AP U.S. History Chapter 5 GR The American Revolution

Name______Per. ______Date______

Possible FRQ’s:

To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Describe the problems Americans faced as they mobilized and implemented for the Revolutionary War. Explain how these problems were solved.

Analyze the wartime experiences and the effects of the Revolution upon two of the following groups: Women African Americans Native Americans

1. Describe the two schools of thought regarding how to address Britain’s treatment of the colonies. Provide specific details:______




2. How did Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense address the problem of the aim of the war and what was its impact on American opinion?______




3. Describe he philosophical roots of the Declaration of Independence and what effect did the Declaration have on the struggle?______




4. What changes did the colonies begin to make individually after the Declaration of Independence? ______




5. Describe the process of forming a government at the national level. List its powers. ______




6.- 8 How did the new government meet the following challenges immediately after declaring independence from great Britain?

Raising/Organizing Army / Supplies/Equipment / Financing the War

9. Describe the qualities that made George Washington the best choice as a military commander:




10. What were the initial setbacks in the war during 1776, and what was the significance of the Battles of Trenton and Princeton in this regard?______




Describe the following:

11. The American diplomatic goals at the start of the war

12. The problems they faced

13. The efforts made to overcome them

14. How did (a) thevictory at Saratoga affect American diplomatic efforts? (b.)How did England and France respond to this news? (c). What was the result?




15. Why did the British decide to launch a campaign against the southern colonies in 1778?




16-19. What advantages and disadvantages did each side have in this region?

GB Advantage / GB Disadvantage / US Advantage / US Disadvantage

20. Describe the provisions of the Treaty of Paris in 1783,the problems it created as well as the issues it failed to solve: ______



21. Define Loyalist.Which elements in America remained loyal to the king, and for what reasons?______



22. Explain the impact the American Revolution had on Native Americans:______




23. How did the Revolution affect the way American women thought about their status, and what changes resulted from this new awareness?______




24. What was it about the concept of a republican government that so appealed to Americans?





25. What impact did the Revolution have on slavery in the following regions?

New England / Middle States / The South

26. What effect did the American westward movement have on diplomatic relations with Great Britain and Spain?______




27-29 What were the sources of the Confederation's postwar economic problems, and how did the government attempt to solve them? What were the results?

Sources of Problems / Solution Attempts / Results

30. How did the actions of Daniel Shays and his followers relate to the economic problem of the Confederation period? What was the significance of the movement he led?______


