In accordance with ‘Senate Continuing Order No. 10’, as varied by the Senate on 3 December 1998, relevant files created by the National Archives of Australia and the National Archives Advisory Council between 1 January and 30 June 2012 are detailed below.
The list does not include:
• Files transferred to the official custody of the National Archives
• Case related files
• Files essentially related to the internal administration of the agency
• Cabinet related material
• Files that are particularly sensitive having regard to the overall national interest.
Files created in the National Archives electronic and paper recordkeeping
2012/573 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS COPYING - External correspondence2012/1139 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS COPYING - Max Dupain related material - exhibition
2012/188 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS COPYING - Norfolk Island - Government House - obtaining digital copies of records held by NAA
2012/2497 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS COPYING - Requests regarding the release of information – 2012–13
2012/54 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Air Transport Safety Bureau - ATSB - 2012
2012/46 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Attorney General's Department - 2012
2012/56 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with AUSTRAC - 2012
2012/45 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Australian Federal Police - AFP - 2012
2012/47 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Australian Government Information Management Office - AGIMO - 2012
2012/48 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Australian Security Intelligence Organisation - ASIO - 2012
2012/55 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Australian War Memorial - AWM - 2012
2012/58 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific Industrial & Research Organisation - 2012
2012/59 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Department of Defence - 2012
2012/60 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - DEEWR - 2012
2012/61 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade - DFAT - 2012
2012/62 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Department of Immigration & Citizenship - DIAC - 2012
2012/63 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Department of Veterans' Affairs - DVA - 2012
2012/66 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with IP Australia - 2012
2012/70 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with Office of Privacy Commissioner - PC - 2012
2012/106 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the Australian Crime Commission - 2011
2012/107 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the Australian Crime Commission - 2012
2012/2197 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the Australian Taxation Office - 2012
2012/69 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet - PM&C - 2012
2012/64 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the High Court - 2012
2012/65 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the House of Representatives - HofR - 2012
2012/67 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the National Library of Australia - NLA - 2012
2012/68 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the Office of National Assessments - ONA - 2012
2012/71 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Contact with the Senate - 2012
2012/98 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ACCESS EXAMINATION - Section 33 - Records for RG Neale lecture 2012
2012/1858 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ADVICE - consultation and response - draft records authority for core business activities of Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
2012/53 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ADVICE - Contact with Australian National University - ANU - 2012
2012/108 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ADVICE - Copyright - Responses to Copyright requests by the public & Agencies for use of material held by the National Archives 2012
2012/1692 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - ADVICE - Reference and Information Services contact with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
2012/203 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - AGREEMENTS - *** *** - Access to records 2012
2012/44 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - AGREEMENTS - Arrangements under Section 35 of the Archives Act - Australian Bureau of Statistics - 2012
2012/52 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - AGREEMENTS - Contact with Australian Institute of Family Studies - AIFS - 2012
2012/883 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - AUTHORISATION - Access to Records of the House Select Committee on Aircraft Noise
2012/348 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - COMPLIANCE - RCIS - transfer of 8 files into Archives' custody
2012/73 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - COMPLIANCE - Risk & Compliance General issues - Ministerial & Enquiries from Minister's Office - 2012
2012/78 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - CUSTOMER SERVICE - Agency Relations Section - responses to inquiries forwarded from the Agency Service Centre - 2012
2012/49 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - LIAISON - General correspondence between Section 33 and the Australian Government Solicitor - AGS - 2012
2012/547 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - LIAISON - Reference and Information Services contact with ASIO - 2012
2012/72 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - MEETINGS - Section 33 - Attendance at Freedom of Information - FOI - Act Practitioners Forums - 2012
2012/2401 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - PLANNING - Development of plan for linkages with Commonwealth agencies on Indigenous issues, 2012
2012/1822 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - POLICY - ACT record keeping legislation
2012/1360 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - POLICY - Special access - policy and procedures
2012/1007 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Identification of Data sets for public release
2012/553 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Outsource copying D3597 album of identification photographs WW1 (alternative to P1 album)
2012/1805 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - REFERENCE ENQUIRIES - Committee for Australia China Relations (CACR) - records
2012/33 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - REFERENCE ENQUIRIES - Inquiries for arrival details to Centrelink Proof of Identity Unit in 2012
2012/192 / ACCESS MANAGEMENT - REFERENCE ENQUIRIES - Provision of free copies to Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN) 2012
2012/568 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - ADVICE - National Transfer Service - Ad Hoc Queries 2012
