Oleksandr V. Dobrovolskiy1,2

1Kharkov NationalUniversity, Physical Department, 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine

2Physikalisches Institut, Goethe-Universität, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Influence of the ac current on the longitudinal and transverse (with respect tothe dc current direction) even and odd (with respect to the magnetic field reversal) –dependent nonlinear anisotropic magnetoresistivities of a type-II superconductoris considered. The current and frequency dependence of the number and positionof the Shapiro-like steps on the current-voltage characteristic is calculated and analyzedfor the transverse geometry at low temperatures. A simple physical picture of thevortex motion in a washboard periodic pinning potential,tilted due to the presence of the dimensionless dc driving force,is elucidated.


It is well known that the mixed-state resistive properties of type-II superconductorsare determined by the dynamics of vortices which again are strongly influencedby distribution of pinning sites [1]. In the simplest case this distribution is assumedto be periodic in one dimension, and temperature-dependent dc current uniaxialpinning anisotropy, provoked by such washboard planar pinning potential (PPP)recently has been extensively studied both theoretically [2-4] and experimentally[5-9].

As the pinning force in a PPP is directed perpendicular to the washboard channelsof the PPP [1], the vortices generally tend to move along these channels. Such aguided motion of vortices in the presence of the Hall effect produces anisotropictransport behaviour for which even (+) and odd (–) with respect to the magnetic field reversal, longitudinal () and transverse () dc nonlinear magnetoresistivitiesdepend substantially on the angle αbetween the dc current density vector jand the direction of the PPP channels ("guiding direction").

The dc-current nonlinear guiding problem was exactly solved recently for thewashboard PPP within the framework of the two-dimensional (2D) single-vortexstochastic model of anisotropic pinning based on the Fokker-Planck equation andrather simple formulas were derived for the dc magnetoresistivities [2,3]. Thereupon the (dc+ac)-current nonlinear guiding problem was exactly solved in the framesof the Langevin equation [10] in terms of a matrix continued fraction [11] withoutthe recourse to the Fokker-Planck approach.

As a result, two groups of new findings were obtained in Ref. [10]. First, for thepreviously solved in Refs. [2, 3] 2D dc–problem the influence of an ac current onthe anisotropic dc-response was calculated and analyzed. Second, for the accurrent at a frequencyplus dc bias the 2D nonlinear time-dependent stationaryac-response on the frequency in terms of nonlinear impedance tensor anda nonlinear ac response at -harmonics were studied.

In the present paper we discuss the influence of the ac current on the overall shapeand appearance of the Shapiro-like steps on the dc current-voltage characteristics (CVC)pointed out in Ref. [10] and propose a simple physical picture of the vortex motion in a washboard periodic pinning potential, tilted due to the presence of the dimensionless dc driving force.


The Langevin equation for a vortex moving with velocity v in a magnetic fieldB=nB (B ≡ |B|,n = nz, z is the unit vector in the z-direction and n = ±1) hasthe form

ηv + nαHvxz = FL+ Fp+ Fth, (1)

where FL= n(Ф0./c) jxz is the Lorentz force, Ф0 is the magnetic flux quantum, cis the speed of light, j = j(t) = jdc+ jaccos ωt, where jdcand jacare the dc andac current density amplitudes and ωis the angular frequency, Fthis the thermal fluctuation force represented by a Gaussian white noise with zero mean [2,3], ηis thevortex viscosity, αHis the Hall constant, Fp= -Up(x) is the anisotropic pinningforce and we assume, as usual [2,10] an a-periodic pinning potential of the formUp(x) = (Up/2)(1-coskx) where k = 2π/a.

The main quantity of physical interest in our problem is the average electric field,induced by the moving vortex system, which is given by


where x and y are the unit vectors in the x and y directions, respectively. As follows from Eq. (1) where , and so for determinationoffrom Eq. (2) it is sufficient to calculate the from Eq. (1).This calculationgives



Looking for only the stationary ac response, which is independent of the initialcondition, one may seek all the in the form [11]


On substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (3) we obtain recurrence equations for the(jac,jdc,Ω,g)-dependent Fourier amplitudes , where g = (Up/2T),T is the temperature in energy units,is the dimensionless frequency and

is the relaxation time. From the solution of these recurrence equations in terms ofmatrix continued fraction, as detailed in Refs. [10, 11], we can find the dimensionless average pinning force which is the main anisotropic nonlinear, due to α-dependence on the ac and dc current input, component of our theory


where and for we have . From Eq. (5) wecan decompose average pinning force into three components


In Eq. (6) is the time independent (but frequencydependent) static average pinning force; is thetime-dependent dynamic average pinning force with a frequency ωof the ac current input; describes a contribution of theharmonics with k > 1 into the dynamic average pinning force.

