Goal 1: To Build a Consortium
Objective / Activities / OutcomesObjective 1: To provide a vehicle through which the COE can consolidate and systematized training opportunities for COE faculty. / COE and university program providers meet to examine needs assessment findings of current training opportunities and develop means for integrating these programs and new options to create a comprehensive and cohesive system for faculty retooling. / Development of a COE system-wide, retooling program for upgrading technology skills.
Objective 2: To provide opportunities for COE faculty to strengthened links with K-12 schools and focus efforts on identifying and building team efforts in preparing preservice teachers in technology-rich environments / COE and district members meet to discuss current practices and means for working together to provide joint training opportunities for preservice teachers. / Identification of technology-rich K-12 sites and expert master teachers willing to team with COE faculty on the revising and teaching of technologically-infused preservice courses.
Goal 2: To Conduct a Needs Assessment
Objective / Activities / OutcomesObjective 1: To identify COE faculty technology-related competencies / COE faculty complete surveys of their skills and meet in focus groups to discuss needs. Surveys will be based on CCTC technology competencies. / Identification of “expert” and “novice” faculty and identification of specific skills and competencies needed to be incorporated in training opportunities.
Objective 2: To evaluate existing faculty training opportunities and their ability to meet faculty needs / The Consortium meets to evaluate existing programs and to explore needs for the redesign and/or creation of new opportunities for training based on findings of faculty needs survey. / Possible consolidation of training options and development of new opportunities for faculty training. The final outcome is the development of an overall training program, with multiple options, that supports the development of faculty skills in a way that moves the COE forward.
Objective 3: To assess current levels of technology infusion across teacher preservice programs and courses / COE faculty teaching like courses (e.g., courses on literacy) meet to discuss how they have infused technology into their courses and possible ways they could introduce or strengthen this infusion. / Identification of course with strong technology focus and courses in need of infusion. Identification of faculty members who, with minimal support, can move forward and serve as expert faculty to model technology infusion and identification of faculty and related courses that are in need of retooling. Information of needs for retooling filter back and inform the development of training opportunities.
Objective 4: To evaluate hardware and software needs of COE labs and K-12 technology-rich sites. / Consortium members meet to discuss hardware and software needs. / Identification of needed equipment or the reconfiguring of equipment to create technology-rich learning environments for preserice candidates both within the COE and out in the field.
Goal 3: To upgrade COE faculty competence in technological skills for those faculty identified as “novice”.
Objective / Activities / OutcomesObjective 1: To assist individual faculty and faculty teams to establish goals for their technological training. / Consultants will meet with individual faculty and faculty teams to identify technology needs based on needs assessment and develop plans for training. / Faculty, either individually, or in teams, will develop goal statements related to their technology skill development.
Objective 2: To provide training to faculty members. / Through efforts of the Consortium, faculty will participate in training opportunities. / Faculty, either individually, or in teams, will receive training targeting their specified areas of needs.
Objective 3: To provide “novice” faculty opportunities to observe expert K-12 master teachers at work in their classrooms. / The Consortium will identify expert K-12 master teachers who are willing to have COE faculty observers and will arrange observation opportunities. / COE “novice” faculty will observe in the classrooms of K-12 expert master teachers.
Goal 4: To develop integration models with “expert” faculty and K-12 mentor teachers.
Objective / Activities / OutcomesObjective 1: To link “expert “faculty with K-12 expert mentor teachers. / Consortium members will analyze needs assessment findings to identify possible COE faculty members and K-12 expert master teachers teams. They will bring these individuals together to discuss opportunities for developing pilot integration courses. / Teams of COE and K-12 faculty will be formed.
Objective 2: To support these teams in infusing technology into an existing preservice course. / Consortium members will work with teams to provide them support needed to infuse technology into their exiting course and assist them as they strive to incorporate technology in ways that will support preservice teachers’ work in inclusive, highly diverse classrooms. / COE faculty and K-12 teams will produce preservice courses that effectively and meaningfully integrate technology.
Goal 5: To launch pilot tests of integration models.
Objective / Activities / OutcomesObjective 1: To support COE faculty and K-12 expert teams in their piloting of field-based, technology-rich courses. / Consortium members will support teams during implementation. / Team-taught preservice courses will be taught on-site.
Objective 2: To schedule opportunities for “novice” COE faculty to observe these courses as they are taught. / Consortium members will work with team members to arrange opportunities for “novice” faculty to observe pilot courses. / Novice faculty will observe the test courses in action.