
PTA Board Meeting

January 12, 2016 – 6:00 pm

ASES Library

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at6:08 pm by Julie Simpson-Preston, President.


Sharon Mahoney, Julie Preston, Priyanka Patel, Beth Stefanko, Lisa Taylor, Katherine Gonzales, Evelyn Oakley

A quorum was not established.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes presented from 12/8/15. We dispersed with approval of the minutes due to lack of a quorum.

President’s Report

Julie Simpson-Preston– County Council meeting last night. Attendees gave feedback on desired qualifications for Superintendent. Survey on CCPS website. PTA day at General Assembly on 2/1/16.

Treasurer’s Report

Priyanka Patel – Winter Celebration almost doubled the expected profit. Received Box Tops check for approximately $1300. Cut off for teachers to turn in classroom gift reimbursements is Feb. 1, 2016.

Committee Reports

  • Reflections – Lisa Taylor – ASES had 6.3 % of county entries; Reception for students whose work went to County Council will be at Tech Center Feb. 6 2-4 pm.; District Feb. 20; ASES Reception was well attended.
  • Movie Night – Sharon Mahoney – The next two movie nights are scheduled for 2/8 and 4/4. Dr. Stefanko suggested just having one movie night instead of two since we won’t be having any math nights this spring. We are looking at changing the date of 4/4 since it is the day that we get back from Spring break.
  • Sunshine – Kerry Foster not in attendance. Told Julie that cards are going out this week.
  • Spirit Wear – Jaime Smiley not in attendance. Told Julie that she will be sending out Winter Wear flyers for hoodies soon. Contest for Spring T-shirt design.
  • Membership – up to 379 members
  • Father/Daughter Dance – will be moved to March to avoid winter weather
  • Exceptional Students – Evelyn Oakley -we could do a class on “Destressing for the SOLs” in March
  • Rewards – Kristen Sidari not in attendance. We received $1300 check for Box Tops; Amazon Smile $15.51

Principal’s Report

Kagan training - sending 6 teachers/assistant principal: Mrs. Coburn, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Bidwell, Mrs. Sidari, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Russell. The school has spent all but $700 of technology money. Ms. Bell and Mrs. Anderson received Promethian boards. Mrs. Feliciano received one; Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hugenburg, Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. Batista, and Mrs. Kuzemchak still want one. We may be able to purchase 3 more by the end of the year.

Motion to adjourn by Katherine Gonzalez; seconded by EvelynOakley.

Meeting ADJOURNED at 6:47pm.

Submitted by:

Sharon Mahoney, Secretary

Minutes approved as presented:______

Minutes approved asamended:______

Date approved:______