Facilities Use/Rental Procedures
(Does not apply to athletic game fields)
If anyone (including board employees) approaches the school with a request to use school facilities for non-instructional or non-school related purposes:
1. Check your calendar to make sure that your facility is available and pencil the activity in on the date and time requested. Refer to Board policy 05.3, Community Use of School Facilities, for more guidance. We have a constitutional obligation to provide equitable access to the community but some things might reach a “high risk” level which would then require board approval rather than simply procedural completion. Should the request be questionable you may secure the forms from the Web, have the requestor fill out all the information, include a cover note stating what type of activity is requested and facility. Include on the form if custodial coverage has been obtained for time and date, also café or kitchen directors approval if required for time and date of the event. Check against facility calendar and fax to drop by the request to Stan Logdon 885-4204 or scan and e-mail to . If you think the request falls into a high risk category per policy 05.3, call Stan. 885-4179 ext. 153.
2. Direct the requestor to get the application for use from the district website / print out copies for them at your facility / or they may stop by CO to pick up a hardcopy. Please don’t engage in any discussions about lowering rental costs. These are set by the board and only the board may change the fee schedule.
3. Before the event can be finalized, the renting party must meet all terms of the use agreement including fees and proof of liability insurance. Once this has been returned to CO, you (the school) will receive notice that the renting party has completed all requirements and has permission to use the facility. (Remember the board meets the last Monday of each month, so for those needing board approval a good notice is 4 to 5 weeks ahead of time of the scheduled event.
VIP I: The school is not the approving agent on facilities use so be careful not to give permission for use. Simply provide the application for permit, fill out the tentative part by principal or designee, and let Stan do everything else.
VIP II: The applications are only good for one round of use. Each year that a request is made, the application process must be completed. This is in part due to our need to ensure that the renter has maintained current liability coverage.
VIPIII: School activities trump a non-instructional activity unless the application procedure has been totally completed. Refer to policy 05.3 for conditions that would allow for alteration or cancellation of outside contracts.
VIPIV: Any after school activity that exceeds custodial (caretaker) regular time Monday- Friday or Saturday / Sunday is beyond regular custodial (caretaker) hours. A form must be filled out detailing the event and hours beyond regular work hours for custodial (caretaker) for all events even if they are fund raisers. Use of the facilities must always have custodial (caretaker) coverage to insure proper care of the facility. Custodial (caretaker) coverage does not always mean custodial duties. This must be cleared through the Maintenance Director should this type of service be required during non scheduled hours. Requesting facility should pre-arrange custodial (caretaker) coverage prior to sending in request and so note on tentative form.
VIPV: Usage of a facility for more than one day, will also require an additional detail usage form [can be found on the web] to be filled out by the custodian (caretaker) and signed by the user and the custodian (caretaker) at the end of the days event, showing all details of that days events. This form is given to bookkeeper and then sent in to Kim Mattmiller on a daily bases.