2012/947 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - ESTRAY RECOVERY - Department of Veteran Affairs New South Wales
2012/732 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 1835 Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jan - Jun 2012
2012/618 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2069 Australia Post - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/711 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Apr 2012
2012/715 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Aug 2012
2012/719 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Dec 2012
2012/708 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Feb 2012
2012/707 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Jan 2012
2012/714 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Jul 2012
2012/713 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Jun 2012
2012/710 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Mar 2012
2012/712 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - May 2012
2012/718 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Nov 2012
2012/717 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Oct 2012
2012/716 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 2367 Department of Veterans Affairs - Melbourne Lending requests - Sep 2012
2012/723 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Apr 2012
2012/727 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Aug 2012
2012/731 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Dec 2012
2012/721 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Feb 2012
2012/720 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Jan 2012
2012/726 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Jul 2012
2012/725 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Jun 2012
2012/722 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Mar 2012
2012/724 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - May 2012
2012/730 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Nov 2012
2012/729 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Oct 2012
2012/728 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 ABC Corporate - Melbourne Lending requests - Sep 2012
2012/739 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4125 Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Sales and Archives
2012/624 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 4233 (CA 9144) Australian Crime Commission - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/622 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 46 - Dept. of Defence - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/619 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 6045 Director of Public Procurement, Australian Army - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/621 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7325 - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/614 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7409 Federal Court of Australia, Victorian District Registry - Melbourne Lending Jobs - 2012
2012/617 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7416 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Vic State office - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/632 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Apr 2012
2012/636 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Aug 2012
2012/640 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Dec 2012
2012/628 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Feb 2012
2012/627 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jan 2012
2012/635 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jul 2012
2012/634 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jun 2012
2012/629 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Mar 2012
2012/633 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - May 2012
2012/639 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Nov 2012
2012/638 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Oct 2012
2012/637 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 7605 Geoscience Australia (UPGS) - Melbourne Lending Requests - Sep 2012
2012/613 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 8149 Civil Aviation Safety Authority - Melbourne Lending Requests 2012
2012/623 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 8408 CSIRO - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/615 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 8879 Department of Health and Ageing - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/616 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9194 Department of Finance and Deregulation - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/625 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9207 FaHCSIA - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/698 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Apr 2012
2012/702 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Aug 2012
2012/706 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Dec 2012
2012/696 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Feb 2012
2012/695 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jan 2012
2012/701 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jul 2012
2012/700 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jun 2012
2012/697 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Mar 2012
2012/699 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - May 2012
2012/705 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Nov 2012
2012/704 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Oct 2012
2012/703 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9209 Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Melbourne Lending Requests - Sep 2012
2012/620 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9269 Australian Customs and Border protection - Melbourne Lending Requests - 2012
2012/660 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Apr 2012
2012/690 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Aug 2012
2012/694 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Dec 2012
2012/658 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Feb 2012
2012/657 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jan 2012
2012/689 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jul 2012
2012/688 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Jun 2012
2012/659 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Mar 2012
2012/687 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - May 2012
2012/693 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Nov 2012
2012/692 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Oct 2012
2012/691 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 9294 Fair Work Australia - Melbourne Lending Requests - Sep 2012
2012/733 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - CA 1835 Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology - Melb Lending Requests - Jul - Dec 2012