In order to derive the ω-dependent nonlinear dc resistivity and conductivity ten-sors we first express (see Eq. (2)) the time independent part of and as


Here ρf≡BФ0/ηc2 is the flux-flow resistivity,where at jac= 0 can be considered as the probability of vortex hopping over thepinning potential barrier under the influence of the dimensionless generalized moving

force in the x direction [3].

From Eqs. (7) we find the magnetoresistivity tensor for the dc nonlinear law



Thedc conductivity tensor , which is the inverse tensor to , has the form


We see from Eqs. (8) and (9) that the off-diagonal components of the andtensors satisfy the Onsager relation (ρxy= – ρyxin the general nonlinear case andσxy=– σyx).

The experimentally observable longitudinal and transverse (with respect to the j

direction) dc magnetoresistivities and (where jdis the dccurrent density have the form


where in order to separate the even and odd components of we should usewhich are the even and odd components (relative to the magnetic field inversion) of the function (compare with Eqs.(13)-(14) in Ref.[4]).


Below we present a graphical analysis of Ω-dependent dc nonlinear response calculated in the transverse (α= 0) T-geometry (the current density vector is parallel to the pinning channels, see details in Ref. [3]) at low temperatures (g > 10).However, it is instructive to consider first a simple physical picture, shown in Fig. 1, of the vortex motion in awashboard planar pinning potential (PPP),tilted due a presence of the dimensionless dc driving force0 ξd∞,under the influence of theeffective dimensionless driving force . Hear and furtherξd≡ jd/jcand ξa≡ ja/jcare the dimensionless dc and maximal ac current density magnitudes injcunits, respectively.

If the temperature is zero, the vortex is at rest with ξd= 0 at the bottom of thepotential well of the PPP. When the PPP is gradually lowered by increasing ξd, thenfor 0 ξd1 appears an asymmetry of the left-side and right-side potential barriersfor a given potential well, and in this range of ξdan effective force changes its signperiodically. With gradual ξd-increasing there will come a point where ξd= 1, andfor ξd1 the more lower right-side potential barrier disappears, the effective motiveforce becomes everywhere along x positive and the vortex is in the "running" state,

periodically changing its velocity with a dimensionless frequency . So the static CVC of this periodic motion at ξd1 is a result of time-averaging ofthe stationary time-dependent solution of the equation of motion dx/dτ= with .Eventually, the probability of the vortex overcoming the barriers of thePPP at zero temperature is


i. e. monotonically tends to unity with ξd-increasing.

If the temperature is nonzero, a diffusion-like mode appears in the vortex motion.At low temperatures () and 0 ξd1 the thermoactivated flux-flow

Fig. 1. Modification of the effective pinning potential U(x) ≡ Up(x) – Fx with gradual

increasing of the Lorentz force , where Up(x) – is a periodic pinning poten-tial. If the condition is satisfied, the initial potential well (with its depth U0 and width a) is tilted with a storing of the average vortex position. When F = Fp, the right-side potential barrier disappears. At last, when F > Fp, the vortex motion direction coincides with a direction of the moving force F.

(TAFF)regime of the vortex motion occurs by means of the vortex hopping between neighboring potential wells of the PPP. The intensity of these hops at low temperatures is proportional to the , i. e. strongly increases with T-increasingand ξd-increasing due to the lowering of the right-side potential barriers at theirtilting. On the other hand, at ξdjust above the unity (when the running mode is yet weak), the diffusion-like mode can strongly increase the average vortex velocity even at relatively low temperature due to a strong enhancement of the effectivediffusion coefficient of an overdamped Brownian particle in a tilted PPP near the critical tilt [12] at ξd= 1.

Now we consider the influence of a small () ac current density with afrequency ωon the CVC in the limit of very small temperatures (). In thiscase the physics of the dc response is quite different depending on the ξdvaluewith respect to the unity. If ξd1, the vortex mainly (excluding very rare hopsto the neighboring wells) localized at the bottom of the potential well where itexperiences small ω-oscillations. The averaging of the vortex motion over theperiod of oscillations in this case cannot change the CVC which existed in theabsence of the ac-drive.

