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(Your Hospital’s Name) Joins Movement to Improve Patient Safety Using Near Miss Data
(Your City, Ark.) - (Your Hospital’s Name) is participating in a year-long, statewide campaign aimed at improving the recognition and reporting of potential risks in the hospital’s processes and systems. The Good Catch campaign, initiated and managed by American Data Network PSO, offers (Your Hospital’s Name) the opportunity to significantly increase near miss reporting, develop proactive data-driven improvement activities, and recognize those who are actively promoting a strong culture of safety.
A good catch, often referred to in hospitals as a near miss or close call, is an event that does not reach a patient because of chance or timely intervention. A good catch is a win for patients, staff and hospitals because corrective action is taken, and it presents the opportunity to prevent future risk.
“This initiative is grounded in efforts to promote and support patient safety activities including education to increase awareness, non-punitive reporting, and analysis of near miss data that holds valuable predictors of vulnerabilities that can lead to actual incidents," Phyllis Ragland, RN, CPHQ, CPPS, Clinical Patient Safety Advisor with ADN PSO, said. "The initiative incorporates a tiered awards program to spotlight individual clinicians and physicians who recognize and report near miss events as well as teams and organizations that design and implement innovative improvement strategies and processes proven to mitigate risk and harm."
ADN PSO has extended the invitation to participate to all Arkansas-based hospitals who have until December 31, 2016 to join the campaign. While growth within the movement continues, to date, over 23 Arkansas hospitals are participating in the campaign representing the majority of inpatient hospital beds in the state. In addition, the Good Catch campaign is endorsed by the Arkansas Association for Healthcare Quality, Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care, Arkansas Health Executives Forum, Arkansas Hospital Association, and Arkansas Organization of Nurse Executives. The campaign will officially launch on January 1, 2017 with final results and awards set to be presented in March 2018 in correlation with statewide Patient Safety Awareness Week activities.
To learn more about participation in ADN PSO’s Good Catch campaign, contact Phyllis Ragland by emailing or by calling 870.672.1788. Details are also available by visiting the campaign web page at
American Data Network PSO, established in 2009, is Arkansas’ first and only federally designated Patient Safety Organization authorized to work with hospitals to improve patient care through voluntary reporting of patient safety events and professional analysis of shared data.