in the state. In addition to the 94.4% passing rate (17/18) the Region 12’s participants met or out scored the state averages in almost every conceivable category or objective. Over its 3 year existence, the Region 12 MMT program has certified more than half of the Master Math Teachers in the state.

Marc Curliss

Community Relations Representative

VP Notes:

Experiencing Staff Development through an NCTM E-Workshop.
Last spring I attended my first NCTM E-Workshop. It was a wonderful experience - quality teacher training ON MY CAMPUS at a VERY REASONABLE price ($75). The E-workshops take place through the computer and phone line. The phone line is the speaker (through which the workshop participants can interact with the workshop leader), and the computer displays the workshop content. The workshops cover various topics that include: Implementing the Algebra Standard, Reasoning with Data and
Probability, Geometric Thinking, and Problem Solving. You can choose from the following three grade bands when scheduling your workshop: 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. The workshops last 1.5 hours on a preset date and time and also include a 1.5 hour follow up session, on a later date, so you can discuss how the activities worked in your classroom.
Four teachers from my school attended. We met in a classroom at the assigned time and projected the workshop on a big screen using a projection device. We were in the workshop with participants from all over the US. The workshop is very interactive. At the beginning of the workshop we were asked questions about our geographic location and workshop population. We were able to see the responses projected immediately in a graph on the screen!
The workshops worked so well that my campus has three more E-workshops scheduled for this school year. Check out the website below, and sign up for a quality staff development opportunity!

Kriten Arterbury

VP High School

Successful Mathematics Carnival Connects Classroom Learning to Real Life:

Last March, the Tennyson Middle School Mathematics Department teamed up with Baylor Pre-service teachers and member of the community to bring a unique experience to their students. Volunteers created carnival-style booths that incorporated some kind of game to show how students would be expected to use mathematics in particular careers. All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders participated in their own separate carnival, complete with prizes and lots of fun! The second annual career carnival is scheduled for March ’07. A short presentation will be available at the CTCTM fall conference.

Mark Montgomery

VP Middle School

Useful Website for Elementary:

Useful website for elementary….A+ Math

This site features worksheets, interactive flashcards, games, and homework help.

Kim Berry

VP Elementary School


CTCTM Receives NCTM Affiliation!

NCTM’s past president, Kathy Seeley (second from left) recognizes CTCTM as a new Affiliate of NCTM at the annual conference held in St. Louis. CTCTM members who were available at the conference to accept our affiliation partnership was (from left) Debby Hewitt, Trena Wilkerson, Colleen Eddy, and William Luke.

Many mathematics organizations across Canada and the United States have a mission similar to the mission of NCTM. NCTM's Mission: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a public voice of mathematics education, providing vision, leadership, and professional development to support teachers in ensuring mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students.

By the nature of its position, NCTM has a broader perspective and wider scope of activity than other affiliated organizations. In the same regard, these other organizations have a more specialized perspective to offer on the grassroots level. Whether the organization is local, state/provincial, regional, topic-specific, or national, each group has a unique role to play in improving mathematics education.

The purpose of the affiliation partnership is to enhance both NCTM's and its affiliated organizations' capacity to build effective relationships within their respective communities with teachers, leaders from schools, parents, legislators, businesses, media and others vital to the process of improving mathematics education. By working together in affiliation, we strengthen all our efforts.

Math Humor:

Rachelle Meyer

Newsletter Editor

Triangle Tessellations:

In the spirit of hands-on, discovery learning and the integration of multiple skills, below is an activity to use with your students during a unit on Geometry and measurement. The best thing about this activity is the ability to adapt it to many levels by simply changing your vocabulary. With 7th or 8th graders, use words like “flip” and “slide.” For high school Geometry, use “rotate about the midpoint” and “translate.”

Below are the steps for the activity. Try following them as you read, then see what discoveries you can make for yourself. The only supplies you need are an index card, paper, scissors, and markers. You may find ones I never thought of!

1)Construct a scalene, acute triangle (not too big). Discuss ways to prove your triangle is both scalene and acute (Geometry students should be considering theorems and definitions).

2)Number each of the angles. Note: The angles can also be colored different colors for a stronger visual reference.

3)Starting at one corner of your paper, trace your triangle and number the angles, so you have an exact copy of the triangle you constructed.