If, however, ξd1, then the vortex is in running state with the internal frequencyof oscillations. If , the CVC is changed only in the second-order perturbation approach in terms of a small parameter (as it was shownfor the analogous resistively shunted Josephson junction problem [13]) because theCVC is not changed in the linear approximation in this case. However,

Fig. 2. The longitudinal CVC for Ω = 0.05(1), 0.1(2), 0.2(3), 0.3(4), 0.5(5) with ξa= 1and g = 50. Dotted lines correspond to the Ohm`s law= ξd. The curves 2 – 5 are shifted by 1 along the ξd-axis for clarity.

for appears a problem of a synchronization of the running vortex oscillations at theωi-frequency with the external driving frequency ω. As a result, the average over period of oscillations vortex velocity is locked in with the ωin some interval of the dccurrent density ξdeven within the frame of the first-order perturbation calculation(see

Fig. 2). The width of this first synchronization step (or the so-called "Shapirostep" in the resistively shunted Josephson junction problem) has been found in Ref.[14] and the calculation in the spirit of this reference gives the boundaries ofthe ξdwhere the step occurs as


Here ξdis the current density which gives , i. e. . Then the size of the first Shapiro-like step on the CVC is . In higher approximations (in terms of (ξa)n), where n runs through all of the integers) theShapiro-like steps on the CVC appear at the frequencies and . Thewidth of the n-th step at is proportional to (ξa)n, i. e. strongly decreaseswith n increasing [15].

In Fig. 3 we plot the longitudinal CVC for various ξashowing the “Shapiro”steps. The plot in Fig. 3 looks like the similar curves discussed earlier [16] for theCVC of the microwave driven resistively shunted Josephson junction model at T = 0where the overall shape of the CVC and different behaviour of the two types of theShapiro steps in adiabatic limit was explained. Our graph, in comparison with thecurves of Ref. [16], is smoothed due to the influence of a finite temperature. Thelongitudinal CVC -dependence demonstrate several main features. First,in the presence of the microwave current the dc critical current is a decreasing function of the ac driving. The physical reason for such behaviour lies in thereplacement of the dc critical current by the total dc + ac critical current. Second,

Fig. 3. The longitudinal CVC is calculated for ξa=0.01(1), 0.5(2), 1(3), 1.5(4), 2(5) with Ω = 0.2, and g = 50. Dotted lines correspond to the Ohm`s law . The curves 2 –5 are shifted by 1 along the ξd-axis for clarity.

with gradual ξa-increasing the zero-voltage step reduces to zero and all other stepsappear. Such steps are common because they do not oscillate and spread over adc-current range about twice the critical current . These steps are the steps ofthe first kind and they distort the CVC as like as relief bump with a concave shiftfrom the ohmic line. With further ξa-increasing this relief bump shifts toward higherξd-values. Below this range the steps of the second kind appear. These microwavecurrent-induced steps oscillate rapidly and stay closely along the ohmic line over adc-current range .

To summarize, we can determine three (ξd,ξa)-ranges where the CVC-behaviour

is qualitatively different. In particular, for large dc bias current densities ξa+1 ξdthe CVC asymptotically approaches the ohmic line without microwave induced steps.For an intermediate dc current range occurs as ξa – 1 ξdξa+ 1 CVC curvedeviates from the ohmic line as a concave bump with the stable steps. For lowerdc current range ξdξa– 1 the steps oscillate with microwave current along theohmic line. With gradual Ω-increasing the size of the steps increases whereas theirnumber decreases.


In the present work we have theoretically examined the influence of the ac currenton the anisotropic dc current-voltage characteristic of a type-II superconductor inthe mixed state. A simple physical picture of the vortex motion in a tilted washboardperiodic pinning potential has been proposed and elucidates a rich physics arised fromthe combination of a dc and ac driving, and the low temperature mediated vortexhopping(or running) in a washboard pinning potential. Experimental realization of this model in thin-film geometry [8, 9, 17] opens up the possibility for a variety ofexperimental studies of directed motion of vortices under (dc+ac) – driving simply bymeasuring longitudinal and transverse voltages. Experimental control of a frequencyand value of the driving forces, damping, Hall constant, pinning parameters and temperature can be effectively provided.


The work was supported in part by the DAAD fellowship grant No.A/08/96378. The authordeeply appreciatesthe useful discussions with Valerij A. Shklovskij and gratefully acknowledges Michael Huth for the financial support in the frames of the NanoBic research project.


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