2012/626 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne - Unique Agency Lending requests / One offs - 2012
2012/644 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Apr 2012
2012/650 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Aug 2012
2012/655 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Dec 2012
2012/642 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Feb 2012
2012/641 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Jan 2012
2012/649 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Jul 2012
2012/646 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Jun 2012
2012/643 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Mar 2012
2012/645 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - May 2012
2012/653 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Nov 2012
2012/652 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Oct 2012
2012/651 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Melbourne Staff (RR, A&C, A&D, Digitising) Lending Requests - Sep 2012
2012/1327 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - National Museum Australia - loan of items from Archives
2012/734 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - LENDING SERVICES - Sydney Agency requests - Feb ongoing
2012/559 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - POLICY - Discussion paper - issuing valuable items to researchers
2012/1485 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - PROJECT MANAGEMENT - CA 1835 Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, Head Office - Indexing of agency records held by NAA Victoria
2012/2 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - - CA 641 - Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) – 2012
2012/12 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - - Offers of records from members of the public 2012
2012/536 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Acceptance of the custody of records of the Papua New Guinea Government for preservation and public access - Registers of the Civil and Military Loyalty awards to Papua New Guinea citizens made before independence received from High Commissioner
2012/915 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access - Clearance Arrangements - Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - Transfer of records to Archives custody for public reference use
2012/755 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access - Clearance Arrangements - Office of National Assessments - Transfer of records to Archives custody for public reference use
2012/1690 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access - Clearance Arrangements - Snowy Hydro Limited - Transfer of records to Archival custody for public reference use
2012/1364 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Attorney General's Department - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use.
2012/1090 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Australian Council for the Arts - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use.
2012/1324 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Australian Federal Police (AFP) - Transfer of records to Archival custody for public reference use
2012/2159 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Australian Government Solicitors - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use.
2012/2371 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Australian Public Service Commission - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use
2012/115 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use
2012/942 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE) - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use.
2012/607 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access clearance arrangements - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) - Transfer of records to Archival custody for Public reference use
2012/1089 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access clearance arrangements - Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet - Transfer of records to Archives custody for Public reference use.
2012/2211 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Department of Treasury - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use.
2012/1297 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Department of Veterans' Affairs - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use.
2012/753 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Access Clearance Arrangements - Therapeutic Goods Administration ( TGA ) - Transfer of records to Archives for public reference use
2012/1063 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Advice - High Court of Australia - 2012
2012/26 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Advice - National Gallery of Australia - 2012
2012/1586 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) CA 4125 - ABC Melbourne - Request for Approval and Transfer of Paper Records, 2012
2012/1582 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) CA 6878 - Request for Approval and Transfer of Paper Records, 2012
2012/1584 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) CA 6879 - ABC Radio - Request for Approval and Transfer of Paper Records, 2012
2012/1585 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) CA 6880 - ABC Television - Request for Approval and Transfer of Paper Records, 2012
2012/1182 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Australian Electoral Commission Melbourne Office - Electoral Rolls
2012/23 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Australian Federal Police – 2012
2012/522 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - Australian Federal Police (AFP) - Transfer of records to Archival custody for public reference use
2012/383 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 1 - Governor-General (GG) - 2012
2012/27 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 1776 - Australian Bureau of Statistics - Transfer of 2011 Census
2012/16 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 2- Federal Executive Council- 2012
2012/2048 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 2039 Australia Council, 2012
2012/28 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 2107 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, Central Office - Bond of Sacrifice photographic collection - 2012
2012/228 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 2965 - Office of Parliamentary Counsel (OPC) Correspondence and Electronic Load Module (ELM) documentation - 2012
2012/787 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 3238 - The Commonwealth Ombudsman - 2012
2012/3 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 3854 - Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) – 2012
2012/312 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 4482 - Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - 2012
2012/1654 / CUSTODY & STORAGE - RECORDS TRANSFER - CA 4485 - Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)