4)Slide your triangle down the paper until vertex 3 and vertex 1 are touching. Trace. Continue this until you are out of room. NOTE: You do not want to make any partial triangles.

5)Return your triangle to the first one you traced. Rotate your triangle 180 degrees about the midpoint of side 2-3. Your triangle should fit in the space made by the first two triangles traced. Trace and number, then slide your triangle just like in step 4.

6)Return to the first triangle you made in step 5. Rotate 180 degrees about the midpoint of side 1-3. Trace, translate, etc.

Continue the above steps until you have a triangle on your paper similar to the one below (depending on the size of your original triangle, you might have more triangles traced).

Now, what sorts of relationships can you demonstrate with your tessellation? The fact that the sum of the angles of a triangle equal 180 degrees should be an obvious one. Some of the others that were found were:

  • The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the nonadjacent interior angles.
  • Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent
  • Corresponding angles, alternate interior angles of parallel lines are congruent.
  • The new triangle is similar to the original (see the congruent angles). In the case of the picture, the scale factor is 3. Check the perimeter and area to see if it works!

Contributed by Susan Cooper-Twamley, Membership Chair, CTCTM

Adapted from a TEXTEAMS activity, UT Dana Center

Special Thanks to Shannon Trimble, Baylor doctoral student, for creation of the graphic.

Central Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CTCTM)Professional Mathematics Organization Scholarship

This scholarship will award a one-year membership to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), a one-year membership to the Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (TCTM), and a one-year membership to the Central Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CTCTM).

Deadline: 1 December 2006Notification of award: By January 31, 2007

Eligibility: Any student attendinga Texas college or university and who plans on student teaching during 2007 in order to pursue teacher certification with a specialization or teaching field in mathematics or any teacher who has taught for fewer than two years and who is not a member of TCTM or NCTM. The applicant must either have permanent residence in one of the counties served by Region 12 in Central Texas or attend a college/university located in counties served by Region 12 in Central Texas.

Applicant Information-All information must be complete for consideration.

Name: ______

Last First Middle

Address: ______

Number & Street


City State Zip Code

Contact: ( ) ______( ) ______

Home Phone Work Phone Email Address

College/Campus Information

College/Campus Name______Graduation Year ______

Teaching Certification: ______Years Taught: ______

Campus/School District: ______

You must submit the following electronically by 1 December 2006 to , President of CTCTM:

  1. Completed application.
  2. An essay of 500-1500 words that describes how membership in a professional mathematics organization will help you as a teacher of mathematics.

Questions may also be sent to the same e-mail address. Information concerning this scholarship can also be found at An appointed CTCTM committee will review applications. Recipient’s name will be submitted to the CTCTM Executive Board who will then notify the recipient and post name to CTCTM website.

Don’t Forget:

If you missed the 2006 Spring conference, be sure to update your membership dues.

Other Info: Visit the BaylorUniversitySchool of Education

Math Education Lab’s website for more info, including directions

to the October meeting. The address is

CTCTM 2006 Membership Application

All information provided is confidential and not available to outside sources

without express written permission of CTCTM Executive Council.


Mailing Address______City/State______

Zip Code______Home Phone (______)______

Email Address______


Grade Level______School Phone (______) ______

Annual Dues: $10.00______Full Time Student: $5.00______

NCTM Member? Yes NoIf Yes, NCTM Member Number______

Last Update 9/7/05

Make Check Payable to CTCTM

Mail to: Susan Twamley, BaylorUniversity, One Bear Place #97314, Waco, TX76798-7314

CTCTM Spring Mini-conference, February 24, 2007

Speaker Proposal Form

If you are interested in submitting a proposal please provide the following information:

I. Presenter Information II. Presentation Information

Name ______Title of Session ______

Home Address ______Grade Level(s) (Please check all that apply.)

City/State ______PK-2 ___ 3-5 ___ 6-8 ___ 9-12 ___College ___

Zip ______Phone ______

School Name ______Description (Limit 25 words - may be done on

Email: ______separate sheet and attached)

Please give the same information for

additional speakers on a separate sheet.

Mail to: Rachelle Meyer


One Bear Place #97328

Waco, TX76798

Phone: 254-710-6069

Would you be willing to make this presentation twice if needed?YesNo


Be sure to share with your colleagues!