§  Catering personnel should plan to arrive at the museum at the pre-arranged arrival time. Should there be any changes in arrival time, please call ahead as staff and security may not be able to accommodate last minute changes in security scheduling to oversee the museum and provide access for early arrivals.

§  The museum and Whitney Library closes at 5:00 p.m. If there is a set-up scheduled before 5:00 p.m., it is understood that the Museum is still open to the public, and all business associated with the rental party should be conducted in a manner respectful of those researching in the Library and visiting the collections.

§  The elevator must be kept accessible for museum use until 5:00 p.m. Caterers and other vendors may use the elevator with the understanding that both the door and gate of the elevator must be closed before the elevator will move. So there is no problem with visitors or staff using the elevator, please remember to close both doors so the elevator can operate. The elevator is also quite old and delicate, please operate it gently!

§  Catering personnel should make delivery arrangements with the Museum staff person in charge to determine what entrance will be used. After delivery, all trucks and cars should be moved to an appropriate parking location.

§  All rental equipment must be carefully stacked on the floor in an area approved by Museum staff. Rental equipment may not be leaned against any wall, column, staircase, display unit, or doorway in the Museum.

§  Catering personnel may use only the areas specifically designated by Museum staff.

§  Smoking is absolutely prohibited in ALL AREAS of the building and on ALL GROUNDS.

§  No exhibit, in whole or part, may be moved or removed, and museum objects including chairs, tables, paintings, are not to be touched under any circumstances.

§  No one is permitted in the front, main offices, the Museum Shop, all offices on the basement level, the Library or in any storage areas.

§  Food and drink is permitted and can be served in the following areas only: Clement Room, Rotunda, and Ballroom.

§  The Museum reserves the right to refuse a caterer and decline use of the building (even during the event) if security or maintenance standards are not met.

§ Caterers must remove everything they bring onto the premises, including trash, empty bottles, unused bags of ice, etc. All garbage must be bagged properly to ensure no leaking or water damage on the Museum floors or rugs. Use of the Museum’s dumpster is strictly forbidden.

§  All rental furniture and equipment must be stacked in the auditorium for pickup. Rental furniture can not be left in any public areas. Dishes, silverware, etc. to be retrieved the following day must be cleaned and set aside properly without blocking any entrances, exists or storage areas. Weekday pick-ups must be made the morning after the event no later than 10:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday pick-ups can arrive no earlier than 2:00 p.m. and no later than 5:00 p.m.

§  Rooms must be returned to order at the conclusion of the event. Serving areas and elevator must be left in the condition in which they were found. This includes mopping the floor, the sink, wiping off all countertops and vacuuming carpet, cleaning spills, etc.

§  Caterers must provide their own cleaning supplies (e.g. soap, paper towels, cleanser, trash bags, etc).

§  The user or renter will be billed for the cost of repairing any damage or replacing lost equipment attributed to the caterers.

§  A supervisor from the catering firm must remain on the premises throughout the event, including set-up and clean-up.

§  Entertainment must cease precisely at the contracted conclusion time of an event. Lights in the Ballroom/Auditorium will be shut off at precisely the contracted conclusion time. Please assist our security staff in encouraging guests to leave on time.

§  Caterers will provide a typed list of all staff who will be working at the time of the rental.

§  Catering staff and other client vendors may not consume alcohol or participate in the use of drugs on Museum premises.

We look forward to working with you!

Donna Wardle, Executive Assistant, New Haven Museum, 114 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06510, (203) 562-4183 X19