Stilwell High School

Environmental Science Syllabus


Mrs. Lundberg

Room 509


School Phone: 918-696-7276

Plan: 4th Hour (11:35-12:25)

Course Description

Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary field that draws from all the sciences, as well as other fields, to help us better understand the relationship between humans and the world in which we live (Holt, 2006). Throughout this course we will cover information that correlates with the National Science Education Standards.

Class Rules

1.  Be on time every day. (3 tardies is an absence)

2.  Bring Notebook, Folder and Pencil every day.

3.  Don’t cause disruptions or distractions in class.

4.  Show respect to the teacher and all students at all times.

5.  No cell phones or other devices are to be used or seen without the teacher’s approval.

6.  All Handbook rules and policies apply.

Class Procedures

·  Participate in class discussions, take notes during lecture.

·  When the intercom is on, you are to be quiet and listen respectfully.

·  Work until the dismissal bell rings (Do not start packing up when we still have class time left).

·  When we have a visitor in the classroom, you are to remain working on your assignment and not cause disruptions (This is not talk to your neighbor time).

·  Pick up anything on the floor around your desk.

o  I do allow approved food and drink items, but that privilege can be revoked if you do not clean up after yourselves.

Cell Phones

·  Cell phones are to be kept in student’s backpacks or in the classroom charging station. They should not be used during class.

·  Parents:

o  I ask that you do not contact your student during class with the expectation that they will respond. If you need to reach them, you can call the main office and they will call them out of class.

o  Anytime a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated, regardless of the reason.

Attendance Policy

·  Handbook policies will be followed

o  3 tardies in an absence and notification to the vice principal.

o  2 tardies = 1 day of detention (or more depending on the situation)

o  If you do not have an excused admit, we are not required to allow you the opportunity to make up missed assignments.

o  10 absences results in receiving a grade of IA in the course.

Lab Fee Requirement

·  A lab fee of $10.00 is required for this course and must be paid by September 1st, 2017.

Grading Scale

100-90 = A

89-80 = B

79-70 = C

69-60 = D

Below 60 = F

Materials Required

·  Three Ring Binder

·  Notebook (or paper for binder) Folder (can use binder as well)

·  Pencil/Pen (I will not provide a writing utensil.)

·  Coloring Pencils

o  I have a classroom set, but you may prefer to have your own.

Class Assignment/Late Work Policies

·  Assignments are to be turned in on time with the student’s name clearly written at the top. Work turned in without a name will automatically receive one letter-grade deduction.

·  I will accept late work, but the highest score you will be able to receive is a 50%. However, I will not provide extra copies of assignments. It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with your work. The amount of time late work will be taken will vary based on assignment at the teacher’s discretion. No late work will be accepted once each new 9 weeks begins.

·  If you have an excused absence, work will be accepted for full credit in as many days as you were absent. After the time limit, the late work policy applies. Missed assignments can be found in the designated bin in the classroom, and will be labeled with the student’s name. Students are responsible for collecting their own assignments.

Rewards and Consequences


·  Bonus points will be offered throughout the year at the teacher’s discretion.

·  *Notice: Bonus points are not guaranteed, and should not be relied on.

Class Disruptions/ Breaking class rules:

  • 1st Offense: Warning
  • 2nd Offense: Detention
  • 3rd Offense: Principal Office

Cell Phones:

·  Any phones taken during class will be turned into the principal’s office.

Extra Help

·  I will be available for extra help as needed. Please work out a time in advance with the teacher.

Substitute Teachers

·  I expect each of you to show respect to substitute teachers. If a negative report is given on a student from the substitute teacher, the student will be subject to consequences.

Collaboration vs. Cheating

·  I don’t have a problem with collaboration. I believe that working together can be beneficial to the learning process. Note that I said working “together”. Copying answers from a friend’s paper would be considered cheating, and will result in you failing the assignment.

Class Goal

I am very excited to have each and every one of you in class. I truly believe in each and every one of you and hope that you come to class ready to expand your mind and develop a love of learning. My goal for this year is simply for you to learn to the best of your ability. My only request from you is that you try your hardest, and always ask for help when there is something you don’t understand. I hope that you achieve all of your goals as a student this year, as well as develop learning skills that you will use for the rest of your life!

Mrs. Lundberg

Tentative Schedule

Semester 1 -Fall Semester 2- Spring

August – Intro to Environmental Science January- Water, Air, & Land

September – Ecology February – Water, Air, & Land

October-Ecology March- Mineral and Energy Resources

November – Populations April – Mineral and Energy Resources

December- Populations May – Our Health and Our Future

*All parts of this syllabus are subject to change at the teacher’s discretion.

Environmental Science Syllabus Agreement

Please sign and date this form indicating that you understand and agree to everything stated in this syllabus.


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

*I encourage parents/guardians to contact me by email or phone with any concerns about your child’s progress in my class. Please provide your contact information so I can contact you about matters regarding your child if necessary.

Parent/Guardian contact information



Phone Number(s):