Check-list for CEDR venuesPage 1 / 5

Checklist for CEDR’s GB and EB Conferences


1: Conference hotel:

Hotel rooms for approximately 45 persons shall be reserved in one hotel(and not in several hotels) where the meetings will be held. If possible, the price should not be more than 200€ for a double room.

Delegates and observers30-35 persons

Accompanying persons3-8

(Interpreters – if needed)2

Local staff2

Where possible, hosts are encouraged to select hotels that have a character reflecting the local culture. Typically, GB meetings should be held in 5-star hotels and EB meetings at least in 4-star.

2: Conference Rooms

2.1Meeting Room for the Management Committee (MC) or Action Plan Committee (APC) meetings held the afternoon before the main plenary meeting of the GB or EB respectively

Normally held from 14:00- 18:00 on the day before, thismeeting room should be big enough to accommodate 12 to 14 participants and must have a beamer and screen.

Coffee, tea and water should be laid on in the meeting room for the participants to help themselves when they want.(with re-fills during the meeting)

Light lunch on arrival in meeting from 13:00 is welcomed

2.2Conference Room for the EB and GB plenary meetings

The ConferenceMeeting Room for delegates and interpreters shall be ca 20*10m= 200 m2 in size, with a minimum of 180 m2.

For GB meetings, the preferred room style shall be in square (or rectangle or circle) with display screens placed below table height in the middle.There shall be additional tables for at least 6-8 guests[1], assistants or speakers preferably on the side or in the back

Display screens

Preferred layout

Alternatively, the traditional room set-up is U-SHAPE, 3-4 persons in front(president, deputy president, sec general, assistant to the president), 12head of delegation on each side, 1 m space per delegate on the table, table depth 1m, the screen facing the head of table. Table skirts shall be used.


Internet access should be provided in the conference room with a wireless (WI-Fi) access, if possible. Connection time should be purchased in the hotel.

In case of workshop or invited guests, more additional tables may be needed.

3:Correspondence timetable:

About three months before the meeting the presidency signs an invitation letter to the CEDR delegates briefly outlining the programme, the hotel, the cost of room and by what date the bookings should be made. These documents are put on CEDR’s web site by the Secretary General. The host must provide details of the hotel arrangements for the invitation.

Secretariat will maintain a spreadsheet of participants on the CEDR website.

A follow up letter is sent at the latest two weeks before the event, outlining in detail the Conference Programme and the agenda providing the delegates with the necessary documents for the Conference. These are uploaded to the website in pdf


Secretariat will provide the host with a seating plan.

The meeting agenda shall be provided by CEDR’s presidency. Times for Tea / Coffees / Lunch and close of meeting must be included. A speakers list is also provided by the Secretariat.

The host is responsible for organising the country introduction presentation at the beginning of the meeting.Normally this will be the Minister for GB meetings and GB member for EB meetings.

The Secretariat will upload presentations to the website 3 days after the meeting. Normally the draft minutes will be distributed 2 weeks later.

The Secretariat is responsible for posting news on the website.

The Secretariat will also organise an on-line meeting evaluation questionnaire.

4: Arrangements(to be organised by host country)

Welcome buffet the evening before the main plenary meeting. Normally located in the conference hotel.

Lunches should be arranged in the same building and normally immediately adjacent to the meeting room.

A social event for evening of the main plenary meeting shall be arranged by the host.

Technical visit and transport to and from technical visit. The technical visit should normally start at 8h30 and include a more casual lunch as well as a mid-morning coffee break.

In cooperation with the Secretariat, it is encouraged to complement the technical visit with a technical workshop on a topical issue. Typically, this might be from 8:30-10:30.

There should be a stop-off at the airport at 15h00 so that those catching a late afternoon flight may be dropped off. The bus should then return to the hotel for those staying on. A separate car may be laid on at around midday to take any other delegate to the airport for an earlier flight.

This question must be asked (if there are any delegates leaving on an early flight straight after the technical visit) during the presentation of the technical visit during the welcome buffet.

If necessary, arrange safety gear, footwear, hard hats and a megaphone can be very useful during site visits.

A special programme for accompanying persons attending the Conference has to be designed. Good and bad weather alternatives are often welcome.There are generally 3-8 accompanying persons to take care of.

It is neither advisable nor appropriate to arrange transport to and from the Airport on the day of arrival.

Gifts by the NRA for delegates as a reminder of their trip are not necessary.

A group photograph should be arranged during the meeting.

5:Equipment for the meetings

There must be;

One table microphone per two delegates.

One microphone each for the Chair, Secretary-General and assistants.

The meeting shall be recorded from the original channel onto a USB stick or equivalent.

Podium desk next to the screen (if needed) with CEDR logo.

Tie microphone for the speakers.

Paper and pen for each delegate.

Scanners and Projector (Beamer) for presentations, connected for laptop at Sec-Gen. Remote control for PowerPoint presentations.

Large screen (ca. 5 x 3 m)

Power extension leads

Adaptors for power leads

Name plates are supplied by Sec Gen

Flags are supplied by Sec Gen.

Printing and photo copying facilities shall be provided

Banner for chair table with meeting details supplied by Sec-Gen CEDR

CEDR signs outside meeting rooms

6: Interpretation (if needed)

The interpreters are organised and paid by CEDR. The equipment for the interpreters must be rented locally and must include separate booths for each language to be translated into. Headphones must be available for all participants.

7: Financial arrangements

The host country is responsible for costs of meeting rooms and equipment (see 5). In accordance with the decision taken by the GB in London on October 6th, 2005, the host country shall pay for the official dinner on the evening of the meeting and CEDR may contribute to other costs if so desired by the host country.According to the 2016 Budget agreed by the GB, the budget limit for CEDR’s costs is fixed at 5,000 euro per meeting. CEDR is not responsible for any costs above this amount.

The invoice is to be sent to CEDR for direct payment. The full CEDR address and VAT number as well as host’s IBAN, BIC and full bank address must be mentioned on the voice.

CEDR invoice details:

CEDR aisbl

Ave d’Auderghem 22-28

1040 Brussels

VAT BE 0664 878 382

P.S.: Your comments or suggestions to improve this checklist are most welcome by the Sec Gen. You will thus help to ease the work of all those who have to organise a subsequent CEDR meeting.

Belgium office: Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28, 1040 Brussels Tel: +32(2) 771 24 78

Email : Internet :

[1] More observers may be provided for at some meetings